Which of the following refers to a rigidly held, oversimplified, and overgeneralized belief about how each gender should behave?

Choice question

1. For most people, anatomical sex, gender identity, and assigned gender are
a. discordant
b. ambiguous
c. congruent
d. unrelated
0.75 points

1. Although gender is not inherent in inanimate objects or in behaviors, we treat many objects and behaviors as if they were masculine or feminine. This cognitive organization of the world according to gender is referred to as
a. a gender bias
b. sex typing
c. a gender schema
d. gender stereotyping
0.75 points

Which of the following refers to a rigidly held, oversimplified, and overgeneralized belief about how each gender should behave?
a. gender variation
b. gender-role stereotype
c. gender identity
d. assigned gender
0.75 points

1. The first sign of puberty in boys is
a. the deepening of the voice
b. the growth of pubic hair
c. the growth of facial hair
d. the enlargement of the testicles
0.75 points


1. When the brains of love-struck men are studied, it is found that more activity exists for men in
a. the brain region that integrates visual stimuli
b. the brain region that governs memories
c. the hypothalamus
d. the amygdala
0.75 points

1. The assignment of gender usually occurs at birth and is usually based on
a. gender identity
b. anatomical appearance
c. behavioral genetics
d. dominant hormones
0.75 points

1. Diana has reached menopause. Her age is most likely to be around
a. 12 years
b. 29 years
c. 37 years
d. 51 years
0.75 points


1. ________ is a term that describes irrational or phobic fear of sexual minorities.
a. Agoraphobia
b. Homophobia
c. Heterophobia
d. Homophilia
0.75 points


1. Which of the following almost always precedes lesbian or gay activity by several years?
a. homoeroticism
b. depression
c. promiscuity
d. dissipation
0.75 points

1. Proximity in a relationship signifies
a. a level of intimacy
b. a level of competition
c. the couple’s level of knowledge
d. the status of a person in the relationship
0.75 points

Which of the following terms refers to a marriage in which partners mutually agree to allow sexual relationships with others?
a. open marriage
b. arranged marriage
c. consensual marriage
d. rebound marriage
0.75 points

1. The first sign of puberty in girls is
a. the growth of underarm hair
b. breast development
c. the secretion of vaginal mucus
d. menarche
0.75 points

1. How are sexual orientation and gender identity related to each other?
a. Gender identity determines sexual orientation
b. They are conceptually independent of each other
c. Sexual orientation determines gender identity
d. They are both determined by a person’s sex
0.75 points

1. By what age does one internalize and identify with one’s gender?
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years
0.75 points

1. A succession of marriages or relationships rather than permanence is sometimes known as
a. domestic partnership
b. open relationship
c. free union
d. serial monogamy
0.75 points

1. Which of the following refers to the physical sex structures of a person such as gonads, uterus, vulva, vagina, and penis?
a. genetic sex
b. gender dysphoria
c. anatomical sex
d. sexual dimorphism
0.75 points

1. Which of the following refers to whether one is biologically female or male?
a. sex
b. gender
c. sexual dimorphism
d. gender dysphoria
0.75 points

1. A sex education program in the Dakota school district goes from Kindergarten through high school. It is age-appropriate and covers a broad range of topics as well as opportunities to develop relationships and interpersonal skills and sexual responsibility. This approach is called
a. contraceptive sexuality education
b. comprehensive sexuality education
c. abstinence-only sexuality education
d. facilitative sexuality education
0.75 points

1. Which of the following statements is true of conflict?
a. The more intimate two people become, the less likely they are to experience conflict
b. The presence of conflict does not necessarily indicate that love is waning
c. Conflict in any form proves detrimental to a relationship
d. Conflict is the process in which people perceive what is hindering them from achieving their goals
0.75 points

1. Puberty is the time when a person
a. enters early adulthood
b. learns about sexuality
c. becomes capable of reproduction
d. becomes a legal adult
0.75 points

1. Menopause is best defined as
a. the onset of menstrual irregularities
b. the recurrent dysplasia of the cervix
c. the complete cessation of menstruation for at least a year
d. the period during which women are highly fertile
0.75 points

1. Virtually all health professionals consider masturbation a(n)
a. common childhood behavior
b. abnormal behavior
c. harmful behavior
d. unhealthy sexual behavior
0.75 points

1. The assumption that attractive people possess more desirable social characteristics than are actually present is called
a. the self-serving bias
b. the halo effect
c. the self-fulfilling prophecy
d. sexual attribution
0.75 points

1. In the context of love and communication in intimate relationships, the lack of sexual attraction is known as
a. sexual masochism
b. anorgasmia
c. hermaphroditism
d. asexuality
0.75 points

1. Which of the following statements defines the term “heteronormativity”?
a. It is a set of interrelated ideas used to organize information about the world on the basis of gender.
b. It is the belief that heterosexuality is standard, natural, and superior to all other expressions of sexuality.
c. It is the view that heterosexual men often have more female biological characteristics than homosexual men do.
d. It is a person’s internal sense or perception of being male, female, a blend of both, or neither.
0.75 points

1. Which of the following is NOT a change that a man can expect as he ages?
a. a longer refractory period
b. a decrease in the frequency of sexual activity
c. a slight increase in the amount of ejaculate
d. a less firm erection
0.75 points


1. According to the American Psychiatric Association, when a person is intensely uncomfortable and distressed with his or her biological gender and strongly identifies with, and wants to be, the other gender, that person may be said to have
a. monorchism
b. gender dysphoria
c. hypospadias
d. gonochorism
0.75 points

1. The human body actually begins its first sexual response
a. 6 months after birth
b. 3 years after birth
c. 13 years after birth
d. in utero

What type of business is it? Is the CMA involved in administrative duties, if so, what duties, or are they involved in direct patient care using clinical skills?

Medical Assisting Interview

Write a paragraph about the facility the CMA works in, who makes up the medical team? What type of business is it? Is the CMA involved in administrative duties, if so, what duties, or are they involved in direct patient care using clinical skills?

Why this individual did chose medical assisting as a career?

What do they feel are the top three qualities of a strong medical assistant?

What do they like the most about their position? Why?

What challenges do they have as a medical assistant?

What is something they learned or had to change during the lasts year of the pandemic

Based upon your understanding of the primer why would utilizing a physician champion assist with project success?

At the end of chapter 3 in Health Care Systems Engineering, there are a number of “Questions and Learning Activities.” For this module’s self-assessment, answer question #3 in at least one paragraph.


Based upon the readings from Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice, in your own words, describe the four (4) basic steps of the needs analysis. Provide a description of each step.

In addition, define the term “performance requirement validation” and provide an example from a health care system of your choice. For example, “The system is a lab specimen collection process where performance requirements might be defined as: specimens are collected from patients on the nursing unit by 6:00 am and transported to the lab no later than 9:00am daily.” Do not use this example.

THIRD SECTION 2 paragraphs:

Using the article Change management in EHR Adoption.

Based upon the topic of creating a climate of change, what recommendations did the primer provide to carry that concept out to practice?

The primer indicated that: “Experience has shown that one key success factor in communicating with physicians is identifying and utilizing a physician champion.” Based upon your understanding of the primer why would utilizing a physician champion assist with project success?


Using the article Managing Change: An Overview, answer the following question:
The article indicated that types of change can be identified as one of four types. Name the four types and give an example of each one.

Managing Change | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

Identify political issues in the scenario.Discuss how you would effectively and ethically handle the situation.

Evaluate a political issue in a health care scenario

Identify political issues in the scenario.

Discuss how you would effectively and ethically handle the situation.
Apply two (2) conflict management skills to resolve issues and build team alliances that support your decisions based on how you handled the situation(s).
Include two (2) academic references.
Minimum Submission Requirements

Describe the issue and why and how it poses an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers and healthcare organizations?

Organ transplantation and artificial organs

Describe the issue and why and how it poses an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers and healthcare organizations?

What ethical principle(s) would be applicable to the dilemma?

Describe the ethical decision-making steps used to come to an ethical decision?

With whom would a healthcare professional consult in coming to a decision?

How are your personal values challenged? What would be a personal bias or conflict of interest in resolving this dilemma?


Discuss how activity-based costing can be used to mitigate rising costs and the change in patient perception. Use research to support your statement in your few paragraphs original discussion post

Read Service Lines and Activity-Based Costing Reveal True Cost of Care for UPMC, available at:

https://www.healthcatalyst.com/success_stories/activity-based-costing-in-healthcare-upmc . Discuss how activity-based costing can be used to mitigate rising costs and the change in patient perception. Use research to support your statement in your few paragraphs original discussion post

Explain, in a 2-4-page memorandum to the CEO, their implications. Provide the discussion in the memorandum (must be in proper Memo format).

HCAD 640 Assignment 2 Break Even Analysis

Assignment has 2 parts to complete (2-4-page memorandum / Memo Format and demonstrate work on Excel spreed-sheet provided) At least (1-2) cited source is required.

Calculate break-even and payback period analyses. See Excel Spreadsheet to show your calculation.

Explain, in a 2-4-page memorandum to the CEO, their implications. Provide the discussion in the memorandum (must be in proper Memo format).

 Who influences their opinions generally and who influences their opinion of you? Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right?

Stake holder analysis

What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of your work – is it positive or negative?

What motivates them most of all?

What support do you want from them?

What information do they want from you?

How do they want to receive information from you – what is the best way of communicating your message to them? (This will input into your communications plan)

What is their current opinion of your work and is it based on good information?

Who influences their opinions generally and who influences their opinion of you?

Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right?

If they are not likely to be positive what will win them round to give their support?

If you are unlikely to win around, then how will you manage their opposition?

Who else might be influenced by their opinions and decide if they need to become stakeholders in their own right?

How would you feel?“If you were to find out that the AI/ML system was used to make recommendations on your care and no one told you, how would you feel? Well, come to think of it, do you know whether an AI/ML system was used the last time you saw a physician?”

Week 6 Discussion

The last question is very poignant, “If you were to find out that the AI/ML system was used to make recommendations on your care and no one told you, how would you feel? Well, come to think of it, do you know whether an AI/ML system was used the last time you saw a physician?”

How would you feel?

Our learning activities, “How does IBM Watson work?” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7E1TJ1HtM0) and “Watson Health for Diabetes Management” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFD8HFqNR18) describe how wearables, data management and analytics in the Watson Health Cloud. IBM is then able to make predictive analytics for a give patient and sends information/recommendations to the patient’s smartphone. IBM claims they can predict if a patient is on their way to experiencing a diabetic event and send the patient information and recommendations to avoid the predicted event.