To what extent has the “National Women Policy” been effective in increasing the female labour participation rate in the STEM field, in Klang Valley?
Category: Economics
Describe a liquidity trap as a situation whereby an increase in the money supply by the central bank does not lead to a decrease in interest rates.
Keynesian Economy during Obama
Describe a liquidity trap as a situation whereby an increase in the money supply by the central bank does not lead to a decrease in interest rates.
The On-going Diversity Attempt of Saudi Arabia’s Economy by Reducing its Dependency on Oil Production: Saudi Vision 2030-Discuss?
The On-going Diversity Attempt of Saudi Arabia’s Economy by Reducing its Dependency on Oil Production: Saudi Vision 2030-Discuss?
Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500.Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before 1800.
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective
Answer this question .
Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500.
Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before 1800.
And inculde the 2 sources that are outlined in the refences
What evidence does the author present in support of their argument? How has the article advanced our understanding of a specific scholarly debate?
The critique of “The Economics of Guilds” by Ogilvie
Ogilvie, Sheilagh. “The Economics of Guilds.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 28, no. 4 (2014): 169–92.
1) Use the main article – The economics of guilds (the essay critique is based on the this article that we need to critically analyse)
2) Use other articles (5-6 sources of the below-given ones) attached for the formation of evidence or general arguments (for weakness or strength of article support) – you can choose the ones you find useful:
Epstein, S. R., and Maarten Prak, eds. Guilds, Innovation and the European Economy, 1400–1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511496738.
De Moor, Tine. “The Silent Revolution: A New Perspective on the Emergence of Commons, Guilds, and Other Forms of Corporate Collective Action in Western Europe.” International Review of Social History 53, no. S16 (2008): 179-212. doi:10.1017/S0020859008003660.
Berezin, P. (2003). Did Medieval Craft Guilds Do More Harm than Good? Journal of European Economic History 32, 171-197.
Gustafson, B. (1991). The Rise and Economic Behaviour of Medieval Craft Guilds. In Power and Economic Institutions: Reinterpretations in Economic History (Ed. Gustafson, B.). Aldershot: Elgar, pp. 69-106.
Epstein, S. R. “Craft Guilds, Apprenticeship, and Technological Change in Preindustrial Europe.” The Journal of Economic History 58, no. 3 (1998): 684–713.
Charles R Hickson, Earl A Thompson,
A new theory of guilds and european economic development,
Explorations in Economic History,
Volume 28, Issue 2,
Pages 127-168,
ISSN 0014-4983,
Kieser, Alfred. “Organizational, Institutional, and Societal Evolution: Medieval Craft Guilds and the Genesis of Formal Organizations.” Administrative Science Quarterly 34, no. 4 (1989): 540–64.
Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England in Explorations in Economic History
Article by Gary Richardson 2004-1
Rosser, Gervase. “Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiation of Work in the Medieval Town.” Past & Present, no. 154 (1997): 3–31.
Soly, Hugo. “The Political Economy of European Craft Guilds: Power Relations and Economic Strategies of Merchants and Master Artisans in the Medieval and Early Modern Textile Indistries.” International Review of Social History 53 (2008): 45–71.
{Related question to start with: Were craft guilds good or bad for economic development?}
Consider following in the essay:
What is the author’s main argument?
What larger debate is the author contributing to?
You may want to read some other related papers to get an idea of this (cite them properly!). This is what historians refer to as a historiography section. Economists and social scientists might call this a literature review.
What evidence does the author present in support of their argument?
How convincing is the author’s argument?
Are there any issues or potential problems that you can see?
What are the article’s strengths?
What are the articles weaknesses?
How has the article advanced our understanding of a specific scholarly debate?
Essays should be formatted in proper Chicago Style (footnotes included with page numbers, bibliography included in the end in Chicago style 17th)
pages needed
use only 4 extra sources for the evidence or argument
do not copy past the work , use the ideas and write your own argument
keep it simple
get to the point in the conclusion (do not add new information, conclude what you said throughout the paper)
Use the document ‘ogilvie’ for the readings ( i highlighted the main good and bad stuff for the question given in the red i.e. Were craft guilds good or bad for economic development?
(+) = good for economic development
(-) = bad for economic development)
The structure should be :
a. Context
b. Literature review (3 sentences, important author’s argument)
c. Road map of approach (how you would structure your body paragraph) (with main explanation of what craft guilds are, Ogilvie’s argument about them and the contribution to larger debate)
Body Paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs)
a. Introduce first strength ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. ) use supporting evidence (other authors)
b. Introduce second strength ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. ) use supporting evidence(other authors)
c. Introduce first weakness ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. ) use supporting evidence(other authors)
d. Introduce second weakness ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. ) use supporting evidence(other authors)
All footnotes need a page number
a. Show that your evidence in the body paragraph proved the argument of author (summarize)
b. How this relates to the larger debate.
Using the UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework, evaluate the Australian Government’s approach to the Indigenous Australians. What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?
Using the UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework, evaluate the Australian Government’s approach to the Indigenous Australians. What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?
Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from microeconomics theory on Rational Consumer Choice.How do firms decide the best combination of labour and capital in production planning?
Intermediate Microeconomics
1. How do rational individuals decide what to buy?
a) Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from
microeconomics theory on Rational Consumer Choice.
b) Why might optimal choices vary between individuals?
c) Why might optimal choices change over time?
With respect to parts b) and c), provide interesting illustrative example(s) to compare
and contrast different outcomes under different scenarios.
2. How do individuals decide how much they are willing to pay for insurance?
a) Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from
microeconomics theory on Choice under Uncertainty.
b) How and why might an individual’s attitude to risk affect this decision?
c) How and why might an individual’s life situation (e.g. age) affect this decision?
With respect to parts b) and c), provide interesting illustrative example(s) to compare
and contrast different outcomes under different scenarios.
3. How do firms decide the best combination of labour and capital in production
a) Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from
microeconomics theory on Production and Costs (in the long run).
b) Why might optimal use of capital and labour vary between firms?
c) Why might optimal use of capital and labour change if a new production process is invented?
With respect to parts b) and c), provide interesting illustrative example(s) to compare
and contrast different outcomes under different scenarios.
Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding i
Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding i
What was Microsoft’s market share of Intel-compatible PC operating system? Of all operating system, including those of Apply computers?What evidence did the court cite in claiming that Microsoft charged above-competitive prices (see “Microsoft’s Pricing Behavior”)?
ECON Wk 5 Dis
In 2002 a U.S. court of appeals imposed remedies relating to a lower court’s findings that Microsoft had a monopoly in personal computer (PC) operating system and had maintained its monopoly through illegal actions.
At the U.S. Justice Department’s Web site,,
Click on the Agencies on the top of the window,
Click on Antitrust Division and then on website
Click on Antitrust Case Filings
Find U.S. vs. Microsoft case filings.
Scroll down to District Court filings and find Findings of Fact
In the list of Findings of Fact find Court’s Findings of Fact (11/5/99).
In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions:
On what basis did the court conclude that Microsoft was a monopoly (see “Market Share”)?
What was Microsoft’s market share of Intel-compatible PC operating system? Of all operating system, including those of Apply computers?
What evidence did the court cite in claiming that Microsoft charged above-competitive prices (see “Microsoft’s Pricing Behavior”)?
Current trade relations and trade issues between China and U.S.-Discuss?
Current trade relations and trade issues between China and U.S.-Discuss?