Answer the question.
Select one drug abuse treatment program for juveniles and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.
Answer the question.
Select one drug abuse treatment program for juveniles and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.
Purportedly, gangs are more likely to develop in urban, poor, and ethnic neighborhoods. Do agree with this assertion? Explain your reasoning.
Why do you believe that it is so hard to come up with a comprehensive definition of gangs and gang activity? What definition would you employ and why?
What role do you believe illegal drug use and alcohol abuse play in juvenile delinquency? Is it a cause or an effect, or something in between?
What policies and procedures would you recommend police adopt to minimize the need to arrest juveniles and hand them over to the court system? Alternatively, do you believe that the police should just charge more juveniles and let the courts handle a higher percentage of the problems? Explain your rationale.
Answer the question.
Explain the rationale behind "broken window" policing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?
Is there a consensus in the scientific community on the reliability of facial recognition software?
Are there any courts that have admitted evidence based on facial recognition software?
How have courts traditionally dealt with new technologies and their evidentiary impact on the criminal trial?
What, if any, barriers stand in the way of courts using facial recognition software?
Do you believe that the admission of evidence based on facial recognition software will ever become commonplace in our criminal justice system? Why or why not?
What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
Why do you believe you will make a good barrister? In your answer, identify any relevant experiences or skills that you believe may help you in your career (200 words)
What is the greatest challenge you have faced so far, and how you overcame it? (200 words)
Discuss a recent family law case (from the last 12 months) that interested you. (200 words)
Which family law case decided in the last 12 months do you most disagree with and why? (200 words)
How would your friends describe you? (lively personality etc, but also very firm and opinionated in certain matters) (200 words)
Describe what relevant skills and/or experience you poses which make you suitable for a career at the Family Bar? (200 words)
Why are you interested in family law? (300 words)
Was Re H-N and Others (children) (domestic abuse: finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448 a decade defining case or a missed opportunity? (250 words)
Which skills and characteristics are the hallmarks of a good advocate, and which of these do you and don’t you possess? (250 words)
What is the most important characteristic for a barrister to possess? (300 words)
What will you find the most difficult aspect of pupillage? (300 words)
Option 1
Construct 1,000 new prison beds in an additional wing at the state facility.
Option 2
Contract with a private prison company to rent 1,000 prison beds.
Review the Capital Budget Cost Data resource, which describes both options.
Write a recommendation on which option you recommend, including in the capital budget, and provide a detailed explanation of why you recommend this option.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option, including political considerations.
Identify short- and long-term cost considerations for both options.
Use the OSCOLA method for referencing your work:
What are the facts?
What are the main issues?
What were the arguments of the plaintiff and the defendant at trial?
How did the trial judge formulate the issues for determination?
What were the findings of the trial judge?
What were the arguments on appeal?
What was the decision of McCloskey LJ? How did he arrive at that decision?
Those are the questions to be considered for the essay
Links here are to help you compile this to a good standard
Consider the following questions:
How do the articles complement each other? How do the arguments differ? Do the articles contradict each other?
Add your thoughts regarding the readings, space permitting (i.e., prioritize comparing and contrasting the articles over your reflection)
Were you convinced by the authors’ arguments? Are there any gaps in logic? Does the article remind you of recent events?
Were you confused by the content?
Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Provide appropriately reasoned and structured advice on employment law topics
Select and apply a range of relevant primary and secondary source material to support the provision of advice
Successfully select and apply concepts, principles and knowledge to devise, sustain and structure an argument in relation to employment law
Analyse, synthesise and critically evaluate a wide range of resources including current research, academic publications and relevant and appropriate primary and secondary sources to support an argument
Coherently integrate reference to the operation of employment law in the wider social, political and economic context
Convey complex information clearly and concisely to a professional standard in good quality English using relevant terminology and accurate referencing
Critically discuss the use of administration as a corporate rescue procedure under the UK Insolvency Act 1986.