Analyse the issue from at least two different ethical perspectives. Do NOT discuss the right of freedom of expression in this presentation. Focus on ethics and values. You might refer to different cultural values (see, for example, how Ess treated privacy in different cultures) or different ethical theories .

Media and ethic

Make a ppt and need to write script under each slide

Choose one example of an ethical issue from the list below. Analyse the issue from at least two different ethical perspectives. Do NOT discuss the right of freedom of expression in this presentation. Focus on ethics and values. You might refer to different cultural values (see, for example, how Ess treated privacy in different cultures) or different ethical theories .

Hate speech

Religious offense



Does the CNN effect exist? Discuss with reference to two international wars/conflict?

Does the CNN effect exist? Discuss with reference to two international wars/conflict?

Does the CNN effect exist? Discuss with reference to two international wars/conflict?

References to use

The CNN effect: the myth of news, foreign policy, and intervention

Book by Piers Robinson

The CNN Effect: The Search for a Communication Theory of International Relations in Political Communication


News, Public relations, and power by Simon Cottle (2003) chapter 5

The CNN effect: strategic enabler or operational risk by Margaret Belknap

Effects of global television news on US policy in international conflict in Media and conflict in the twenty-first century

E. Gilboa 2005

Moving media and conflict studies beyond the CNN effect in Review of International Studies

Article by Eytan Gilboa; Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert; Jason Miklian; Piers Robinson

Humanitarian crises and U.S. foreign policy: Somalia and the CNN effect reconsidered in Political Communication

Article by Steven Livingston

Illusions of influence: the CNN eddect in complex emergencies in From massacres to genocide: the media, public policy, and humanitarian crises by A Natsios

Describe the evolution of online business (e-commerce) and indicate some of the differences between the present systems and the earlier systems. What valuable resource has helped online platforms become so profitable?

Essay questions

1.Choose one country and examine the role that disinformation/misinformation played in a political event, what was the outcome of this disinformation? What can we learn from this event about how to prevent disinformation/misinformation?

2. Describe one instance of social media being used for political or social activism. Was the group mainly online or off-line (or both)? What social media in particular did they use to promote their ideas and why was it chosen over others?

3. Does social media such as Instagram or YouTube promote better representation of marginalized communities or does it reproduce inequalities found in mainstream media?

4. Describe the evolution of online business (e-commerce) and indicate some of the differences between the present systems and the earlier systems. What valuable resource has helped online platforms become so profitable?

What additional information would you propose to share with either or both of these individuals to persuade them into such a paradigm shift?

Sexual Tolerance

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations. The impact of those with views of lesser acceptance is felt the hardest by the most vulnerable among us- our children.

Watch the following video of a Ft. Worth City Councilman speaking about his experiences as a young man marginalized based on his sexual orientation and consider the impact such a message would have on a young person in a similar situation and on an adult who is intolerant of the LGBTQ community.

Joel Burns: It Gets Better (transcript located on YouTube site)

Compare and contrast what you believe the experiences of these two individuals (the insecure LGBTQ youth and the intolerant adult) viewing this message would be.

How might it reinforce existing beliefs about themselves or motivate them to see themselves and/or the world differently?

What additional information would you propose to share with either or both of these individuals to persuade them into such a paradigm shift?

Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes each of the elements listed below in the grading rubric. Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your essay. Your paper must meet the minimum 650-word count requirements AND use the 5 paragraph structure.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

Formulate an analysis to position the paper in the wider context of ‘innovation’ and the opportunities for organisations to exploit Social Media in the respect

Knowledge Management, Social Networks & Innovation


You are required to explore the extent of innovation from the communication of knowledge within social media systems, i.e.

1) A critical REVIEW of the following article (max 2500 words excluding references);

Perez-Gonzalez D, Trigueros-Preciado S and Popa S (2017): Social Media Technologies’ Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing and its effects on Industrial SMEs Innovation; Information Systems Management (published online)

2) Formulate an analysis to position the paper in the wider context of ‘innovation’ and the opportunities for organisations to exploit Social Media in the respect

Explain the MAIN arguments in the article. Don’t get distracted by details and examples: what is the most important material, why does it matter? Find the authors.

Critical reading response

This is a critical reading response

Critical Reading Response MUST include ALL of the following:

1) Explain the MAIN arguments in the article. Don’t get distracted by details and examples:
what is the most important material, why does it matter? Find the authors.

2) APPLY the main arguments to the object of analysis it is listed with. Think: how can we
better understand this object or conversation with the theory and ideas from the reading?

This is about applying the author’s main argument; you MUST be critical and thoughtful in
your analysis. It is also possible that there is something missing from the theory; if so, why
is this important?

Critical thinking is not about agreeing or disagreeing; it’s about a thoughtful
analysis and evaluation based on the information available.

3) CONNECT the argument with other course material. There are going to be times when the
readings and the arguments connect.

The paring is Is this TVIV? On Netflix, TVIII and binge watching (Jenner, M) AND Disney+

I posted two sources for this pairing that should be used and the main source has to be connected with the other material

What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalisation?How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalisation?

Media, Globalisation and Culture

Assessment 2 (Research Essay):

You are required to write a 2,500-words piece on one of the following questions:

1. Are global brands an expression of cultural imperialism?

2. What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalisation?

3. In what ways do media events bring global populations together?

4. How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalisation?

The deadline for this assignment is Monday 18th January 2021 (week 13) at 15.00. You will submit the research essay electronically via Learning Central (see details below). Note that you have a 10% leeway either way, when it comes to the word count. It counts towards 60% of your grade.

What distinguishes this essay from the previous one is that you are expected to answer your question by focusing on a specific example or case study, for example the advertising campaign(s) of a particular company, a particular celebrity, a media event, or analyse media coverage of particular event/issue/group of people.

The assignment is designed in a way that leaves you freedom to engage with the concept(s) you found most interesting in the module and apply them to the media examples of your choice.

If you have any other ideas about what you would like to do, you should discuss it with your teacher firs. In any case, you should check your ideas with your seminar teacher before starting your project.

Your work will be assessed according to the criteria outlined above for the first summative assignment, with a special focus on the application of concepts on contemporary examples and evidence of original thinking and reflection when discussing the case study/example of your choice.

Critically discuss Milgram’s experiment, and assess the extent to which the “small-world effect” can be found in the random Poisson network, in the Barabási-Albert “scale-free” network, and in the Watts-Strogatz “small-world” network.

Social Network Analysis – Small world Network, Scale free, random Poisson network

The experiment that Stanley Milgram conducted in 1967 provided empirical evidence in favour of what is now referred to as the “small-world effect”, namely the fact that the average geodesic distance is small even for very large networks.

Critically discuss Milgram’s experiment, and assess the extent to which the “small-world effect” can be found in the random Poisson network, in the Barabási-Albert “scale-free” network, and in the Watts-Strogatz “small-world” network.

Milgram, S. (1967), The small world problem, Psychology Today, 2, 60-67.

IN YOUR OWN WORDS—DISCUSS how a popular cultural analyst (using a feminist critical approach) might analyze the role of that women play in “Unforgiven?” AS A PLACE TO START—you might think about the social situation of the women in the town. Are they empowered [or not] within the town’s social and legal structure?

IN YOUR OWN WORDS–describe the Marxist “Base”/”Superstructure” model. DISCUSS all of the components found in the base and superstructure.

In other words, what economic and societal elements are found IN both the base and superstructure? Next—show a specific economic “mode” (and for this you must use Feudalism as your base) working within and affecting your “Base”/”Superstructure” model.

Describe how the economic mode of feudalism would affect both the base and the superstructure. FOR EXAMPLE—What kind of class relations would you find in a feudalistic society?

What kind of ART would a society with a feudalistic base produce? Which class would be supported by the art in a feudalistic society? [If they could have made movies in feudalistic times, would the movies have been more supportive of the peasants or the lords?]

IN YOUR OWN WORDS and using a Marxist critical approach, analyze the role of the economy and legal system as shown in the film “Unforgiven.”

In other words, how would a Marxist theorist analyze the way Capitalism works in the society of the town?

FOR IDEA STARTERS–What are the economic and legal relations between the saloon owner AND the prostitutes?

What are the owner/worker relations? What is the role of the sheriff? WHO does the sheriff protect, and how does he enforce his protection?