Explain whether there were any policy violations or policies that may warrant change considering the incident.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

Identify and briefly describe the incident.

Explain what ethical codes would guide the officer in an ethical response to this situation and how these codes relate to morality and legal responsibility in this incident.

Explain whether there were any policy violations or policies that may warrant change considering the incident.

Describe the handling of the situation by the criminal justice system. Were any changes made based upon the incident? If so, were those changes affected by outside influences or pressure?

Determine through your research whether the situation was handled appropriately in the criminal justice system, or if there was a better course of action. Justify your answer.

Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” in law enforcement. In addition, discuss the prevention of racial profiling in law enforcement using the following seven areas.


Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” in law enforcement. In addition, discuss the prevention of racial profiling in law enforcement using the following seven areas.

· Accountability and supervision
· Agency policy to address racial profiling
· Recruitment and hiring
· Education and training
· Minority community outreach
· Professional traffic stops
· Data collection on citizens’ race/ethnicity

Identify relevant values, concepts, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case.

The Mad Bomber

What should you do? What if you know that the bomber can withstand torture himself, but would talk if you were to torture his innocent wife instead?

Discuss this case, using a different ethical system than you used in a previous discussion question.

Identify the facts, including all parties involved. Indicate the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Identify relevant values, concepts, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case.

Identify all possible ethical dilemmas for each party involved.

Decide what is the most immediate ethical issue facing the decision-making individual.

Describe one ethical system.

6. Apply that ethical system to this case. Do not use your default ethical system. Think about the ethical system you selected. How would that ethical system decide what is right and wrong in this case?

7. Describe one concept of justice.

8. Apply that concept of justice to this case. That is, do not default to what you think should be done to correct this situation. What would the concept of justice you selected say about how to achieve justice in this situation?

9. Sum it up – Resolve the ethical or moral dilemma by using the ethical system and concept of justice you described. Since you’ve describe an ethical system defining right and wrong and a concept of justice defining how to remediate this situation, what should you do?

Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

Wrongful Conviction Research Paper

Research a case in which an inmate was wrongfully convicted and eventually released based upon new evidence.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices by the police, court, probationary personnel, or witnesses.

Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

Indicate if the justice system targeted those responsible for the wrongful conviction and whether they were prosecuted for their conduct.

Describe what could be done to avoid such behaviors in the future.

What do criminologists mean by conservative, liberal and radical approaches to crime prevention? To illustrate your response, provide an example of a crime prevention strategy based on each approach.

Final Exam

What do criminologists mean by conservative, liberal and
radical approaches to crime prevention? To illustrate your
response, provide an example of a crime prevention strategy
based on each approach.

Describe 1/ three steps in a legal response to victims of Domestic
Violence; and 2/ a response to Domestic Violence that does not involve law

Identify a current human rights violation committed by an
Australian government (federal, state or territory). Include
which right/s and whose rights/s are being violated by the


What is the difference between social policy and crime
policy? Apply social security (eg age pension, unemployment
benefit) to illustrate your answer.

Discuss the exercise of discretion in terms of targeted
policing and judicial independence in Australia, NSW.
Outline reasons to raise the age of criminal culpability and
alternatives to incarcerating children in Australia

Discuss the means of communication used by the group to influence their narrative. Address both the individual level psychological concepts and group level drivers for political violence in the form of terrorism.

Choose either a purely domestic extremist group or an internationally focused terrorist organization or individual and briefly describe the main inspiration (the grievance or cause).

Describe how this inspiration serves as both a means of recruitment of individuals as well as a catalyst for collective action for a group.

Discuss the means of communication used by the group to influence their narrative. Address both the individual level psychological concepts and group level drivers for political violence in the form of terrorism. Include and state this topic question.