What are some examples of fast food restaurants that have health-conscious alternatives for Max?How might environment impact his food choices and physical activity levels?

Worksheet: 5 Key Recommendations for a Healthy Lifestyle

Assignment Overview

For this assignment, you will create a nutritional plan for Max who wishes to lose weight and add exercise to his schedule.

This assignment is intended to introduce basic nutritional principles such as energy requirements, sources, and uses.

You will also differentiate between macronutrient and micronutrient concepts and describe their physiological functioning, while applying human nutritional theories and relevant research to create a patient’s nutritional plan.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.

 Complete the following:

review Max’s Information on page 2.

 Create a nutritional plan for Max using https://www.myplate.gov/myplate-plan. In approximately 125 words, answer the following questions on page 3 in paragraph form:

Would the MyPlate method be a practical approach for Max?

What information did you enter into the MyPlate tool in order to create Max’s MyPlate Plan?

How might environment impact his food choices and physical activity levels?

Think about Max’s individual needs:

Food patterns vary with needs, tastes, habits, living situations, energy needs

What are some examples of fast food restaurants that have health-conscious alternatives for Max?

Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, how could you incorporate the 5 key recommendations into a healthy life style plan for Max?

Submit the Week 1 Assignment.

Include the proper file naming convention: SCI115_wk1_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy.

In at least 500 words, answer the following questions: Should Ronald McDonald be banned?

In at least 500 words, answer the following questions:

The fast food industry spends billions of dollars each year in advertising. Convenience food manufactures and fast food restaurants try to sell as much food as they can. They use a number of marketing tactics including advertising aimed at children, pricing structures aimed at getting people to purchase food they don’t need (a good example is super sizing, the increase in portion sizes for just a small increase in price), and advertising aimed at subconscious urges and desires (like the desire to be cool and with the “in crowd”).

Should these advertising practices be prohibited or limited in some way through government regulation?

Does your answer change for advertising geared toward children?

Should Ronald McDonald be banned?

Do you think the fast food industry should be taxed to help pay for the high cost of health care problems associated with its product?

Explain the role of each macronutrient and provide the recommended dietary allowances for each.Provide a brief description of the three macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

carbohydrate, protein, and fat

Provide a brief description of the three macronutrients:

Carbohydrate, protein, and fat.Explain the role of each macronutrient and provide the recommended dietary allowances for each.

What do you think of your eating habits. Is it well-balanced? Do you eat too much or too little of some things?


– In the personal statement at the beginning of the report am looking for “What do you think of your eating habits. Is it well-balanced?

Do you eat too much or too little of some things?”2
– After 7 days you should be able to generate a report showing the average of those days
– Do the math and complete the sections on carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, exercise, etc.
– You can ignore the three-day nutrient tracking since you should have a 7-day average
– Finally, and most important for your grade is the summary of findings. What did you learn about yourself? Were you pleasantly surprised? If not, what might you do to improve your eating habits?