Analyze the operational art and design concepts and describe how a Sergeant Major (SGM) can assist staff in developing plans and orders through the application of operational art and operational design focusing on the end, ways and means in conjunction with Joint Planning Process (JPP).

Military Operational Art and Design

Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in J300; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, analyze the operational art and design concepts and describe how a Sergeant Major (SGM) can assist staff in developing plans and orders through the application of operational art and operational design focusing on the end, ways and means in conjunction with Joint Planning Process (JPP).


What does this disposition mean to you? What behaviors and attitudes to you have that demonstrate this trait?

Reflection DropBox: Dispositions Self-Reflection

Select one trait or disposition that you feel you have and describe how you meet this trait.

What does this disposition mean to you? What behaviors and attitudes to you have that demonstrate this trait?
Select one trait or disposition that you feel you need to develop.

What does this disposition mean to you? What is this trait and what can you do to develop in this area.

What is the author’s purpose? (What are they trying to accomplish? Change minds? Change behavior? Etc.) How did you figure out who the audience was (what rhetorical elements did you use? Ex. Style, where it was published, how the argument was directed etc)

What is the author’s purpose? (What are they trying to accomplish? Change
minds? Change behavior? Etc.)

Who is the intended audience (be specific)

How did you figure out who the audience was (what rhetorical elements did
you use? Ex. Style, where it was published, how the argument was directed
Did you pick one or more of the following?

How and why the text makes you think differently as you compare it with your
own experience

How and why the text confirms ideas you’ve already thought about or

How and why the text may teach you something you hope to apply in the

How and why the text may make you question preconceived notions about the
topic because your own experiences differ

In the Rice MBA classroom, you will encounter a diverse a. incl.. environment. what will you bang to the classroom that is uniquely you?

Rice is a commun4 of cudous thinkers, passionate dreamers a. energetic doers who believe that improving the world demands more than bold thought a. brave action. It takes unconventional wisdom. what does unconventional wisdom mean to you,

In the Rice MBA classroom, you will encounter a diverse a. incl.. environment. what will you bang to the classroom that is uniquely you?

Discuss how your values fit with social work values, for example, what are the similarities? Are there values that are different than your own? If so, how will you rectify those in a professional manner?

Explain and discuss your personal values, as well as who and/or what you feel influenced you the most in forming your values. In addition, identify the values that lead you to pursue a career in social work.

Discuss how your values fit with social work values, for example, what are the similarities? Are there values that are different than your own? If so, how will you rectify those in a professional manner?

Explain how you feel your values and the profession’s values will influence your role as a social worker. Include in your discussion the six core values and principles of social work.

Discuss the client(s) that you feel may be problematic or difficult for you to work with and explain why. How do you think your values would affect your work with them? How might you resolve this dilemma?

Read the NASW Code of Ethics and discuss it briefly in this section of the essay. Your discussion should first address the Overview section of the Code and the Purpose section (What is the Code and what is its purpose in social work?). Then select one Ethical Principle or Ethical Standard, discuss it briefly and how you would apply it in your professional work as a social worker with clients.

Social workers are expected to abide by the NASW Code of Ethics, which governs their relationships with clients. One of the guiding principles of this code is the dignity and worth of each individual. Based upon your understanding of this concept, describe how you would use it in social work practice.

What is the impact of the media in modern politics? Would society be better if the media only focused on policy and not the more private aspects of politicians’ lives? Why or why not?

What is the impact of the media in modern politics?

Do Americans truly care about the information shared? Prior to the technological explosion with media (social media, internet, 24hr TV news stations), many ‘scandalous’ events occurred, but they were not published or covered.

Would society be better if the media only focused on policy and not the more private aspects of politicians’ lives? Why or why not?

You must answer the following questions: how can you, as a “regular” person, stop the perpetuation of false information? Do you have a personal and/or social responsibility to try and only give out/share facts?

Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each).

In a Word document, provide short answers to the statements below. Refer to the “Cultural Considerations Resource” for help in completing this assignment.

Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each).

Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented)

Discuss the cultural issues and trends that specifically apply to each of the following regional population groups of the United States (100-150 words each):

The Hmong in California
Cuban Americans in Florida
Hispanic Americans in the Southwest
Kurdish Americans in Tennessee