What is interdisciplinary and why is it important in the social sciences? How might anthropologists think about a smart phone and its impact on modern society?

Quiz 1

Returning to the readings of Week 2, use these resources to complete this week’s quiz. respond to the following questions:
(1) What is interdisciplinary and why is it important in the social sciences? (4 points)
Respond to 2 of the following 4 questions: (3 points each)

2. (2) How might anthropologists think about a smart phone and its impact on modern society?

3. (3)Gerontologists are concerned that there may be a digital divide between older adults and younger people. Why do you think such a divide might exist? Suggest at least one way in which the gap might be narrowed.

4. (4) How has technology advanced the work of Psychologists?

5. (5)According to a sociologist, how might Technology change how social groups function and what are some possible consequences of these changes?
This quiz must be in APA formatting including the use of in-text citations and a reference list.

What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?

you have the task of analyzing a case study entitled, Louisiana and Vision 2020.

Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings.

Refer to the Guide to a Successful Case Study Analysis (see slides above) for additional guidance.

Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings – and this is not an easy task.

Be sure to include the following personal reflections about the readings elements in your assignment:

Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding this week’s course readings.

Explain why the case is noteworthy.

Explain how it pertains to the assigned readings (i.e., complements, contradicts, extends the readings).

Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.

Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered in the class thus far and explain their relevance to you.

As you complete your analysis, keep the following questions in mind:

How might you coordinate such efforts across agencies, industries, and sectors? What state agencies might be tasked with implementing the workforce-training benchmarks?

What roles might secondary and post secondary education have in advancing toward the workforce-training benchmarks? How might community and Technical colleges contribute to achieving these benchmarks?

What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?

A summary of the readings
A detailed description of the case
Any editorials
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

use APA 7th edition

What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future? What types of materials will you purchase for the collection? Books? Periodicals? Microforms? Maps? Family Genealogies?

Write a Policy Manual (what services will be provided, when, and to whom) to outline your library’s response to the questions below (A-J).Choose the best example of a Website for a genealogical collection: the one you would most like to emulate in your library situation.The manual will include 10 policies covering the points (A-J) below.

What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future?

What types of materials will you purchase for the collection? Books? Periodicals? Microforms? Maps? Family Genealogies?

Will you maintain vertical files of family and local history information? What materials will you not purchase? Will you welcome donations to the collection? What types of materials and under what circumstances? What materials will circulate? What materials will not? Will you borrow materials from other libraries that your library does not own? Will you lend your materials to other libraries? What reference services will you offer? Will you answer questions via U.S. mail, e-mail, Web site, telephone, or just in person? Will you charge for answering questions?Will you charge for photocopies of materials requested by patrons?Will you provide handouts and guides to genealogists, both beginners and advanced researchers?Will you provide genealogical data forms? Where will you get them? Will you refer patrons to other organizations with genealogical sources for use by the general public?Local organizations? National organizations?What equipment will you provide for users of the collection: Photocopiers? Microfilm/microfiche reader/printers? Photographic services? Will users be required to sign in? Will you have closed or open stacks or a combination of the two?What other measures will you impose to protect rare and/or valuable materials? Will you refer patrons to professional genealogists in your area who do research for a fee? What genealogical software programs are available?Which ones would you like to have available to the patrons of your genealogical collection?


What lingering questions do you have about the movie and its relation to politics?

For this assignment you should read CH7 and the Conclusion from the textbook (pages 183-226) and the movie from the text Spotlight

What is your initial reflection/response to the movie?

(what would you tweet or talk to your friend about when you are walking out of the theater?)

How does the movie fit with the chapter from the textbook? Is it clear? Explain.

Reflect more broadly on what you learned about in the movie (Political themes).

What lingering questions do you have about the movie and its relation to politics?

What follow-up reading/research did you do after the movie to answer your questions? Cite what you found – explain.

Do the exercise from the book at the end of the chapter for the module.


What experience have you had interacting with people who are different from you in terms of culture, religion, gender, age, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, etc.?


1. What experience have you had interacting with people who are different from you in terms of culture, religion, gender, age, Socioeconomic status, disability, sexual Orientation, etc.?

You don’t have to reflect on each area mentioned, but think generally about your experience working with people who differ from you in any way.

2. How have your experiences impacted you in either positive or negative ways?

3. Identify any areas of potential bias that you may have in working with clients from different backgrounds.

Are there any groups or diversity issues that you may have difficulty working with?

What populations might you struggle to work with? Why?

What biases do you hold that could impact your work with clients?