Describe how to narrow the focus of a topic in the humanities.Explain the type of documentation styles needed for the humanities.


Describe how to narrow the focus of a topic in the humanities.

Explain the type of documentation styles needed for the humanities.

Step 1: Read the poem and its related content
Go to (Links to an external site.) in order to read “Ex-Basketball Player” by John Updike. Note that the “About this Poem” section contains other information that may be helpful to you in this assignment.

Step 2: Select a question and identify words, images, or aspects of the poem that support your answers

Choose one of the questions below as a starting point for your literary analysis of this poem. List your answers and provide evidence from the poem to support your ideas. See this page (Links to an external site.) for information regarding how to format in-text citation of poetry; also explore “Quoting Poetry (Links to an external site.)”.

Does the poem’s speaker pity or admire Flick? Are readers meant to pity or admire Flick?

Does Flick belong in the scenes where the speaker describes him? If so, why? If not, what effect does that have on the poem’s meaning?

Why does the speaker describe Flick’s hands so often, and what does this series of images mean?

What techniques does Poe use in the second paragraph to build suspense? What is the effect on you, the reader?What simile does the narrator use describing his return to consciousness? What does the narrator suggest by using this simile and subsequent description?

03.05 Fascination with Fear

3.05 Reading Journal

1. Poe describes the sensations of being buried alive. What imagery does Poe use to help you hear, see, smell, and feel?

2. The narrator suffers from catalepsy, a physical condition in which the individual cannot move or speak for hours or, in extreme cases, for months. According to the narrator’s explanation, what are some of the ways that one can tell a cataleptic is still living?

3. What simile does the narrator use describing his return to consciousness? What does the narrator suggest by using this simile and subsequent description?

4. As the narrator experiences fear, what techniques does Poe use to create suspense for the reader?

5. What is happening to the narrator here? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

6. The narrator describes one of his dreams. What happens and what is the significance?

7. How would you describe the narrator’s mental state? Are his actions rational?

8. What techniques does Poe use in the second paragraph to build suspense? What is the effect on you, the reader?

9. Based on the descriptions here, what has happened to the narrator?

10. How does changing sentence structure from long to short and choppy help build suspense? What emotions do you feel as you read?

11. What has happened? If you were the narrator, what would you feel hearing these voices?

12. The narrator explains how the circumstances of his night aboard the boat paralleled the circumstances of his worst fears. What are the similarities that he experiences?

13. The narrator undergoes a major change. What did the narrator do in light of his experience on the sailboat? Do you think his reaction is a typical one of someone facing their fears?

14. Think about the meaning of the last sentence. What is Poe saying in these final lines of his story?

Implicit bias is a social cognition influenced by attitudes and stereotypes that we have been exposed to. Discuss how implicit bias affects how we act in a subconscious way. Explain how implicit bias helped convict Adnan.

Implicit Bias in Adnan’s Case

Implicit bias is a social cognition influenced by attitudes and stereotypes that we have been exposed to. Discuss how implicit bias affects how we act in a subconscious way. Explain how implicit bias helped convict Adnan.

MLA 7 with in-text citations

In general, it seems that the modern west, along with most of the world, has come to a consensus about certain basic human rights. What is a right? Do we really have them? If so, how and why? Discuss the connection between human rights and the question of whether or not man is basically good or evil.

Discussion Questions
Directions: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared to
share your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. Do you think humans are fundamentally good, fundamentally bad, or perhaps a mixture of
both? Discuss.

2. Is there something intrinsically special about human beings? What is it?

3. It seems evident from history and everyday experience that human beings have both a
capacity for great thought, virtue and creation, as well as ignorance, vice and destruction.
Discuss this tension.

4. In general, it seems that the modern west, along with most of the world, has come to a
consensus about certain basic human rights. What is a right? Do we really have them? If so,
how and why? Discuss the connection between human rights and the question of whether
or not man is basically good or evil.

5. Look at your answer to question 3. Do you think we make more progress in life by
assuming the best or the worst about people? Explain.

6. In the American justice system, the idea of motive plays a huge part in determining how we
judge a particular action (like murder). How do motives play into our judgment of what is
right or wrong? Explain using specific examples.

7. Can an action be both selfish and selfless at the same time? How would Hume likely answer
this question?

Analyse the development of divided loyalties as the key to understanding the role of one character in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark.

Analyse the development of divided loyalties as the key to understanding the role of one character in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark.

Use quotes from the text and secondary peer reviewed criticisms to support your answer. Is it key to understanding a character? Try to include both sides of the argument but make it clear in the conclusion and throughout the essay which side you fall on. You can choose any character in the book, but must only write about one.

What would you like to see change for CSI being online next semester? What are you going to try and do to be better for next semester?Are you excited about any particular course for next semester? Is there one you are scared about? Why?

Course Reflection

When writing, or addressing the questions below, think about these questions:

a) what to did you do?

b) how do you think you did?

c) how did it make you feel?
d)How would you do it differently?
e) Do you have any regrets?

f) How can you be better moving forward?

You do not need to answer the questions below, but you can. If you want to come up with your own ideas,  ask that you write almost equally about three topics.

1) Going to school online now + next semester

2) Information you learned about people, history, and society through our readings and videos

3) your times as an academic writer/researcher – past, present, future

What were your expectations and fears about going to college online this semester? What about next semester?

What would you like to see change for CSI being online next semester? What are you going to try and do to be better for next semester?

Are you excited about any particular course for next semester? Is there one you are scared about? Why?

How much research have you done before this class? How did you feel about doing research at the beginning of the semester? How do you feel about writing your next 8-10 page research? (p.s, you will have more research in your future)

What was something you found interesting from the first half of our semester when we went over fake news? Is there anything you found interesting or that you will carry with you moving forward?
Thinking about your first paper, what were your strengths and weaknesses?

Tell me one thing you found interesting from the second half of our semester about The Internet and digital connections.  know we are surrounded by news about this all the time, but hopefully from readings, videos, and discussions, you gained some deeper insight.

What did you learn about the research process that you think will be important for doing more research?

What were your biggest shortcomings that you believe you need to work on next semester? What was your biggest success?

How do you think the world can benefit from reading your research paper? With all your work and the facts you gathered, how can the world be better off with your work?

Of all the articles you read this semester, including in your own research, which stood out? Why? What about it? Was there one you truly did not like?

If you could read/watch one thing over break, what do you think it would be?

Share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you? (200 word limit)

Duke University Personal question

Share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you? (200 word limit)

live in North Carolina 2 hours away from duke so always loved duke. applying for the Pre-Med program in hopes of becoming a nuclear physician, you can look at specific things or clubs they do to help show my interest into the science field or pre-med track. remember its no more than 200 words.

Explain how the scene makes use of one particular film technique in order to create emotional, intellectual, or philosophical meaning for you, the viewer. 500 words, approximately

Eng 102/ film

Choose a scene in one of the films we have watched: The Kings of Summer, The Fall, Glory at Sea, New York,  Love You. Explain how the scene makes use of one particular film technique in order to create emotional, intellectual, or philosophical meaning for you, the viewer. 500 words, approximately