Analysis of assessment of Secondary English reading and writing in Qatar
What have you chosen to research?
Why did you choose to research this topic (your rationale)?
Discuss the main body of literature and theory that you are going to apply to your research. Remember to use UoEO Harvard referencing.
Discuss how you intend to choose your participants with reference to research methods theory.
Where is the research going to take place?
What approach are you intending to take in your research and why?
What research methods/procedures do you intend to use and why?
How do your methods/procedures address your research questions?
Do you foresee any problems/issues with your data collection?
How do you intend to seek informed consent from participants?
How do you intend to inform participants of their right to withdraw?
How do you intend to maintain confidentiality?
How do you intend to protect participants from harm?
Describe the arrangements for storing and maintaining the security of any personal data collected as part of the project.
Identify any specific ethical issues relating to this research, for example if your research involves vulnerable groups like young children, or pupils who have SEND (special educational needs/disability).
Are there any potential risks, for example physical, psychological, social, legal or economic, to participants or subjects associated with the proposed research?
Are there any potential risks to researchers as a consequence of undertaking this proposal?
Are there any potential reputational risks to the University of Essex Online as a consequence of undertaking this proposal?
Will the research involve individuals below the age of 18 or individuals of 18 years and over with a limited capacity to give informed consent?
Are there any other ethical issues that have not been addressed, which you would wish to bring to our attention?