Explain the need for the policy and how it supports better public health outcomes and which populations will receive the greatest impact.Who supports and opposes this policy and what are their reasons?

Public health association assignment

Write a 3-5 page paper that includes the following:

Identify to whom you spoke and their role within the association.

Describe one or more of their policy initiatives and identify the ethical principles supporting the initiative.

Explain the need for the policy and how it supports better public health outcomes and which populations will receive the greatest impact.

Discuss the barriers involved in getting this policy into practice.

Who supports and opposes this policy and what are their reasons?

Examine whether or not you would join this association-why or why not.

How is sensitive information related to behavioral health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, adoption, STDs, and other communicable diseases and genetics protected from unauthorized access and disclosure?

You will complete the PowerPoint by outlining thoroughly researched responses, based on this module’s reading, to the following questions/topics:

Who owns the patient’s health record?

What are access and disclosure rights of competent and incompetent adults?

When are minors allowed to authorize access or disclosure of their own health information?

How is sensitive information related to behavioral health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, adoption, STDs, and other communicable diseases and genetics protected from unauthorized access and disclosure?

What does the legal concept of “duty to warn” refer to and how does it relate to the issue of disclosure of patient information?

What must a healthcare provider do to ensure proper release of patient information?

Evaluate the possible assumptions, biases, and stereotypes that relate to disease conditions.

How it would differ/be the same when applied to the development of Healthcare Management Information Systems (HMIS) and/or Healthcare Information Systems (HIS)?

Wk 5 – Discussion 3: Healthcare Information Systems Implementation –

Watch this video on SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) steps – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmrGZSGK1k). Analyze the SDLC process explained in the video.

How it would differ/be the same when applied to the development of Healthcare Management Information Systems (HMIS) and/or Healthcare Information Systems (HIS)?

Explain which of the step(s) can you omit if your organization does not maintain internal IT staff (Hint: Feasibility Study slide), and how would you complete this step of the SDLC process without affecting the integrity of the HMIS/HIS? Justify the cyclic nature of the SDLC process.



Analyze the effectiveness and impact of leadership skills Assess personal leadership traits

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills, or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain to what extent these skills were effective and how their practice impacted the workplace.

Analyze the effectiveness and impact of leadership skills
Assess personal leadership traits

Analyze how leadership traits can be applied to personal leadership philosophies and behaviors

Develop a personal leadership philosophy

Create a development plan related to personal leadership philosophies

Resources to used



How many employees have hospitals lost to vaccine mandates?

Health issues

What it is and why it matters. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 23, No. 1, Manuscript 1. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No01Man01 https://doi.org/10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No01Man01

How many employees have hospitals lost to vaccine mandates? Here are the numbers so far. Fierce Healthcare. Retrieved on March 09, 2022, from https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals/how-many-employees-have-hospitals-lost-to-vaccine-mandates-numbers-so-far

Describe what the pr oponents of the bill believe the bill will accomplish.Who are the promoters of the bill?

Who wrote the bill?

Who are the promoters of the bill? (These are individuals that actively promote, support or advocate for passage of the bill).

Describe what the promoters of the bill believe the bill will accompli sh.

Make sure to discuss what specific health outcomes the promoters say will occur if the bill is passed.

Do not just discuss what the promoters promise it will accomplish. Make sure to read the fine print and see exactly what the bill will do.

Who are the proponents of the bi ll? (These must be organizations and not individuals that actively promote, support or advocate for passage of the bill you must have 2 -6 proponents).

Describe what the pr oponents of the bill believe the bill will accomplish.
Make sure to discuss what spe cific outcomes the pro ponents say will occur if the bill is

 Describe how knowledge, skill, attitude, socioeconomic environment, and culture affect health disparities. (3-4 pages)

Stakeholder Positions on Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

The stakeholders I would like you to focus on are USDHHS (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services), Healthy People 2020, WHO, and the CDC, though others are also encouraged.

Articulate the responsibilities, goals, and objectives of these key public stakeholders in regards to health disparities.

Describe how knowledge, skill, attitude, socioeconomic environment, and culture affect health disparities. (3-4 pages)

How can an evaluator (you) utilize a logic model to make certain the evaluation researchers and assess the most critical content related to the organization?

Method Section

Why does your organization care if an evaluation is being conducted and what benefits may it provide them and their population?

Explain how a logic model is a necessary tool to make certain the evaluation remains organized.

How can an evaluator (you) utilize a logic model to make certain the evaluation researchers and assess the most critical content related to the organization?

To what extent is organization XYZ utilizing funding towards programming versus administrative costs and how can the ratio be improved?

What does a successful answer to this evaluation question result in for the organization or the surrounding served population?

With an accurate assessment of expenses and revenue, the organization can make efficiency changes to push more funding towards program efforts.

What methods are required to obtain the needed information and/or data to address this question?

What are your potential sources of data? E.g. Served population, internal records, IRS, etc.

Ex: XYZ Annual Report, Charity Navigator, Pro Publica, Local News Outlet

How frequently should this evaluation question be examined going forward for the organization to remain successful? In the paragraph that follows the table explain how each frequency was chosen