Are the corpse and the shotgun admissible at trial? Why or why not?

Driving problems

In the dark ages (before Peyton) my wife was driving to work one morning. She was stopped by a police officer on Route 128. When she asked why she was stopped, the officer informed her that her back license plate needed to be secured by three screws, but she only had two (there is no such law).

Okay, that part is true. Now suppose the following. When the officer approached the car, he couldn’t help but notice that there was a headless corpse on the backseat, along with an illegal sawed-off shotgun.

Are the corpse and the shotgun admissible at trial? Why or why not?

How would the points brought up in this week’s readings (both text and Packet article) impact your view of the special knowledge and skills required for effective community supervision, given the wide range of cases which probation has responsibility for, and especially cases that are of high social risk? What specific recommendations would you make for probation officer training given these needs?

RP 7 B

How would the points brought up in this week’s readings (both text and Packet article) impact your view of the special knowledge and skills required for effective community supervision, given the wide range of cases which probation has responsibility for, and especially cases that are of high social risk? What specific recommendations would you make for probation officer training given these needs?

What feedback was most useful to you during the process of compiling and refining the contents of your ePortfolio?Overall, what was your capstone experience like?

Criminal Justice

Capstone Component 3: Personal and Professional Reflection

Some of the issues that you could address in this final component of this capstone may include the following:

Overall, what was your capstone experience like?

What feedback was most useful to you during the process of compiling and refining the contents of your ePortfolio?

Write a 2-4 page essay that sets out the history of violence in our country AND discusses your perspective on the present state of affairs vis-à-vis violence in America.

Violence In America

Read Richard Maxwell’s essay (ATTACHED TO FILE SECTION), and write a 2-4 page essay that sets out the history of violence in our country AND discusses your perspective on the present state of affairs vis-à-vis violence in America.

What differences do you notice between the two reforms?Are there potential failures with the most recent bail reform? If so, what are they? (one to five sentences)

Critque #2

1. First, read the highlights from the report produced by the Center for Court Innovation. While it is not
necessary, you can use the same link to read the full report (versus the highlights summary).

2. Then, draft a one-pager that will accomplish the following:

In your own words, summarize the focal problem. (one to two sentences)

What differences do you notice between the two reforms? (two to five sentences)

Are there potential failures with the most recent bail reform? If so, what are they? (one to five

Are there potential benefits with the most recent bail reform? If so, what are they? (one to five

Identify and critically evaluate the line of reasoning.Evaluate whether the evidence supports the conclusions.

Rehabilitation of Offenders

Addressing the following headings (see template for further guidance):

Identify and critically evaluate the line of reasoning

Identify and Evaluate the evidence in the text

Identify the writer’s conclusions

Evaluate whether the evidence supports the conclusions

Determine the threat, vulnerability, and consequences to the various critical infrastructure/key resources (CI/KR) at risk from the prospective national disaster.

Develop a Risk Assessment Plan

In this assignment, you will develop a 10–15 page risk assessment plan for the potential threat identified in the following scenario.

Scenario: Chemical Attack – Nerve Agent in New York City

Your plan should:

Determine the threat, vulnerability, and consequences to the various critical infrastructure/key resources (CI/KR) at risk from the prospective national disaster.

Recommend applicable risk assessment methodologies.

Recognize and account for interdependencies between CI/KR sectors.

Recognize and account for challenges each CI/KR sector may encounter.

What are the problems, processes, or issues you want to understand about this topic (i.e. your research questions)?What type of data will you be collecting (both quant and qual) and from which sources? How will you be accessing these sources?

Proposal outline

1) Research topic:

2)Title of proposal:


What are the problems, processes, or issues you want to understand about this topic (i.e. your research questions)?

——-This must include the research questions for both quantitative and qualitative methods – you should have a clear hypothesis for your quantitative portion

4)Research Design and Methods

Sample and sampling procedures (for both quant and qual)?

What type of data will you be collecting (both quant and qual) and from which sources? How will you be accessing these sources?

Operationalization of main concepts: clearly state your variables and how you intend to measure them

Methodology – what methods do you intend to use to carry out your research aims?


-What results are you anticipating?

What policy implications might the results have?

What are some limitations of your study design?

What are the ethical considerations of this project?



Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward. For example, how can the methods be used in your own research proposal? In what other research might these methods apply?

Criminal Justice

State the main goal(s) of the study

Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.

Summarize the results of the study.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design.

Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward. For example, how can the methods be used in your own research proposal? In what other research might these methods apply?

Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the one reviewed.