Identify the geographical distribution of thinning/thickening of packages relative to the position of the salt diapirs.

Basin analysis assessed exercise

The practical involves the interpretation of four seismic profiles that cross one another,
creating a grid. The overall objectives are to map out distinctive sedimentary (acoustic)
facies, interpret the depositional architecture, and evaluate the controls on the basin
margin development.

Map the fault network,

Map the salt bodies,

Identify depositional packages,

Mark unconformities,

Identify the geographical distribution of thinning/thickening of packages relative to the
position of the salt diapirs.

Hihglight pre-salt, syn-salt and post-salt sequences

What kinds of animals will you see? How close will you get? Your tourists may need a camera with a telephoto lens to get the pictures they will want to remember the tour.Are there any plants you will want to make sure each tourist sees?

Biome Project

What kinds of animals will you see? How close will you get? Your tourists may need a
camera with a telephoto lens to get the pictures they will want to remember the tour.

Are there any plants you will want to make sure each tourist sees?

Include pictures and descriptions of them. Are they poisonous, endangered? Look for
pictures and information about each stop of your tour. As you save pictures on your
page make sure to also save the urls in a reference content block.

Develop a description of why someone should go on your tour. Make it exciting and use
a thesaurus if needed to find more word choices.

Climate change is an important topic right now. Share information that you found about
climate change. looking for well supported information so check your source.

Complete the Seasons lesson path and add to your study guide and Biome project.

Make sure to talk about places to get souvenirs. What’s a good tour if you can’t bring
home something to show everyone. Will you be going through different countries and
need different types of currency? How about credit cards? Phone service? You might
want to include a picture of people you will encounter and items that might be hand
crafted in the area. Project Work Day.

Does the stratigraphic sequence indicate any changes in sea level or deposition in any particular tectonic environment? How does this relate to the structural evolution of the area?

Geological Field Mapping

For example, does the stratigraphic sequence indicate any changes in sea level or
deposition in any particular tectonic environment? How does this relate to the structural evolution of
the area?

As you describe the history of your own area from your own evidence you should also discuss your
findings using the published literature about the area. Compare your own mapping units, formations
and members with any published stratigraphy for your area.

Do you disagree with the acceptedwisdom, or is your story broadly consistent with other people’s ideas? How does your area fit in with the wider interpretation of the geological history of the region?

How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?Analyze the pros and cons of the article. Is the author presenting good science or just opinion? Is the author a recognized expert? How could the article be improved?

Current Event Essay

How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?

How does this article relate to my life?

What is a Critique?

Analyze the pros and cons of the article. Is the author presenting good science or just opinion? Is the author a recognized expert? How could the article be improved?

What is Good Science?

The instructions above ask you to evaluate whether the article is ‘good science’. DO NOT just tell me it is ‘good science’.

Explain why. Start by asking yourself these questions:

Did they try and use the scientific method (Ch. 1)? Did they support the conclusions with facts? Did they provide the facts or a reference to them? If the answer is no to any of those basic questions, then it’s probably not good quality science, and you probably need to find at least 1 more supplemental article to add additional support to your essay.


Describe the differences between deep-seated and shallow landslides.What are some dangers of landslides?Why is it important that geologists like Professor Bill Dietrich and his team continue to study landslides?

1. Take a look at the different parts of the state, watch the vidoes and explore areas
that you may not be familiar with, and then
Explain what Georgia landform you enjoy or would like to visit and tell us a little bit
about why you chose that landform fo discuss.

2. Add to your study guide (Pick TWO areas of the state from the site above to compare and write a brief
comparison of how these regions are alike and different tectonically. Where do you see
erosion and weathering? What impacts have wind and water had? Are the landforms
similar or different

3. Look through the Landforms website and use it to fill out your study guide.
Which landform do you find most interesting?

4. Look at Geology of Wind Cave and learn more about Wind Cave National Park. Add
to your study guide and submit to the discussion board.

What did you find interesting about Wind Cave, either from the powerpoint or the Park
Service website?

5. Relative age is how scientists reconstruct what has happened and when in relation to
other events.

Read about Relative Age..

Try the Relative Age Worksheet and submit answers to the dropbox.

How is relative age used to help determine what happened on earth long before
recorded history? Why do we care?

Take a look at Karst Topography and what causes these types of landforms. Then
investigate how surface water creates landforms and explore the processes involved in
landform creation.

Explain sorting, sedimentation, watersheds, flood control, Mass Wasting and how it
occurs, and the differences between chemical and physical weathering.

6. Take a look at the video landslide detectives, answer the questions below and use
the resources in this lesson to complete your study guide. Submit your questions below
to the dropbox.

Describe the differences between deep-seated and shallow landslides.What are some
dangers of landslides?

How do landslides affect people?

Why is it important that geologists like Professor Bill Dietrich and his team continue to
study landslides?

How should the issue of changing property lines be addressed in landslide-prone

7. submit a comparison of landslides and avalanches using a venn diagram to the drop
box. Choose Three points on how they are alike and Three points on how they are
different. You may use the venn diagram template below or create your own.

How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?What types of stress does this place on the organisms?

Estuary Salinity Lab

Answer the following analysis questions.

Which solution was above the other?

Why did the solutions seperate and not mix?

How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries?

How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

What types of stress does this place on the organisms?

Does the sample appear to be mostly or entirely composed of the same mineral? Is the rock layered (foliated)? Are the foliations planar or folded? Are different layers composed of different colors/types of mineral? Are some mineral grains large and others much smaller? Is there any hint of shiny mica minerals along the foliations?

Lab 7 Metamorphic Rocks, Processes, and Resources

Analyze the metamorphic rocks in Fig. A7.1.1 and actual rock samples of them, if available. Beneath or beside each picture, briefly note the most distinctive features you observe in the rock.

For example, does the sample appear to be mostly or entirely composed of the same mineral? Is the rock layered (foliated)? Are the foliations planar or folded? Are different layers composed of different colors/types of mineral? Are some mineral grains large and others much smaller? Is there any hint of shiny mica minerals along the foliations?

Figure A7.1.1
B REFLECT & DISCUSS Reflect on your observations and descriptions of metamorphic rocks in part A. Then describe

How you would classify the rocks into groups. Be prepared to discuss your classification with your classmates or teacher.

Define the area in which the annual range (local summer minus local winter) of precipitation is greater than 2.5 mm day–1. Global land monsoon precipitation refers to the mean precipitation over land areas within the global monsoon.

Define the area in which the annual range (local summer minus local winter) of precipitation is greater
than 2.5 mm day–1. Global land monsoon precipitation refers to the mean precipitation over land areas within the global monsoon.

 In a mine, a tabular dyke has an apparent dip of 14° to 270° in one tunnel and 25° to 169° in another tunnel. What is the true strike and dip of the dyke?

Along a vertical railway cutting, a bed has an apparent dip of 20° to 298°. If the bed strikes 067°, what is the true dip and dip direction?

In a mine, a tabular dyke has an apparent dip of 14° to 270° in one tunnel and 25° to 169° in another tunnel. What is the true strike and dip of the dyke?

Plot the planes of the limbs of an antiformal fold dipping at 50N/101 and 605/065.The point where the two planes intersect indicates the plunge of the fold. What is it?

 What use in scientific procedures (i.e. measurements) lithium isotopes are or can be used for as well as lithium deposits (historic and/or current) and the environmental impacts/changes (both oceanic and lithic) they have made or can make.

What use in scientific procedures (i.e. measurements) lithium isotopes are or can be used for as well as lithium deposits (historic and/or current) and the environmental impacts/changes (both oceanic and lithic) they have made or can make.

Focus on using the Geological Society of America’s journal “Geology” for sources, but can use other journals as well.