Literature Review Topic
How does an inclusive environment affect the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the non-disabled students in the classroom?
Literature Review Topic
How does an inclusive environment affect the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the non-disabled students in the classroom?
Ch. #13 – Teaching Children to Investigate and Solve Problems (STEM) (10)
1. What is STEM and why is it important in the early years?
2. What effective teaching strategies and curricula help children learn mathematics, science, and engineering? Break down each separately and be specific.
3. Read, “Becoming an Intentional Teacher: Early Childhood Engineering” and respond to the “Reflection” prompt. Pg 478
Developing the positive learning framework offers a continuum of teacher behaviours from pre-class planning to in-class teaching, incorporating how to respond to student behaviour. Grounded in positive psychology the PLF is built on the “Circle of Courage”.
The Circle of Courage developed by Brendtro, Brokenleg and Van Bockern (2002) enables educators to shift the classroom focus of controlling problems to building strengths using the four universal needs of Belonging (Attachment), Mastery (Achievement), Independence (Autonomy) and Generosity (Altruism), identified as vital signs for health and growth.
Discuss and provide specific strategies of how you can develop these four strengths to establish social competence, problem solving ability, autonomy and a sense of purpose to engage motivated as well as reluctant learners in meaningful learning.
Supplement your writing with other theorists who have identified major needs that influence student behaviour who may include Adler (1930), Dreikurs (1957) Glasser (1990) and Kohn (1993).
How will you engage background knowledge?
How will you introduce new vocabulary and their meaning in the context of the story, or allow students to do a turn and talk to establish meaning? (Answer this question and list the words and definitions to be used.)
How will you establish a purpose for reading (comprehension)?
Bunty does not like soaps. So, she refuses to clean up. Then one night she has a dream. What happens after that?
Provide a teacher think aloud that models thinking related to comprehension.
Include a minimum of three questions you will ask after the story to establish comprehension at the whole story level.
Describe your post reading activity in detail; be sure to define the student’s role and your role during this time.
Assessment (must link to the reading comprehension goal)
What criteria will you use to determine which students met the task goal and which students require additional support?
What grade will this manipulative be used with?
What do you expect students to learn from using the manipulative?
How would you use the manipulative to teach the lesson (Give concrete examples)?
What would you do and say while using the manipulative?
What would you expect students to do and say? Can the students use the manipulative independently?
How would you adjust the use of the manipulative for different students?
What questions would you ask?
In what ways does the use of the virtual manipulative extend students’ learning of the math content? (Maybe try with a student and connect to attached article and previous readings)
“A good manager is about doing things right whilst a good leader is about doing the right things. Both roles are crucial, and they differ profoundly” Bennis W & Nanus B (1985) Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. Harper and Row. p. 21
How accurate do you believe this statement to be? Respond with references to key reading and include an example from your own experience of being managed and/or as manager.
Learning Outcomes
Critically appraise leadership and communication styles and skills in light of relevant theoretical frameworks.
Reflect on and critically evaluate their management skills in order to identify strengths and areas for development.
You should satisfy the learning outcomes
Why do teen students refuse to read aloud?Discuss
Introduction to research
LO1: Summarise and evaluate two academic texts.
LO2: Review an academic resource in terms of its relevance and quality and demonstrate awareness of potential limitations or validity of an academic resource.
LO3: Analyse learning from research, to provide a professional standard of delivery in research evaluation.
What is your race and/or ethnicity? What languages do you speakiunders tid
include ‘how your background has shaped your sense of self (the type of – • – _
person/teacher you are toda
Discuss and evaluate the impact of their (Your) role in developing and leading effective practice.
Critically evaluate provision and practice and how it impacts on the development and well being of babies and young children content.
Your podcast will draw on relevant writing and research to address the debates about the impact of provision on young children’s development and learning.
You will discuss ideas about the well-being of babies and young children and how that is best supported in early years settings, highlighting ideas and examplesof leading practice that contributes to good quality practice and provision.