Why are Professional Organizations in general important to nursing as a profession?

Explore the history of nursing and choose two events/topics from history related to nursing (ie education, practices, important people, etc.) and explain each one in detail and why they are important to the nursing profession.

Research two professional nursing organizations and discuss the following for each organization chosen:

The name of the organization and why this organization is important to nursing

What resources do they provide to members

Cost of membership and how many members are part of the organization

Current issues the organization is working on

Finally, after researching this question answer in detail: Why are Professional Organizations in general important to nursing as a profession?

Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan.

Describe the characteristics and makeup of the group you selected. Include your rationale for why this behavior is a concern and include qualitative and/or quantitative data to support your choice.

Select a health-promotion intervention to change a health behavior of the identified group. This may be a health-promotion intervention that is currently being implemented, or something original that you propose. Clearly describe the intervention you would like to implement.

Describe the framework of the social marketing of this plan by using the following framework:

Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan.

Explain the evaluation process to determine whether the social marketing was successful. Make sure that you include what benchmark or percentage of participants would indicate success.


Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences?

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. This week we will reflect on the competencies required to be an APN.

Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice behavior expectations. In this week’s reflection discussion, choose at least 1 core competencies from the APN( nurse practitioners) role.

Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills?

Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences?

Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences?

Describe two characteristics of the at-risk population identified in part C.Describe how the policy proposal upholds two provisions from the ANA Code of Ethics. Include relevant source(s) as part of your response.

Discuss two differences in how an advanced professional nurse advocates for an at-risk population in the community versus how an advanced professional nurse advocates for an individual patient in the clinical practice setting. Include scholarly source(s) as part of your response.

Describe how the advanced professional nurse will apply two evidence-based strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration within an Advocacy Action Team (AAT). Include one scholarly source to support your description.

Analyze data that validates a health issue affecting an at-risk population in the county or state where you live or work. Include relevant source(s) as part of your response.

Describe two characteristics of the at-risk population identified in part C.

Analyze how a specific social determinant of health (SDOH) in the county or state is predisposing the at-risk population from part C to the health issue identified in part C.

Analyze how current policy is insufficient to address the SDOH identified in part E.

Provide a policy proposal to address the SDOH identified in part E. Include scholarly source(s) to support your policy proposal as part of your response.

Describe how the policy proposal could impact the health issue from part C.

Discuss how the policy proposal will address diversity in the population to ensure equitable distribution of resources.

Describe how the policy proposal upholds two provisions from the ANA Code of Ethics. Include relevant source(s) as part of your response.

Describe two actual or potential barriers in your county or state that impede the implementation of the policy proposal.

Provide the name and title of one policymaker with authority to move the policy proposal forward.

Provide the rationale for choosing the policymaker identified in part H.

Describe two strategies you will use as an advanced professional nurse to strengthen your professional practice as a policy advocate.

Explain why your proposed initiative presents a viable and beneficial economic opportunity for your organization.

Economic initiative in New Jersey

Explain why your proposed initiative presents a viable and beneficial economic opportunity for your organization.

Describe your proposed service line or economic initiative.

Explain why your proposal presents an economic opportunity at the micro level and macro level.

Explain how your proposed initiative will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.

Analyze the economic factors of supply and demand associated with your proposed initiative, within a context relevant to your organization or care setting.

What do economic and demographic data suggest is the supply and demand?

What additional information would improve your analysis?

Explain how relevant economic and environmental data support your proposed initiative.

How does the data illustrate a potential opportunity and the economic viability of your proposal?

Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.

Analyze the economic factors of supply and demand associated with a proposed initiative, within a context relevant to a particular organization or care setting.

Explain why a proposed initiative presents a viable and beneficial economic opportunity for an organization.

Discuss how the treatment impacts the disease proce.How should the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?

Acute bacterial meningitis

Disease process ( acute bacterial meningitis,)

Discuss how the treatment impacts the disease proce.

How does the information in this case inform the practice of a master’s prepared nurse?

How should the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?

What was the most important information presented in this case?

What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?

Discuss a patient safety issue that can be addressed for a patient with the condition presented in this case.

Explain care management of a child with leukemia—symptoms, chemotherapy side effects and management of symptoms.What are the side effects of chemotherapy on a child with leukemia?


1. Briefly describe the following:
• Sickle Cell Anemia
o Complications and management
• Aplastic anemia
• Iron deficiency anemia
• Hemophilia
• Immune thrombocytopenia
• Thalassemia major

2. Explain care management of a child with leukemia—symptoms, chemotherapy side effects and management of symptoms

3. What are the side effects of chemotherapy on a child with leukemia?

4. Describe care management for Osteogenic sarcoma

5. What are the signs and symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease?

6. Wilms tumor – Clinical manifestations and nursing care management

7. Discuss the causes and mechanism of edema formation in nephrotic syndrome

8. Discuss Idiopathic nephrosis, childhood nephrosis, and minimal-change nephrotic syndrome

9. Discuss the effect of decreased colloidal osmotic pressure in the capillaries of a child with nephrotic syndrome.

10. How does this impact the vascular hydrostatic and the pull of the colloidal osmotic pressure?

a. Relate this information to cause of fluid accumulating in the interstitial spaces (edema) and body cavities, particularly in the abdominal cavity (ascites).

11. Compare clinical manifestations therapeutic management of a child with nephrotic syndrome and acute glomerulonephritis.

a. What are the similarities and differences in manifestations?

12. Discuss the reasons for proteinuria, edema and ascites as seen in a child with minimal change nephrotic syndrome

13. List the signs and symptoms of acute renal failure compared to chronic renal failure.

14. Identify the primary nursing intervention in an unconscious child.

15. Differentiate between concussion and contusion

16. Discuss nursing care intervention of a child experiencing seizure

17. Discuss the manifestations of viral and bacterial meningitis and preventions.

18. What is Reye’s syndrome? What are the clinical manifestations preventive strategies?

19. Differentiate between types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Discuss complications, preventions, patient educations and self-care management appropriate to a child’s developmental level.

20. Differentiate between hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic reaction.

Discuss treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis

21. Discuss post-operative care of a child with neural tube defect.

22. What is a fracture? Discuss the care interventions of a child in a cast

23. Discuss patient education for a child being discharged in a full cast.

24. Describe skin and skeletal fraction

25. What is compartment syndrome?

26. Discus treatment options for congenital hip dysplasia and talipes equinovarus

Compare and contrast it with the article – Weighing up and balancing out : a meta- synthesis of barriers to antenatal care for marginalized women in high-income countries.


A brief summary on the article – A Systematic Review of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Interventions for the Management of Cancer-Related Fatigue

Compare and contrast it with the article – Weighing up and balancing out : a meta- synthesis of barriers to antenatal care for marginalized women in high-income countries

Explain which goals you accomplished and which you did not. If you did not achieve a particular goal, explain how you could continue to work on it, perhaps in your next practicum experience.

Reassessment of Strengths and Opportunities
Assignment (2 page)

Perform a new self-assessment. Rate yourself on clinical skills, based on your experiences during this practicum. Summarize the results.

Explain which goals you accomplished and which you did not. If you did not achieve a particular goal, explain how you could continue to work on it, perhaps in your next practicum experience.

How the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Non-Payment Policy impacts provisions for providing cost-effective care:Discuss?

Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections

Hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) affect a healthcare organizations’ economy (bottom line). Choose a HAC and discuss the following:

the selected HAC

economic effects of the HAC supported by data

How the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Non-Payment Policy impacts provisions for providing cost-effective care:Discuss?

an evidence-based policy that supports the reduction of HAC and how the APRN can promote it.