Analyze two of the legal mandates that workers and the U.S. government have accused Walmart of violating.Evaluate the efficiency of the structure of the ethical decision-making framework that Walmart has used in making its decisions.

Assignment 1: Ethics and Compliance Challenges

Write a 6 page paper (cover and reference page not included) in which you:

Examine the manner in which Walmart's business philosophy has impacted its perception of being unethical toward supply and employee stakeholders.

Provide one example of Walmart in an ethical situation.

Determine the major effects that Walmart's business philosophy has had on its human resource practices and policies.

Analyze two of the legal mandates that workers and the U.S. government have accused Walmart of violating.

Provide an explanation as to why these legal mandates were violated, citing specific violations.

Evaluate the efficiency of the structure of the ethical decision-making framework that Walmart has used in making its decisions.

Recommend two actions that Walmart's human resources department should take in order to improve the employees' perspectives of Walmart's human resources policies.
Provide a rationale for your recommendations.

Identify a pair of companies in the same (or similar) industry and compare their operations strategies.Discuss the long-term competitive strengths of each company and the role that operations play.

Quality and productivity management

Identify a pair of companies in the same (or similar) industry and compare their operations strategies. The paper will:

Assess the current strengths and weaknesses of each company.

Evaluate each company’s external environments (opportunities and threats)

Contrast the operations strategies of the two companies, and examine the role that the implementation of lean principles
might have played in defining these strategies.

Discuss the long-term competitive strengths of each company and the role that operations play.

Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.


Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.

For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.

Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.

For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your

Analyze the similarities and differences between the following disciplines (Project Management and Criminal Justice Management. Provide rationales and note why certain tools are utilized in one, both, or should be and provide rationales.


Analyze the similarities and differences between the following disciplines (Project Management and Criminal Justice Management. Provide rationales and note why certain tools are utilized in one, both, or should be and provide rationales. Report should be NOMORE THAN 250/275 words max.

Disciplines (document attached):
– Project Mangament
– Criminal Justice Management

Traits of Effective Leaders or Ineffective Leaders – Discuss the personalities and traits of your two leaders.

Five Models of Personality

Jack Ma Yun. Ma founder of Alibaba Group
Martin Winterkorn CEO Volkswagen
First part of the research project
The Five Models of Personality
Traits of Effective Leaders or Ineffective Leaders – Discuss the personalities and traits of your two leaders.
References – At least two references, one on leadership personalities and another on leadership traits.

Compare Situational Theory with the path-goal theory and discuss Individualized leadershipWhich style do you find most effective? Me – like both supportive, participative, Why? (b) Compare Situational Theory with the path-goal theory. What are the similarities and differences?

Compare Situational Theory with the path-goal theory and discuss Individualized leadership

Answer questions (a) and (b)The Path-Goal theory suggests four types of leader behaviors. (a) Which style do you find most effective? Me – like both supportive, participative, Why? (b) Compare Situational Theory with the path-goal theory. What are the similarities and differences?

Answer question (c) Individualized leadership (c) Does it make sense to you that a leader should develop an individualized relationship with each follower?

What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class?

Suggested questions for the Article Critique submissions Answer the following questions and write not more than a two-page critique for each of the articles that you select

1. Is the title appropriate? Yes/No

2. Is the article theoretical, empirical, or both? Theoretical/Empirical/Both/Practitioner oriented

3. Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item(s)

4. Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Clear/Unclear introduction

5. Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility? Highly significant/Somewhat significant/Not significant

6. List three important facts from the literature review that the author(s) use(s) to support the main idea(s) of their article. 1-, 2-, 3-, or lacks objective reasoning/uses biased or unreliable sources

7. Are there any propositions or hypotheses? Yes/No If so, how many? Number___________.

8. If yes, then are propositions or hypotheses logically derived from the theory or conceptual framework? All logically derived/Some logically derived/None logically derived/No propositions/hypotheses

9. Was the sample size sufficient? Yes/No/No sample size mentioned If not, then it should have been about ____.

10. Did the author(s) draw correct conclusions from the study/sample/analysis of their research intentions/hypotheses? Yes, all correct/Yes, some correct/No, all wrong/No hypotheses were tested/Not applicable

11. Was the discussion supported by appropriate statistical analysis? Based on statistics analysis/Purely conjectural/Not applicable

12. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the article. Free of bias and supported by reliable sources/Speculative reasoning/Biased use of sources/Promoting a perspective

13. What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class? 1-, 2-, 3-, or All-new information

14. Managerial implications of the findings? Yes, practical use(s)/Limited application(s)/Not actionable

15. Did the article make a significant contribution to sustainability and/or social responsibility literature/fields? Very significant/Somewhat significant/Not at all significant/Can not determine

16. Your opinion/analysis/critique. Open-ended presentation

After reading chapters 1 and 2, you should have in mind some of the downsides of globalization. In 1-2 pages, identify and briefly discuss what you feel are the downsides.

After reading chapters 1 and 2, you should have in mind some of the downsides of globalization. In 1-2 pages, identify and briefly discuss what you feel are the downsides.

Note that with all assignments this semester (unless otherwise stated), want you to single space between the lines of a paragraph and double space between paragraphs.