Why USC?
Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically.feel free to address your first and second major choice selections.
Why USC?
Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically.feel free to address your first and second major choice selections.
Part 1: Fake News (due by midnight on Thursday)
Find an article or video online that you believe to be fake news. Explain why it is fake news. Then imagine that you are having coffee/breakfast/dinner or other visit with a friend, and your friend tells you about hearing this exact news. Your friend believes it is real
Write out what you would tell your friend to help him/her understand fake news and the potentially dangerous consequences.
For your Part 1 Response to Others (due Sunday at Midnight), comment on a minimum of one student’s assertion that the article or video is fake news. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Share other recommendations that the student might say to his or her friend.
Research question:
Does an individual’s social media use cause them to be more or less dishonest?
Hypothesis: . hypothesize that people with high social media use will have more dishonesty than those with lower social media use.
Attached is the reference sheet. use only there references for the hw7 doc.
Are people lying more since the rise of social media and smartphones?.
How Honest Are People on Social Media?. ).
How unethical behaviour spreads through a company’s social network.
Write a British or Celtic creation story, that is original. The story can apply to British mythology, Celtic mythology, or be a combination for both.
Research question:
How do the 5-factor model of personality affect college
student? but you can change the question but it have to be talking about the personality
Investigate the available mediums in test sophistication, coaching, and educational programs for ACT AND SAT EXAMS Research local companies and institutions, test registration materials, books/CD-ROMS, online sites discuss the type of program or material, its cost, research on effectiveness, and personal opinion on the quality of program or material with scholarly support.
What, in your judgment, are the common elements of a spending/credit addiction? Define the issue and make several comments on treatment options.
Name and describe three causative factors in the development of eating disorders. Address the question of why young girls are disproportionately affected by these illnesses, as compared to the general population and young boys.
The authors state on page 335 that “We are all vulnerable.” Do you agree? Are we all potentially at risk for suicide? Give your answer in two or three paragraphs.
How would you respond to a suicidal person who asks you, “If kill myself will I go to hell?” What are some risks involved for you as a counselor?
Respond to the authors’ comments in the sections, “Suicide Assessment” and “Suicide Intervention” (pp. 346ff). What do you find helpful in each section?
Describe an approach to helping a grieving person. Include ways to assess v and then to treat grieving people.
Pick a figure in Psychology , discuss their contrbutions to psychology, in this case classical conditioning, the terminology or concepts they introduced, important experiments they ran.
Explain classical conditioning, what it entails, discuss different research that has been done and by whom
“Psychology was established as an empirical science in the 19th century”. Discuss the contribution behaviourism made to the emergence of the modern discipline of Psychology.
Does Ginkgo Biloba improve memory function? Should be narrowed down to a specific age group and type of memeory function. For example: Does Ginkgo Biloba prevent dementia in those over the age of 75?
2200-2500 words – cannot exceed upper limit.