What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States. Journal of Urban Economics 98 p17-49.

You need to criticise this paper following the template given, read the pdf of what is expected exactly, it does not require much background research at all. The Paper is

· Chauvin, J. P., Glaeser, E., Ma, Y., & Tobio, K. (2016). What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States. Journal of Urban Economics 98 p17-49.


Explain the implications of the principles espoused in the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics and Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si, on engineering economics.

Sustainability in engeineering economics

Explain the implications of the principles espoused in the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics and Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si, on engineering economics.

What costs must be included in economic analyses according to these publications?
three pillars of sustainability: Economics, Environmental, and Social

What aspects are subjective versus objective?

Include an argument for objective norms.

Include general guidelines and give specific examples. Make sure you identify all of the ethical considerations for your examples and their subjectivity/objectivity.

Use a minimum of 2 quotations from the Code of Ethics and 5 quotations from Laudato Si.

At least 5 pages long. 12pt. Single spaced.

Write about a firm that you believe has a monopoly over an industry. Explain why you believe that firm has a monopoly. What do you feel should happen in that industry? Should the government intervene or leave the market on its own?

Write about a firm that you believe has a monopoly over an industry. Explain why you believe that firm has a monopoly. What do you feel should happen in that industry? Should the government intervene or leave the market on its own?

Explain the similarities that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into both the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.Can we make and sell this in a way that is good for the people doing the making? What impact will this have on our community? What impact will this have on the environment?

Assignment 1

Explain the similarities that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into both the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.

Explain the differences that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.

Provide an example of a strategy that is appropriate to use across both the service and the manufacturing industries, and provide an example that is specific to either the service or the manufacturing industry when considering people, planet, or profit through the TBL framework.

Include a brief explanation of what each example demonstrates. For any new product or service, it is essential to ask, Can we make and sell this profitably?

Elkington argues that in that same decision-making process, the people gathered need to ask, Should we make and sell this at all?

Can we make and sell this in a way that is good for the people doing the making? What impact will this have on
our community? What impact will this have on the environment?

What are your opportunity costs of going to college? Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of going to college.Discuss the opportunity costs of natural disasters. Create your own example of the opportunity costs of natural disaster. Calculate (in $$$) opportunity costs of natural disaster.

Econ 1

Read the articles. These articles contain examples of calculating opportunity costs. You will follow these examples to answer one of the questions listed at the bottom of the topic.

1) 1) The opportunity cost of buying iPhones and Cronuts

By Ben Walsh, September 2013


2) The potential economic costs of Tropical Storm Harvey: Explained

by Nathaniel Meyersohn, August 26, 2017


3) Unpaid internships offer valuable experience, but only for those who can afford it.

http://chicagomaroon.com/2012/04/13/opportunity-cost/ by Dillon Cory – Apr 13, 2012

4) 8 Chores That Aren’t Worth Your Time (So Outsource Them!)

https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2014/06/16/chores-not-worth-your-time-outsource-them/20912544/ by Hank Coleman – June 16, 2014

5) Paying for Health care with time

Paying for health care with time

6) It Costs You $43 to Sit Around the Doctor’s Waiting Room


7) What is the Value of Exercise? 2,500 by Gretchen Reyholds, Sep 7, 2016.

8) Listen Planet-Money:

Episode 386: Cost of Free Doughnuts


What are your opportunity costs of going to college? Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of going to college.

Discuss the opportunity costs of natural disasters. Create your own example of the opportunity costs of natural disaster. Calculate (in $$$) opportunity costs of natural disaster.

Discuss the opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office. Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office.

Consider the one-period RBC model studied in the lecture notes under this new utility function. How, if at all, does labour supply depend on the real wage?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Seminar Class 1: Real Business Cycle Theory (week 3)

Q1. Consider the following Cobb-Douglas production function (0< α<1): 𝑌𝑡 =𝐾𝑡𝛼(𝐴𝑡𝐿𝑡)1−𝛼 which shows that output depends upon capital input, labour input and ‘technology’ (A).

i) Show that the marginal product of capital is positive (for K,L,A>0) but diminishing in the level of capital employed.

ii) Show that the marginal product of labour is positive for (K,L,A>0) but
diminishing in the level of labour employed.

iii) Provide an economic interpretation for the parameter α.


For the two-period RBC model, show that a logarithmic instantaneous utility function
of the form (where b>0 is a leisure preference parameter):

𝑢𝑡 =ln𝑐𝑡 +𝑏ln(1−ℓ𝑡)

with arguments in consumption (𝑐𝑡) and leisure time (1−ℓ𝑡), produces an intertemporal
elasticity of substitution of 1 between period 1 and period 2 leisure time. Explain how
this is relevant to the labour supply in the two-period RBC model.

Q3. For a ‘simplified’ RBC model with no government and full depreciation in each period,
we can present the following expression for Ỹt , which you can interpret as the deviation
of (log) output from its long-run path, i.e. a short-run fluctuation (Romer, 2019, p.206):

𝑌̃𝑡 =(𝛼+𝜌𝐴)𝑌̃𝑡−1 −𝛼𝜌𝐴𝑌̃𝑡−2 +(1−𝛼)𝜀𝐴,𝑡

n.b. you do not need to derive this expression.

Set α=1/3, ρA=0.9 and consider a temporary shock of 1/(1–α) to εA. Assume that the shock
hits the economy in period t and that it lasts for only a single time period. Show what
happens to Ỹ between period t and period t+8.

Q4. Now suppose the period-t utility function for households is:

𝑢𝑡 =ln𝑐𝑡 +𝑏(1−ℓ𝑡)1−𝛾 (1−𝛾)⁄

where b>0 and γ>0.

Consider the one-period RBC model studied in the lecture notes under this new utility
function. How, if at all, does labour supply depend on the real wage?

We need to use the intertemporal elasticity of substitution between period 1 and period
2 leisure time to answer this question. This measures the percentage change in the ratio
of leisure time, (1−ℓ1)/(1−ℓ2), for a given percentage change in relative wages, w2/w1.
Intuitively, an increase in relative wages will make it more attractive to work in period 2,
i.e. households want less leisure time in period

2. However, because this elasticity is calculated for a given indifference curve, the household will need to increase leisure time in period 1 to compensate for the reduced leisure time in period 2.

Mathematically, we need to calculate the following elasticity:

If this elasticity is large, households are willing to substitute a relatively large amount of
current leisure for future leisure in response to a rise in the wage ratio w2/w1. This
response is clearly relevant to labour supply in the model because households allocate
4 their time endowment between labour and leisure time in each period. An increase in
leisure time in period 1, say, implies a decrease in labour time in that same time period.

Recall that the first order conditions for current and future leisure time can be combined
to obtain (see lecture slides):

= 1


𝜕[(1−ℓ1) (1−ℓ2⁄ )]
𝜕[𝑤2/𝑤1] = 1

Using this result in the formula for the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure
time given above:

𝐼𝐸𝑆𝐿𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 1
𝑒−𝜌(1+𝑟) 𝑤2 𝑤1⁄

Using the first order condition presented at the top of this page to substitute out for
relative leisure time, we can write this as:

= 1
𝑒−𝜌(1+𝑟) 𝑤2 𝑤1⁄

We interpret this result as follows: an x% increase in relative wages, w2/w1, leads to an
equal % increase in relative leisure time, (1−ℓ1)/(1−ℓ2).

To repeat the expression given in the question:

𝑌̃𝑡 =(𝛼+𝜌𝐴)𝑌̃𝑡−1 −𝛼𝜌𝐴𝑌̃𝑡−2 +(1−𝛼)𝜀𝐴,𝑡

This is an AR(2), i.e. a second order autoregressive, process to an econometrician.

The positive coefficient on the first lag of Ỹ and the negative coefficient on the second lag
of Ỹ can generate ‘hump-shaped’ responses to shocks. This is needed to replicate
empirical evidence according to a well-known paper by Cogley and Nason (1995).

Using the parameter values given in the question, we can construct the following table:

Time period Impact on 𝒀̃ Calculation
t 1 (1–α)*shock
t+1 1.23 (α+ρA)*1
t+2 1.22 (α+ρA)*1.23 – (αρA)*1

t+3 1.14 (α+ρA)*1.22 – (αρA)*1.23
t+4 1.03 (α+ρA)*1.14 – (αρA)*1.22
t+5 0.94 (α+ρA)*1.03 – (αρA)*1.14
t+6 0.84 (α+ρA)*0.94 – (αρA)*1.03
t+7 0.76 (α+ρA)*0.84 – (αρA)*0.94
t+8 0.68 (α+ρA)*0.76 – (αρA)*0.84
t+… … …

This replicates the ‘hump-shaped response’ in (log) output that we typically observe in
the data. However, we rely heavily on the assumed persistence of the technology shock
to generate this response.

The internal propagation mechanisms of standard RBC models
are not particularly strong. See lecture slides and chapter 5 of Romer (2019) for a full

The utility function is as follows:

𝑢𝑡 =ln𝑐𝑡 +𝑏(1−ℓ𝑡)1−𝛾 (1−𝛾)⁄

Recall from the lecture slides that the budget constraint in the one-period model is simply
𝑐 =𝑤ℓ. The Lagrangian problem is therefore (drop time subscripts from this point on
since there is only one time period):

ℒ =ln𝑐+𝑏(1−ℓ)1−𝛾 (1−𝛾)+𝜆(𝑤ℓ−𝑐)⁄

With first order conditions:

𝜕𝑐 =1

𝜕ℓ =−𝑏(1−ℓ)−𝛾 +𝜆𝑤 =0

Using the budget constraint, the FOC for c can be expressed as:

𝑐 = 1

Substitute this result into the FOC for ℓ to obtain:

ℓ =𝑏(1−ℓ)−𝛾

This is only an implicit function for ℓ but it is sufficient to show that ℓ does not depend
upon the real wage.

This gives us the same results as the lecture slides – the income and
substitution effects of a change in w exactly offset each other in this one-period model,
even though we have used a different utility function in the seminar class.

Discuss GDP, inflation, unemployment rate and poverty. Use good academic resources.

To what extent did the political instability affect the Libyan economy after the revolution of 2011

Use quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Use footnotes in pages when necessary. No plagiarism. Discuss GDP, inflation, unemployment rate and poverty. Use good academic resources.

Hypothesis questions should discuss the impact of decline in oil revenues leading to GDP decline; inflation related to scarcity of goods and supply chains breaking down; unemployment; poverty.  be clear with the hypothesis questions and research should answer all of them. Use as many resources as required.  read attached files.

Drawing an aggregate expenditure function and altering it based on a given scenario.Determine how changes in one component of aggregate expenditure.

Lesson 7 ConcepTest

In each lesson, you’ll have an opportunity to practice some of the concepts, calculations, or techniques presented in the lesson. This ConcepTest will give you practice with the following:

Drawing an aggregate expenditure function and altering it based on a given scenario

Determine how changes in one component of aggregate expenditure

Calculating the following:

Unplanned changes in inventories



The value of the equilibrium real GDP

Autonomous consumption



Document (docx).

Work through the problems in the Word document.

Save your work to your computer.

Explain how the magnitude of y1 influences the household’s decision-making in the model, [10%] Labour economists (e.g. Altonji. 198) typically estimate that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure is low; specifically, 0

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Answer both questions
1. Consider the two-period Real Business Cycle (RBC) model without uncertainty presented in the lecture slides (also Romer, 2019, ch.5), but with one modification, Now assume that the instantaneous utility function for households takes the form:
4-9 (1 — e t)i_y
= +b
1 — 0 1 — y
Where is consumption at time t and (1-Pr) is leisure time at time t. Given that the time endowment is normalised to 1, it follows that ft is hours worked at time t. Finally, 0>0, h>0 and y>0 are parameters.

All households in the economy are assumed to be identical.

We can therefore consider a ‘representative household’ (henceforth the household’).

Set t=1 for the present period and set t=2 for the next period. For example, ci is consumption in the present period and C2 is consumption in the next period.

Remember, this is a two-period model so there are no time periods prior to t=1 and there are no time periods after t=2.

Assume that the household begins and ends life with no accumulated wealth and that the real interest rate is r (where r>0).
Answer the following questions:

Present the Lagrangian (constrained maximisation) problem for the household under this modified specification. [10%]
Derive the first order conditions for the household in this case. [Hint: the household chooses ci, C2, Pi and P2]. [10%]

Use the first order conditions for -Pi and P2 to derive an expression for the relative amount of leisure time chosen by the household over the two periods, i.e. derive an expression for (141]/(142).

Explain how an increase in the relative wage (w2/w/) affects the household’s decision about how much leisure to enjoy in each period. [10%]

Show that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution between period 1 and period 2 leisure time is y-1 in this case.

Explain how the magnitude of y1 influences the household’s decision-making in the model, [10%]
Labour economists (e.g. Altonji. 198) typically estimate that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure is low; specifically, 0<y-1

Why is this finding problematic for our RBC model when comparing the predictions of the theory to relevant empirical evidence for the US or the UK? [10%]

Q2, Outline the major shortcomings of Real Business Cycle theory as a framework for understanding short-run economic fluctuations (i.e. business cycles), How does the ‘canonical New Keynesian model’ seek to address these shortcomings? [50%]

Word limit; 750 +10% (word limit excludes the list of references; use the Harvard system of referencing for this