You can be one of these people whenever you get up to present. One way to do this is to always consider incorporating what you enjoy seeing during presentations. Do you like eye contact that the presenter gives?

Abortion Legalization

Though it is possibly one of the most feared experiences while in college, students are repeatedly asked to get up in front of a group of their peers and present information in a coherent, cohesive, and interesting manner. Despite all of the practice we often get in presenting during college, it is always still nerve racking each time we face it.

However, something students forget to keep in mind is the fact that their classmates are just as nervous as they are, and often times, we actually enjoy watching our peers, especially if they’re entertaining or really good at public speaking, or just have an intriguing topic that they are presenting on.

You can be one of these people whenever you get up to present. One way to do this is to always consider incorporating what you enjoy seeing during presentations. Do you like eye contact that the presenter gives? Start looking at your audience.

Do you like videos or images that grab your attention? Create a Power Point filled with them. Use what you like, and your audience will like it, too.

We will discuss in class various helpful hints and techniques when presenting, but what be paying attention to the most is how your presentation reflects your argumentative essay. Your presentation will need to cover the highlights of your argumentative essay—without reading straight from the essay—including the following:

1) An introduction with a hook and clearly given.

2) Several arguments supporting your.

3) Discussion of the opposition’s arguments and your rebuttals to them.

4) Use of research throughout.

5) Proper citation of sources in MLA documentation (both in-text and Works Cited would be preferred).

What did you learn about searching in databases that you want to takeaway for the next time you need to use them? What did you learn about your topic from searching 3 different databases and reviewing 6 articles?

Log 3

Reflect on your searching experience: What did you learn about searching in databases that you want to takeaway for the next time you need to use them? What did you learn about your topic from searching 3 different databases and reviewing 6 articles?

Describe a problem you have identified in your field?Explain why this problem has a negative impact?

Arguementive Essay

Describe a problem you have identified in your field? (1 paragraph)

Explain why this problem has a negative impact? (1-2 paragraphs)

Identify one or more causes of the problem? (1-2 paragraphs)

Propose a solution to the problem in a single sentence at end of last paragraph in this section? (This is your thesis statement)

What role do the townsmen play in the story?Discuss whether Delia acted ethically when she did not seek aid for Sykes at the end of the story. Do her actions conflict with her Christian beliefs?

The dilemma

What role do the townsmen play in the story?

Discuss the significance of the snake in the story.
12/4/21, 12:45 PM Literary Contexts in Short Stories: Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”: Discovery Service for East Mississippi Comm College… 8/9

Does Hurston’s use of dialect strengthen the story?

Do you agree with Clarke’s comment regarding Sykes: “Tain’t no law on earth dat kin make a
man be decent if it ain’t in ‘im” (31)?

Compare and contrast the characters Delia and Bertha.

Do you think Sykes deserves to die?

Explore the irony in the story.

Why do you think Delia tries to remain “blind and deaf” (33)?

Find examples of Delia’s expressions of anger toward Sykes. Does she become more
aggressive toward him as the story progresses?

The narrator mentions the hot weather several times. Is it important to the story that it is hot?
Essay Ideas

Discuss whether Delia acted ethically when she did not seek aid for Sykes at the end of the story. Do
her actions conflict with her Christian beliefs?

Explore Delia as a victim of domestic violence.

Discuss the role economics plays in the story.

Describe Delia from a feminist perspective.

Discuss elements of folklore Hurston weaves into the story.

Disparities in Healthcare Coverage for Americans Before and After The COVID-19 Pandemic:Discuss?

Disparities in Healthcare Coverage for Americans Before and After The COVID-19 Pandemic:Discuss?

Create a PowerPoint presentation for a 10-15 minutes presentation with a full script. The PowerPoint should be around 15 slides. The script should be around 1300 words.



Are teens too reliant on technology?Does your argument use emotional appeals in moderation? (pathos)How do you establish your speaker credibility for the presentation? (ethos)

Are teens too reliant on technology?

1) Quality and complexity of your argument: 45 points

Do you make a compelling and valid argument?

Is your argument logically sound? (logos)

Does your argument use emotional appeals in moderation? (pathos)

How do you establish your speaker credibility for the presentation? (ethos)

Does your argument avoid any logical fallacies?

Is your argument’s development and presentation appropriate for a college level writing course?

2) Presentation & Creativity: 45 points

How visual aids and text are used

How creative your visual aids are

Are your slides balanced in terms of images and text?

Does the project rely too heavily on images or text?

Did you present text into talking, digestible increments?

How prepared are you for your presentation?

Are your slides and aids easy to use? Are the slides easy to read?

Use of colors? Do colors enhance or complicate the presentation?

Is the information presented in a straightforward, easy to decipher manner?

Do the visual aids enhance or hinder the overall argument?

3) Avoidance of Writing Errors: 30 points

Expect you to avoid the same errors, (writing, spelling, syntax, grammatical, etc.) that have been stressed throughout the semester.

4) Content properly formatted: 30 points

Works Cited page at the end of presentation

Textual content properly formatted according to MLA standards

What types of documents did you complete for the course and how are they related to one another?

That the questions,

What types of documents did you complete for the course and how are they related to one another?

What did you learn about how documents are structured topically?

What did you learn about designing documents so that they are useful and persuasive?

What did you learn about creating and including useful and persuasive graphics in documents?

Explain how she addresses women in the text and their need for rights generally and how she recognizes herself one of them. Explain how she appeals to her male audience in insisting fir womens rights by bringing up a wife’s role in a household and womens role as a mother.

The Vindication on the Rights of Women

Prompt: Contemporary scholars view Mary Wollstonecraft as an important women’s rights advocate, but some stop short of calling her a feminist.

Given this, how would you address the fact that The Vindication of the Rights of Women seems to insist that women’s rights have little to do with women as women (as opposed to wives and mothers)?

Essentially want the essay to be about how Wollstonecraft’s work insists that women rights has to do with wives and mothers because she is appealing to the readers, who are a male audience.

Explain how she addresses women in the text and their need for rights generally and how she recognizes herself one of them. Explain how she appeals to her male audience in insisting fir womens rights by bringing up a wife’s role in a household and womens role as a mother.

Select one protest/movement and using the definitions from Kuszwerksi’s article, write an essay arguing whether or not the participants are altruists or sociopaths. Be certain to include the aim ofthe movement and specific examples (protests or other political or socialactivity) to support your assertions.

“Heroes Vs. Sociopaths”
Our society is replete with a plethora of social and political
movements/protests (The January 6th insurrection at the United States
capital, Black Lives Matter, immigration reform, welfare reform, LGBTQ
movement, Civil Rights, etc.)

Select one protest/movement and using the definitions from Kuszwerksi’s article, write an essay arguing whether or not
the participants are altruists or sociopaths. Be certain to include the aim ofthe movement and specific examples (protests or other political or socialactivity) to support your assertions.