Research radio emission from galaxies and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project? (Remember to include Zooniverse.)

Project Plan

After completing the tutorial, analyze 5 potential stars. Take screenshots of all the telescope images for your candidate star (12 per task), to help justify your classification of the potential debris disk.

What to Include in The Project Plan
Research debris disks and star formation and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project? (Remember to include Zooniverse.)

Project #2 Description
Use the Radio Galaxy Zoo: LOFAR project to help find supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies and galaxies where stars are forming.

Go to (links to an external site) (Links to an external site.)

Select the “Tutorial” tab. For each galaxy, you may be asked to place a “+” marker inside a blue dashed ellipse if it seems to belong in the same radio region (shown by the yellow lines) as the main solid blue ellipse. If there do not seem to be any dashed ellipses that match the radio region of the solid ellipse, you can move on.

What to Include in The Project Plan
Research radio emission from galaxies and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project? (Remember to include Zooniverse.)

How does Global Warming affect the Earth?Discuss

How does Global Warming affect the Earth?

Create a PowerPoint presentation for a 10-15 minutes presentation with a full script. The PowerPoint should be around 15 slides. The script should be around 1300 words.

a video presentation (around 10 min long) discussing for example, how and why you chose your research topic, some of the main things you discovered that you want to share with the rest of the class, anything else you did not get a chance to explore about your topic but would have liked to if you had more time

Why were astronomers originally led to believe that the energy producing region of a quasar must be small?About how many solar masses is the Supermassive black hole in the giant elliptical galaxy M87 in the center of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies?

Chapter 17 and 18

(a) Name a galaxy besides our own that can be seen with the naked eye?

(b) What do astronomers attribute the ring of the cartwheel galaxy to?

(c) About how many times more luminous are powerful quasars compared to the Sun?

(d) About how many times more luminous are powerful quasars compared to a galaxy like the MW? (Hint: The Milky Way (MW) shines with about 20 billion solar luminosities)

(e) Why were astronomers originally led to believe that the energy producing region of a quasar must be small?

(a) About how many solar masses is the Supermassive black hole in the giant elliptical galaxy M87 in the center of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies?

(b) Where are giant elliptical galaxies found.

(c) How did giant elliptical galaxies get so massive?

(d) Name two very reliable standard candles for determining distances to galaxies.[2] (10 points)

How can a collision between galaxies produce a starburst galaxy? (Explain thoroughly)[3] (10 points)

Discuss two observations that seem to indicate that clusters of galaxies are embedded in huge halos of dark matter. (be specific give details)[4] (10 points)

Explain how supernovae type la are utilized to measure Hubble’s constant?

Why are measurements of the redshifts of the galaxies that host the Supernovae type la just as important? Think Hubble’s law. (Explain thoroughly)[5] (10 points)

Distant galaxies have a dominant recessional velocity dictated by the expansion of the universe.
If Hubble’s constant is 71 (km/sec)/Mpc, how far away is a galaxy receding at 8.88 x 103 km/sec? Hint: See Astronomer’s Toolbox 17-1 page 573.

Extra Points (8 points)

Centaurus A lies at a distance of 4 Mpc from Earth. This galaxy has radio jets that span across the sky -from the end of one lobe to the end of the other lobe — with an angular diameter equivalent of 28.5 full moon widths. If the jets are equal in length how long is one of them in parsecs?

is space tourism today a sustainable business reality or an utopia ? Will our generation see a democratization of space tourism and will we be part of those tourists ?

Abstract and key ideas/points to cover:

Since the origin of time, space has fed the imagination of mankind. Visionary artists like Jules Verne, Stanley Kubrick or Herge were also able to illustrate that passion and give all of us the capacity to live unreachable adventures before the climax of the first landing on the Moon in July 1969. Today, space is slowly opening up further and a new commercial era is starting with the possibility to offer private paying trips into space (zero G, orbital or sub-orbital or even beyhond) to selected few clients.

Seeing the very expensive ticket price and limited space available, “Space tourism” remained so far a billionaire caprice full of challenges and the purpose of this research paper is to review the scope/offering available and understand the economic viability and potentiality of such a market, aiming to answer a simple question: is space tourism today a sustainable business reality or an utopia ? Will our generation see a democratization of space tourism and will we be part of those tourists ?

This paper will review the market players (public and private), competition and offering (past, present and being setup), the economic model (direct and indirect), technology used and assumptions made by the various international players in the industry, linking it with the recent technological evolution of the space industry.

Potential market for the space tourism (beyond the few billionaires) & constraints/limitations linked to it (legal framework, security constraints, insurance, health requirements & training). The economic model of space tourism, including its marketing. Ticket price and its incidence on the development of space tourism.

An important angle is also to assess how sustainable the space tourism technology can be in a world where sustainability is a key criteria in any business and space industry is often questioned regarding the rationale to move forward.