Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theories and practice of reflective practice.

Living the Values

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theories and practice of reflective practice.

Apply theories and methods of reflective practice

Demonstrate reflexivity in your leadership practice

Demonstrate how your leadership practice improves and sustains care quality.

What factors are involved in the development and implementation of policy at the local level select an appropriate Local Authority in England ( which is northern devon healthcare)

Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy Policy and Guideline ( northern devon healthcare)

What factors are involved in the development and implementation of policy at the local level select an appropriate Local Authority in England ( which is northern devon healthcare)

Discuss the role of the public health pharmacist in supporting this patient with oral health care. (Up to 1000 words)

public health pharmacy

In reference to this patient:
Critically examine the role of the pharmacist in oncology care to improve overall patient safety.
(Up to 1000 words)

Discuss the role of the public health pharmacist in supporting this patient with oral health care.
(Up to 1000 words)

Describe current approaches to stress reduction and prevention.Why are these stressors important to consider for this population?

Stress Management

Describe how stress is defined and measured.

Explain the causes of stress

Discuss health consequences of stress.

Describe current approaches to stress reduction and prevention.

Summarize current research in stress management and prevention.

Evaluate the usefulness of resources.

Why are these stressors important to consider for this population?

Describe at least three (3) stress management/mindfulness techniques and their benefits.

What obstacles could you face and how would you overcome them?

 How can we determine the effectiveness and success of our CR programme to ensure we can make a difference and optimise the health outcomes of our cardiac patient population?

Intervention Proposal

The questions for you to consider are:

The CCG have increased funding so the CR team are now in a situation where they need to find solutions to ensure patients are starting CR in the recommended timeframe and receiving the most effective dose to optimise their health outcomes. Can you re-design their CR intervention to offer more effective CR to the Blackpool community?

Do we keep patients attending twice weekly for an 8-week CR intervention and deal with a growing waiting list?

Do we reduce the exercise dose to once weekly so we can increase the number of patients entering CR and reduce the waiting list?

Is there anything we can do to the hospital-based CR to make it more effective?

Is there anything we could do to offer additional sessions outside of the hospital setting so our patients meet the BACPR recommendations?

Are there any suggestions for altering the educational aspects to be more effective at encouraging our patients to make and adhere to healthier lifestyle choices?

How can we determine the effectiveness and success of our CR programme to ensure we can make a difference and optimise the health outcomes of our cardiac patient population?

Discuss how/why specific health services do (or do not) follow each demand curve – and why.

Graphing Demand

In healthcare, depending upon the dynamic environment, we very well may have many demand graphs in effect at any one time.
For each of the demand graphs below, provide a non-healthcare example that relates to each one.

Explain how each variable you chose supports each demand graph (you may copy/paste these graphs into your response if you would like).

Discuss how/why specific health services do (or do not) follow each demand curve – and why. Be specific! You may need to assume a specific market environment condition, etc. to get your point across.

Discuss how you will use what you learned in the future, perhaps in your professional life, and how would you do things differently based on your experience.

Individual Reflective

Discuss how you approached the issue that you chose to address, the processes followed and what you may have wished to have gained through interaction with the client.

Outcomes or Action – What did you learn? What would you do differently next time?

Discuss how you will use what you learned in the future, perhaps in your professional life, and how would you do things differently based on your experience.


How does this exercise apply to your future role as a healthcare administrator? In what way can you use this exercise to influence (or not influence) your decisions as an organizational leader?

Module 2 Assignment – What’s Your Risk Type?

Based on the overall results, are you a risk seeker, risk neutral, or risk adverse? Why?

Discuss if you agree or disagree with the survey’s results and overall category in which you were placed. Do you agree with this finding? Why, or why not?

If you were to respond to this survey again, only this time without the $15,000 having been automatically given to you to invest, would your response be any different, now being required to use your hard-earned money as the initial principle investment?

How does this exercise apply to your future role as a healthcare administrator? In what way can you use this exercise to influence (or not influence) your decisions as an organizational leader?

Finally, apply this lesson on risk to any healthcare organization’s action in the news. For instance, have any healthcare organizations (noticed in your workplace, on TV, located on the internet) demonstrated risk aversion, risk seeking, or risk neutral behaviors? Was this a good idea (in your opinion) considering the situation?