What is the typical day in the life of a social worker within the agency? What type of roles do they use throughout the day (broker, advocate, teacher, etc.)? What is the size of staff and average caseload? What qualifications are required of staff (degrees, certifications, etc.)?

Social Service Agency Paper

Introduce the name of your agency and what you will be talking about in the rest of the paper.

What is the program’s mission? Who do they aim to help (target population)? What change do they hope to create? What services are provided?

Why is this program/service needed? Discuss the target population and the challenges they face that the agency is trying to address.

What is the typical day in the life of a social worker within the agency? What type of roles do they use throughout the day (broker, advocate, teacher, etc.)? What is the size of staff and average caseload? What qualifications are required of staff (degrees, certifications, etc.)?

What are your thoughts about this agency? Would you refer clients to this agency? Would you be interested in working at this agency? What was the experience of researching an agency like for you?