Evaluate and identify the most important skills (your subjective analysis). Perhaps reduce the list to around twenty. You may want to read through the biblical references prior to starting this process.

Application of Critical Thinking Skills

The Foundation for Critical Thinking () shares many of its documents online. Among these documents is their list of 35 Critical Thinking Skills (see link below). Experience has shown that the appropriateness of critical thinking for use within Christian Schools is sometimes questioned.

The validity of using what may be considered a progressive or postmodern resource is also questioned. Christian schools should not ignore contemporary educational thought and practice, but rather think critically about these theories and practices. Do the ideas align with biblical truth? For this you will write 12-15 biblical critical thinking skills (I find the list of 35 a bit long for practical use).

As you complete this assignment you will be practicing Critical Thinking and developing a working list of Critical Thinking skills for use within an educational institution.

Evaluate and identify the most important skills (your subjective analysis). Perhaps reduce the list to around twenty. You may want to read through the biblical references prior to starting this process.

Once the list has been narrowed use the biblical references (page two) to identify critical thinking that aligns with skills on the abbreviated list. In doing this you have not only validated the skill but you are in a position to write an integrated version of the skill.

You need not be limited to this list of references. Consider the list a “work in progress”. Think beyond to other references (Proverbs, examples of critical thinkers (or non-thinkers etc.).

Each skill on your integrated list should include the following:

The statement of the integrated skill—the integrated skill should retain the essence of the original skill while either correcting or amplifying the skill

A question the student might ask in regard to the skill

The biblical reference (both scripture and reference)

A reference to the original skill (i.e. S-15)

This assignment may be done individually or collaboratively. Upload the document to the course website in a word document. If working in a group, all individuals must submit a document with your names of the group on the document.

Example from 35 Critical Thinking Skills

S-15: developing criteria for evaluation: clarifying values and standards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)

Integrated Skill

Evaluate and clarify ideas (concepts), thoughts, and values through the lens of the inspired Word of God

Question: Have evaluated the accuracy of what I just thought, heard or read by seeing if it agrees with what God has said in scripture? Does it align with my biblical worldview?

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NAS

Scripture Related to Critical Thinking

2 Timothy 3:16-17 New American Standard Bible (NASB), Regarding a Standard

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Matthew 7:24 New American Standard Bible (NASB), Implies Two


 Discuss the results using cause and effect relationships and explain how theprocedure and results were or could have been improved state a valid conclusion, identifying data which supports or rejects the question or hypothesis


Science Content for educators First Hand Investigation

Students will perform a first-hand investigation and produce a scientific report.

Choose one of the scenarios from the supplied list or design an experiment of your choice.

ensure that the experiment you choose has value.

This means it should be relatively novel and not simply a repeat of an existing experiment, unless you aim to replicate or confirm previous findings, and that there is a reason for conducting the experiment (that the findings provide some utility).

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

• identify the purpose of the investigation and design an appropriate testable

question or hypothesis

• Include a literature review/background section that covers what we already know about the topic (e.g. scientific principles) and justify why it is important to conduct this research, with reference to other similar investigations being conducted

• describe a logical procedure for undertaking a controlled experiment

• design and perform a fair test (show understanding of independent, dependent and controlled variables and perform appropriate sampling or
repetition for validity)

select appropriate equipment and assess risks with a formal risk assessment present observations and measurements to show trends and relationships,utilising appropriate data analyses and measurement approaches

discuss the results using cause and effect relationships and explain how theprocedure and results were or could have been improved
state a valid conclusion, identifying data which supports or rejects the question or hypothesis

demonstrate that you conducted the experiment yourself: Students arerequired to demonstrate that the experiment was carried out between thebeginning of semester and the due date.

Evidence of conducting the experiment may include taking photographs (with time/date stamps or in front of newspapers or holding a print out of this assessment task), records (e.g., in Google Docs which records timing of entries) or links to video.

Students are responsible for determining whether their evidence is sufficient through contact with the tutor/subject coordinator.

Experiments conducted for other subjects/purposes or at other times will not be accepted.

Progressive Task 1 worksheet needs to be included as an appendix

Discuss how budget and finance support impacts the day-to-day decision of higher education administrators. In your current or future role as an educational leader, how will your knowledge of budget constraints inform your decisions?

EDD 641 Mod 5: Case

Case: Using the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association FY 2014 Report ( How does your state compare to the national average on the following measures:

Educational appropriations per FTE

State and Local Government Higher Education Funding Effort

Discuss the trend in educational appropriations per FTE and state and local government funding support for higher education. What impact might this have on decisions made by higher education administrators?

Using the SHEF Interactive dashboards ( discuss the changes in net tuition and student share of operating costs over time in your state.

Discuss how changes in educational appropriations and state/federal funding support impact student costs. How might this impact retention, persistence, and graduation rates?

In conclusion, discuss how budget and finance support impacts the day-to-day decision of higher education administrators. In your current or future role as an educational leader, how will your knowledge of budget constraints inform your decisions?

Do you believe that the test results are normally distributed? What evidence supports your conclusion?

Assignment Details

The data in the file shows the test results for a group of 15 students. The students were set 8 questions, each of which were equally weighted.

Depending on the accuracy of the students’ answers they were awarded either 0, 1, 2 or 3 marks for each question.

The test was set for formative purposes and was intended to assess current student progress on a course.

The pass mark for the test was 40%.
Task 1

Calculate the total score for each student and convert this to a percentage. Present these results using an appropriate chart or graph.

Task 2

Do you believe that the test results are normally distributed? What evidence supports your conclusion?

Task 3

The tutor for the course is planning additional revision sessions to support students.

It is decided that these additional sessions will be compulsory for all students whose mark fell below one standard deviation from the mean.

Calculate the standard deviation for the set of marks (treating this set of data as the total population) and use this to identify which students are required to attend the compulsory revision sessions.
• Task 4
Following the test, students complained that Question 3 was too difficult. After investigation it turned out that the question contained errors which made it impossible to answer.

A decision is taken to ignore the marks for this question and to recalculate the test scores based upon the 7 remaining questions. It is also the case that three separate groups of students took the test at the same time.

Recalculate the percentage scores for each student based upon the remaining seven valid questions and present these new results using an appropriate chart or graph.

Finally, recalculate the standard deviation based upon these new results – this time treating the data as a sample taken from the all the groups who took the test.

Summarize the objective and pre-assessment you developed and reflect. Identify a strength of your assessment and an opportunity for growth. How might you change this assessment to better assess the students’ reading skills ? How will your findings inform your future professional practice? Submit your learning objective and pre-assessment with your reflection.

Literacy Pre-Assessment

Developing activities based on assessment data is integral to meeting students’ learning needs. Small group instruction is a great way to practice the skill of using assessment data to drive instruction. Identify a small group (3-5 students).

Part 1: Standards-Based Literacy Assessment

In collaboration chose a grade-appropriate literacy standard for reading comprehension and vocabulary to develop a pre-assessment for and, later, a lesson. Keeping in mind the group of students and book you selected in Topic 3, complete the following:

Write a learning objective that is developmentally appropriate for the group of students and aligns to the state standard.

Design an informal pre-assessment activity that will allow you to assess and document the students’ reading skills.

Obtain feedback from your mentor on the pre-assessment.

Use any providing instruction and support to the class based on the needs of the pre-assessment.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250 words, summarize the objective and pre-assessment you developed and reflect. Identify a strength of your assessment and an opportunity for growth. How might you change this assessment to better assess the students’ reading skills ? How will your findings inform your future professional practice? Submit your learning objective and pre-assessment with your reflection.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly sources.

How do these plans support continuous school improvement and sustainable change? (Benchmarks C7.5: Analyze the development of a comprehensive learning plan for K-12 education that supports continuous school improvement and sustainable change.)

K-12 Strategic Plans Matrix

Strategic planning is a task all leaders must perform. It is often easier to see what others have done to draw on their experience. This assignment will allow you to review three plans that you have researched.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Use the template titled “K-12StrategicPlanComparisonMatrix.”

This assignment uses a .  review the prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment requires that at least four scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.


Complete the “K-12 Strategic Plan Matrix.”

Compare three K-12 strategic plans. In your comparison, refer to the following categories:

Mission, vision, and goals

Internal and external stakeholders


Professional development

Write a synthesis (1,000-1,250 words) of your matrix findings. Include the following:

How were the internal and external stakeholder relationships considered in the plans?

What are the most significant elements of governance and structure that were evident in all of the plans?

How do these plans support continuous school improvement and sustainable change? (Benchmarks C7.5: Analyze the development of a comprehensive learning plan for K-12 education that supports continuous school improvement and sustainable change.)

How will the knowledge gathered in this assignment be used in your future?

Analyse the Stage 6 Syllabus for your teaching area and discuss how the unit of work aligns with your own professional beliefs about the curriculum and addresses the learning needs of adolescent senior students.

Unit planning

Unit of Work – 1. Use the Stage 6 Syllabus for your teaching area and create an engaging unit of work for Year 11 (4-6 weeks in duration).

2. In the unit of work, ensure you meet the learning needs of senior students, target relevant knowledge and skills outcomes, apply assessment for learning principles, differentiate the learning for diverse students and address important general capabilities such as literacy, numeracy and ICT.

3. Create three original professional resources you would use in the program (e.g. scaffolds, sources, teaching models, expositions, inquiry strategies).

PART B: Critical Discussion – Analyse the Stage 6 Syllabus for your teaching area and discuss how the unit of work aligns with your own professional beliefs about the curriculum and addresses the learning needs of adolescent senior students.

In this critical discussion, consider the curriculum intent of the syllabus and how you as a teacher enact this.

You may include discussion on how you address motivation and engagement issues for senior students; socio-cultural learning theory about adolescent learning and pedagogic theories that relate to your teaching area, and the intent of the syllabus/curriculum area.

Note: The unit of work and resources should be equivalent to 1000 words and the critical discussion should be 1000 words.

Assignments will be assessed on how these documents address the criteria: – Constructs a unit of work that is professional, engaging and

creative showing knowledge of the relevant Stage 6 Syllabus and appropriate pedagogy for the curriculum area.

Presents a range of strategies, resources and approaches that show understanding of socio-cultural and cognitive aspects of Stage 6 learners.

Caters for ICT, numeracy, literacy, diverse linguistic and cultural identity and where relevant incorporates relevant perspectives.

Presents a critical discussion about the intent of the syllabus and the pedagogic choices made to engage, cater for and support Stage 6 learners using a broad range of literature and discipline based scholarship.

Presents work professionally, with clear academic writing and within the word limit.

Resources: Stage 6 NSW Syllabus in your Teaching Area.

Summarise your key findings and restate the impact that your selection of assessments have in children’s learning and developing in Australian primary schools.

English Report

Your report must include relevant theory and references made to academic literature, and adhere to the following components:

1. Executive summary (approximately 100 words):

A short, sharp summary of your whole report.

2. Introduction (approximately 150 words):

Introduce the concept of literacy and identify the curriculum document that you will use for this assessment.

Introduce the two forms of assessments that you will report on.

Briefly explain the relevance of the chosen assessments you will be discussing.

3. Findings (approximately 1100 words):

Identify definitions of the concept of literacy.

Using the chosen curriculum document and other supporting literature, discuss the impact that literacy teaching has on children’s learning and development in Australian primary schools.

Discuss the key benefits and implications of chosen assessments.

Identify factors that contribute to the use of the assessments.

Report on the potential effects of the assessments in relation to children’s learning and development in the English curriculum in the primary context.

Include recommendations for policies and teaching practices for the assessment of the English curriculum in the primary school context.

4. Conclusion (approximately 150 words):

Summarise your key findings and restate the impact that your selection of assessments have in children’s learning and developing in Australian primary schools.
Reference list

Your report should have at least seven references, which includes at least one peer-reviewed journal article to support your statements and/or claims.

All references should be appropriately cited using APA style.

The reference list will not be included in the word count.

Evaluate 3 ways the continuum can be utilized to contribute to establishing a culture of assessment. Support the content of your paper with at least 10 sources.

Continuum of Assessment Essentials

For this assignment, you will write a 3–5-page paper in which you first explain the 3 phases of the continuum of assessment essentials. Next, you must include your judgments of the extent to which the continuum is adequate for addressing the different aspects of higher education assessment at all levels — course, program, and institution. Conclude your paper by evaluating 3 ways the continuum can be utilized to contribute to establishing a culture of assessment. Support the content of your paper with at least 10 sources. A source can be cited more than once. At least 1 biblical source must be included. Current APA format must be followed.

Provide feedback to your classmates’ professional association choices, suggest additional resources to be considered, and explain why.

Discussion Reply

Reply to Catherine Walker’s Table

Replies: The candidate will reply to at least two classmates’ threads. Provide feedback to your classmates’ professional association choices, suggest additional resources to be considered, and explain why.