What is the symbolic importance, depth of impact, or indirect impact?Discuss
Body paragraphs explain, support, and apply the main idea.
What is the near or distant future? Extrapolates based on your analytic
What is the symbolic importance, depth of impact, or indirect impact?Discuss
Body paragraphs explain, support, and apply the main idea.
What is the near or distant future? Extrapolates based on your analytic
How can you establish a need for taking action? What is significant and current about this issue?
Where can you add to this conversation? How can you best appeal to ethos, logos and pathos to motivate your audience to act?
What attitude about the issue should be clear in your writing? What words will convey this tone?
What specific evidence from the texts should be provided to support your claim? What evidence will effectively to develop appeals as you articulate your reasons, your counterargument(s), and your call to action?
What have you said that goes beyond the current conversation? How is your argument different from the ones that you researched on your topic?
How clear is the language/style/expression in your argument?
What meaningful and significant action should your audience take based on your argument? What practical steps have you provided for your audience to act upon? How will taking these steps benefit your audience and the larger community?
People say that love Conquers all. Is this statement true, or just a cliché? How powerful is love? Are there instances where love has brought people together as well as times when hate has driven them apart?
In a 2-paragraph essay using the No Fear copy of William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” Act 1 Scene 1-5 as evidence argue the following question about the theme of the play. Is Love stronger than Hate?
How does race/culture/gender/sexuality shape the ways the characters interact with each other, both onstage and in offstage actions we learn about?
What types of symbols or objects in the drama reflect the characters’ racial/cultural/gender/sexual identities?
How does race/culture/gender/sexuality function as a persistent force in your dramatic piece?
What stereotypes or assumptions relating to race/culture/gender/sexuality are present in the drama, and how do the characters react to them?
How does the drama reflect the experiences of people who face racism/bigotry/sexism/homophobia?
Use specific details from the text to support your answers.
Critically self-assess your work: reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and reflect upon your writing process.
Provide CONCRETE examples of your strengths and weaknesses in your projects.
Explain what you did to revise certain weaknesses in your projects. What tools or resources did you use?
Discuss YOUR strategies in writing and revising. Explain how they helped or hindered you in the writing process.
Demonstrate what you have learned in regards to your writing process and what you have learned in regards to being an effective writer.
Demonstrate knowledge of key aspects of writing: revising, editing, peer review, pre-writing, etc.
What is freedom?
What concrete general and specific examples of freedom could you give to your reader from the text? From society? From history?
What symbols represent freedom?
What are some examples from our textbook?
Also, when you define an abstract concept, you should also include what it is not. What is the opposite of freedom? What are other words that mean the opposite of freedom? What are some concrete specific examples from the text? From history? Which characters from our textbook were not free?
The three short stories we are reading imagine a futuristic world in which the protagonists’ bodies and minds have been altered or augmented, robotically or biologically, in some way, challenging us to examine what it means to be human.
With the prospects for artifically enhanced bodies, workers, and companions, what are the sensible and ethical approaches to these technologies?
Write a 4-5 pp. research paper (1000-1250 words) in which you both explain the controversy over a specific contemporary application in one of these fields and argue the extent to which you endorse it.
Explain how Golding uses symbolism in the novel to convey his ideas about the imperfection of man. Fully explain three symbols and how they demonstrate different ideas about Golding’s theme (“the attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature”).
Is the historical context of King’s “Letter” adequately provided?
Explain the connection of EACH body paragraph’s topic sentence to the thesis or to the paragraph before it.
Describe the paper’s logical organizational structure.
Are the rhetorical strategies that are discussed defined/explained?
Are examples of all the rhetorical strategies that are discussed provided? Here, write out two for each paragraph.
Is the effectiveness of the each rhetorical strategy discussed and explained?
What is the concluding technique?
Are service encounters the same in say UK, America and Malaysia – even if they are all in English. What linguistic/ generic differences are there and what might be the cultural, social reasons for any similarity / difference?