Identify and consider the methodology used in the doctoral study you have examined, and compare it to the checklist. Post an analysis of the alignment with the design in the doctoral study you have examined

Read the scenario on instructions and respond to it. Paper is attached.
Identify and consider the methodology used in the doctoral study you have examined, and compare it to the checklist.

Post an analysis of the alignment with the design in the doctoral study you have examined.

Explain how the methodology aligns with the other elements of the doctoral study.

Lambert, M. (2012). A beginner’s guide to doing your education research project. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Chapter 7, “Choosing Your Methods” (pp. 101–116)

Laureate Education (2016). The 5WH of methodology [Handout]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (2017). Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology Highlights [Handout]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Describe one of the most important concepts, notions, or ideas that you have learned in this diversity course and explain how this concept may impact your current employment, future academic studies, or future educational research.

Diversity Education

Brief essay – Answer each using four to five paragraphs.

1. Johnson (2006) reminds us “that a great deal of trouble surrounds issues of privilege, power, and difference in this society, trouble relating to gender and race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability status, social class” (p. vii). Discuss these issues as it relates to diversity in education. Also, how can the readings we have completed so far this semester inform your practices when teaching in your field?

2. Discuss the available strategies to achieve social change and explain why it is not possible to claim sympathy for social change but not be actively involved it.

3. Describe one of the most important concepts, notions, or ideas that you have learned in this diversity course and explain how this concept may impact your current employment, future academic studies, or future educational research. Support your answer with a minimum of one citation from one of the course’s required texts and one citation from an academic journal.

Examine a child in relation to their engagement with multimodal media and digital technology in the home and/or the community.

Engagement with digital technology and multimodal media

Examine a child in relation to their engagement with multimodal media and digital
technology in the home and/or the community.

Write a case study based on how often they utilise multimodal media and digital technology and the types of multimodal media and digital technologies being utilised. (

Analyze a simulated case study and demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict as well as analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.

Combined Case Study

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 12 slides) that analyzes a simulated case study and demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict as well as analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools?

Ethics Case Study

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools?

How would you reply if you were part of the above conversation? Would you side with Sam or Ralph? How do you intend to maintain your personal values and still enjoy monetary success?


How would you reply if you were part of the above conversation? Would you side with
Sam or Ralph? How do you intend to maintain your personal values and still enjoy monetary success?

Critically analyse how the theory is applied in the classroom, providing evidence of relevant readings.How is it employed in schools? refer to: school practice observed on placement

Assignment 1:

A critical analysis of Jean Piaget learning theory and its application in education settings. Critically analyse how the theory is applied in the classroom, providing evidence of relevant readings.

.introduction and summarise the chosen learning theory, using relevant readings

.Illustrate the relevance of this theory for classroom. How is it employed in schools? refer to:school practice observed on placement

relevant education policies the ITT CCF; the teachers’ standards

.Critical and research informed evaluation of the theory

.conclusion- no new information here- go back to intro. Did you cover what you said you would, in that order.

Criterion 1: (Knowledge and understanding Synthesis of theoretical perspectives and ability to relate them to the main theme)-Thorough knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives clearly related to the topic; evidence of scholarship in understanding theoretical perspectives and in synthesis of ideas.

Criterion 2: (Relation of own experience to chosen theme)-Insightful, systematic and logical use of relevant experience.

Criterion 3: (Range of research Range and understanding of sources)- Thorough and critical coverage of sources; integration of diverse sources including some complex material, or material found from own search (e.g. articles, etc.)

Criterion 4: (Critical analysis and reflection Organisation/coherence of argument; support through example/detail/ quotations/ references/experience; critical approach)- Systematic critical questioning of received ideas and suggestion of alternative perspectives; thorough, well-supported analysis; insightful evaluation and discussion of implications showing very high level of reflection.

Criterion 5: (Effective application of pedagogical research and theories in context of classroom)- Sustained evidence of ability to apply research and theories to classroom context leading to very effective and innovative practice.

Criterion 6: (Presentation and standard of English Use of academic conventions; spelling, grammar, paragraphing, etc.; layout; proofreading)- Skilled, consistent use of academic conventions; accurate proof-reading.

Describe two collaboration strategies you feel will be effective with families when discussing concerns about their child’s social and academic development with teachers. Reflecting on GCU’s philosophy, how can you promote these collaboration strategies in your future professional practice?

How can you promote these collaboration strategies in your future professional practice?

GCU’s Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work states it is God’s calling on our lives to help meet the needs of others.

Describe two collaboration strategies you feel will be effective with families when discussing concerns about their child’s social and academic development with teachers. Reflecting on GCU’s philosophy, how can you promote these collaboration strategies in your future professional practice?