Identify, gender dynamics in the workplace, outsourcing, or media literacy.Why people remain single:Discuss?

Why people remain single:Discuss?

Identify, gender dynamics in the workplace, outsourcing, or media literacy. If you prefer, you can pick a recent casual analysis topic that we haven’t read about in this class. These are general ideas–you must narrow and customize your topic. Your causal analysis has to be current and relevant. You must create a topic unique to this class, not one used for another assignment or class.

What sort of audience does Douglass anticipate for his reminiscence? How much does he assume his readers know about the conditions of slavery?

In a 5-paragraph essay, explain what strategies Douglass uses to learn how to read and write?

What sort of audience does Douglass anticipate for his reminiscence? How much does he assume his readers know about the conditions of slavery?

What books seem to matter most to Douglass? Why? What are his motives for want- ing to read and write? For Douglass, what is the relationship between literacy and freedom? How does he move from curiosity to anguish to “eternal wakefulness” in paragraph 6? What is the relationship between learning to read and learning to write?

Examine the nineteenth-century advertisement designed to capture a runaway slave (page 109). In what specific ways does the language of this advertisement reflect the slave owner’s attitude toward the slave? How does this language correspond to Douglass’s description of his life as a slave? Support your answer with specific examples.

Read Azar Nafisi’s excerpt from “Reading Lolita in Tehran” (page 499) and consider Nafisi’s students’ challenges in obtaining an education. What obstacles do the girls overcome to join Nafisi’s class? How do the difficulties Douglass faced in getting an education compare with those of Nafisi’s students

Explain why the word “BUT” is regarded as the Adversity of Conjunctions.Explain the following fallacies with specific examples in your own words: *Hasty Generalization; *False Analogy; Straw Man.

English 1301

Write a 2-page Narrative Essay in which you reflect on what you have learned in English 1301 throughout the semester. Simply title it: English 1301. Also, include a brief description of your experiences taking this course online instead of face-to-face instructions. Note that your essay will be graded on Spelling, Grammar, and Content. Additionally, explain the following fallacies with specific examples in your own words: *Hasty Generalization; *False Analogy; Straw Man.

In 2-3 paragraphs, explain why the word “BUT” is regarded as the Adversity of Conjunctions.

Explain whether the cause would indicate a primarily individual or community risk.Briefly explain how you could evaluate this program’s effectiveness.


Review the data compiled by the NFPA related to structural fire causes:
Campbell, R. (2017). Intentional fires. National Fire Protection Association.

Explain whether the cause would indicate a primarily individual or community risk.

Identify who you would target with a relevant fire safety education program and how a cause-and-origin investigation is used to determine this.

Recall how you would use the five-step model to compose the fire safety education program.

Write one measurable, actionable fire prevention objective for this program.

Briefly describe the fire prevention message you would try to deliver to this audience.

Identify the groups in the community that could be helpful or involved in message delivery.

Briefly explain how you could evaluate this program’s effectiveness.

Your written assignment should be at least two pages in length. Be sure to utilize APA formatting for all sources cited.

Is the interaction between Jacobs and Norcom about race and power or gender and power? If any of this rings true for you, you can use it in your essay. From chapters 1,5, & 21 500 words

Slave Language of Truth

Abolitionists supported slave narratives for obvious reasons, but how can we know the formerly enslaved were writing the truth? After all, slaveholders believed slaves to be lesser humans whose emotions and intellect were not fully developed; they couldn’t love or grieve in the way Whites did. Plantation owners believed slaves were dependent on owners for shelter and food. So, how did language of slave narratives change that perception? And, how do we know what happened to people, really did happen? Check the list summarized from an article by Charles Nichols for

The Phylon Quarterly. Compare that list with the excerpt you’ve assigned to read to decide if Jacob’s narrative is true.

You don’t have to, but you may want to use Olney’s conventions too—and the conventions of memoir. Do you think the idea of writing about past life experiences was evolving?

You may want to consider the interactions Jacobs (under the name Linda Brent) had with her master and mistress. Think about what Jacob’s story tells us about the corruption of power.

Is the interaction between Jacobs and Norcom about race and power or gender and power? If any of this rings true for you, you can use it in your essay. From chapters 1,5, & 21 500 words