Include in your categorization whether or not this food is a “good” source of that macromolecule (i.e. does this include unsaturated vs. saturated fats? Is it a high source of protein? Overly processed?

What fuels you

When considering the hierarchy of biological organization, macromolecules are the last abiotic (i.e. non-living) “step” before the smallest functional living units cells. If organisms were not able to obtain these macromolecules, either through synthesis or ingestion, life could not exist. For this discussion you will be building on the foundation of the previous Module by defining what macromolecules are and using your knowledge of their molecular structure to explore how they “fuel” us via the process of cellular respiration.
Include in your categorization whether or not this food is a “good” source of that macromolecule (i.e. does this include unsaturated vs. saturated fats? Is it a high source of protein? Overly processed?