What was the author’s stated purpose? Why did the author write the article? What qualifies the author as a credible source? And what evidence did the author provide to make her|his point?

Informative speech


The Informative Speech is a public address of a scholarly/academic article. The assignment mimics the type of speaking that occurs most commonly in the academic setting. Students will have ample time to read, and learn to the best of their ability the article and present a 5 minute presentation on the facts of the article. Learning outcomes are: to read, understand, and speak on, and qualify sources as part of professional presentation. There is no formal outline due with this presentation. The selection of the topics will be guided by the instructor to eliminate procrastination and ensure academic rigors are being tightly adhered too. In the time allowed, summarize the selected article, but do not retell the article.

What was the author’s stated purpose? Why did the author write the article? What qualifies the author as a credible source? And what evidence did the author provide to make her|his point?

Describe a moment where you had to make a big decision, and describe the effect of that decision on your future.What book changed your life and how did it do so?

Consider these prompts to help you get started. You are not required to use one of these prompts.

Describe a moment where you had to make a big decision, and describe the effect of that decision on your future.
What book changed your life and how did it do so?
Who gave you the best advice, and what was that advice?
Describe a time when you were lost (physically or metaphorically) and h ow you went about “finding” yourself.

Cohen, Samuel. “In 50 Essays.” (6th ed.) Macmillan Higher Education, 2019.

 However, the men came in a while describing the sequence, and the solicitor asked condescendingly, “Well, girls, have you decided if she was going to crochet blanket it or not?

Critical Lens Analysis

However, the men came in a while describing the sequence, and the solicitor asked condescendingly, “Well, girls, have you decided if she was going to crochet blanket it or not?

What do they contribute to society?Discuss.

Eventually, since she is conceivable, the lead character is persuasively categorized.

Here, conceivable doesn’t make sense in this context. Also, how can a character be persuasively categorized?

If you’ve used synonyms, you may want to go back to the original word. If not, rewrite the sentences so they better explain your idea.

Is the Raven in Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Raven,” real or imaginary? Use evidence from the poem and your thinking to support your answer.

The Raven Argumentative Essay

Respond to Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Raven,” by answering the following writing prompt in an argumentative essay

Prompt: For this essay, you will craft a 3-paragraph response that answers the following question: Is the Raven in Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Raven,” real or imaginary? Use evidence from the poem and your thinking to support your answer. This essay should explore how the different elements of the poem (setting, mood, imagery, symbolism) and the speaker’s word choice all contribute to the existence or nonexistence of the poem.

“If we imagined Cortana as a person,” a product manager named Marcus Ash asked the team, “who would Cortana be?”

5-2 Assignment: First Draft of Critical Analysis Essay Assignment

In 2014, Foster began building a creative team that drafted a multipage
personality brief for Microsoft’s not-yet-released virtual assistant.
“If we imagined Cortana as a person,” a product manager named Marcus
Ash asked the team, “who would Cortana be?”

Cortana was an assistant, of course. Microsoft product researchers had
interviewed human executive assistants and learned that they calibrate
their demeanors to communicate that while they must cheerfully serve,
they are by no means servants to be disrespected or harassed. So in the
personality brief, Foster and his team called for a balance of personal
warmth and professional detachment. Cortana is “witty, caring,
charming, intelligent,” the team decided, Ash says. As a professional
assistant, though, she is not overly informal and instead projects
efficiency. “It is not her first turn around the block,” Ash says. “She
has been an assistant for a long time and has the confidence of ‘I’m
great at my job.’ ”

Real people aren’t exclusively defined by their professions, and the
creative team decided that the same would be true for Cortana. So who
was she outside of work?