What types of thermal energy are being shared?Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?

District Geothermal, Heating or Energy Systems

Where did your current event come from? Cite the article/post/paper in the APA Style bibliographic format (see near the end of the syllabus).

What types of thermal energy are being shared?

Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?

What water resources does this country have available to them, is it one of the water stress areas of the world, does it have a lot of rivers and good ground water?

Waste water treatment in South Africa – technological approach to dealing with wastewater into the next decade.

Water treatment plants – are they in good conditions, are they efficient?

Do they need a better standard of wastewater before releasing to the environment?

Relatively small city centers and a lot of rural areas on the outskirts and they may need a different approach.

Growing population in cities, do they need to do something drastic there?

What water resources does this country have available to them, is it one of the water stress areas of the world, does it have a lot of rivers and good ground water?

Write a short (250-500 word) explanation of how the weather observations in Figures 2, 3 and 4 relate to the passage of depression X over the UK (shown in Figure 1).

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Conservation management of an upland heath nature reserve

Portfolio Assessment 3

Write a short (250-500 word) explanation of how the weather observations in Figures 2, 3 and 4 relate to the passage of depression X over the UK (shown in Figure 1). You should consider:

1) Wind speed and direction
2) Temperatures
3) Clouds and precipitation

What challenges it faced in this implementation of each and how was it successful or not (evidence)How China strengthened reslience of health system as mitigation against GHG emssions.

GHG Emissions comparative study & policy solutions

Talk about of the challenges of the GHG emitting sectors of China per the graph of 2018. What policy China applied for each to curb emissions. II.

What challenges it faced in this implementation of each and how was it successful
or not (evidence)
a. Electricity and Heat
b. Manufactoring Construction
c. Transport

d. also check about aviation and shipping (for us and china) how their emissions are low, as in the end, you’ll need to provide a recommendation for country y, that has high emission with aviation and shipping.

How China strengthened reslience of health system as mitigation against GHG emssions.

Talk about of the challenges of the carbon emitting sectors of the US per the graph of 2018. What policy China applied for each to curb emissions. II. What challenges it faced in this implementation of each and how was it
successful or not (evidence)
a. Electricity and Heat
b. Manufactoring Construction
c. Transport

How China strengthened reslience of health system as mitigation against GHG emssions

What values are considered high/hazardous to health?How reliable is it?

An assessment of carbon monoxide emission in the east of England

Additional contextual information that may be useful:

Further information on the pollutant data:

When was it collected?

How reliable is it?

What values are considered high/hazardous to health?

According to you, which global climate policy is the most robust (i.e. has the strongest justifications)? Formulate three solid objections to this policy and answer them. Does answering such criticisms lead you to alter or revise your initial argument? In which way?Which global climate policy is the most robust?

Which global climate policy is the most robust?

Main task: Final individual assignment on Callies and Moellendorf’s text (attached). You are to familiarize Yourself with the text and answer the question (which is made up of several sub-questions). You must support your argument with at least three authoritative outside sources that you reference correctly.


According to you, which global climate policy is the most robust (i.e. has the strongest justifications)? Formulate three solid objections to this policy and answer them. Does answering such criticisms lead you to alter or revise your initial argument? In which way?


What is the purpose of the article? What was the research trying to accomplish?Summarize the results of the article in your own words. Based on the results, what was accomplished, and what would you want to see research as a follow-up?.

Emerald ash borer

What is the purpose of the article? What was the research trying to accomplish?

What methods were used in the research presented in the article?

Summarize the results of the article in your own words. Based on the results, what was accomplished, and what would you want to see research as a follow-up?.

Select one other feature of the article that you believe would be important if you were using this article in environmental research, and explain why. This could include the theory or background, discussion, or literature review.

Is the “clean” site still clean? Provide potential explanations for the long-term fluctuations in the biotic index at each site; account of the strengths and weaknesses of the biotic indexes; how useful are they in general and how they could be improved.

Freshwater Pollution

Derivation of the Biotic Indexes of Freshwater Pollution

You have been provided with long term biological data for the four different freshwater sites
routinely monitored by SEPA with potentially different levels of pollution. You have also been
issued with notes setting out the sensitivity of various species of invertebrates to pollution.

1- Deveron Cabrach, NJ 37855 29144

2- Water of Cruden, upstream of Morissons

3- Mains of Dyce at Pitmedden Industrial Estate

4- Burn of Noss

Your task is to use these materials to:

(i) derive biotic indexes that summarise pollution status of each site

(ii) compare different BI approaches,

(iii) calculate long-term ASPT scores for each site

(iv) Critically appraise the use of biotic indexes in freshwater pollution monitoring
Summarise your findings in a scientific report. The report should not exceed 2000 words and
should be of the following structure:


Introduction and Aims – a very brief review of what a biotic index is and why it is useful in

freshwater pollution monitoring. Some background information you can get on the specific
sites would also be useful. There should be at least 2 aims, one focusing on assessing the
ecological status of the 4 sites you got samples to work in class and one aim focusing on the
long term dataset.

Methods – a clear, concise account of what materials and methods have been used (i.e. what
BI methods have been used, etc.), how samples were collected

Results – tables/graphs summarising data and derived biotic indexes, including brief

Discussion – an understanding of the assessment of the ecological status of your 4 sites; be
critical and innovative in discussion; has the recovery site recovered or not? Is the “clean” site
still clean? Provide potential explanations for the long-term fluctuations in the biotic index at
each site; account of the strengths and weaknesses of the biotic indexes; how useful are they in
general and how they could be improved.

Describe any observed limitations of the method (not including researcher error!) References in Harvard format.

Two separate (600 words +/- 10%) science lab reports on water pollution and treatment

Suitable statement of the results, supported by graphs, tables (create bar graphs) or other suitable visual representation

Describe any observed limitations of the method (not including researcher error!)
References in Harvard format

What are some of the possible sources for the particulates in your collectors? Are they natural or anthropogenic?Which location showed the greatest number of particulates? Does this result make sense based on your description of the location? Why or why not?

Air Quality

Earth’s atmosphere is composed of approximately ___ percent oxygen.

Name three of the six common air pollutants that the EPA has identified as being threatening to human health and the environment.

Classify each pollutant listed below as either primary or secondary.
Ozone (O3)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Name two anthropogenic sources of pollution and two natural sources of pollution.

Smog is formed through a reaction with sunlight, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, producin

What was the purpose of the control in this experiment?

Did your hypothesis match your results? Explain.

Describe the two locations you chose to place collectors.

Which location showed the greatest number of particulates? Does this result make sense based on your description of the location? Why or why not?

What are some of the possible sources for the particulates in your collectors? Are they natural or anthropogenic?

How did the ammonia influence seed germination in your experiment?

Why do you think the seeds that did not germinate could not do so?

Using the internet, search for an example where air pollution caused the death of plants or crops. Summarize the cause, effect, and outcome of the event.

Besides primary producers, what other components of an ecosystem could be affected by air pollution?