To what extent was the Grenfell Tower tragedy an act of social harm?Discuss.

Research and Reflective statement

To what extent was the Grenfell Tower tragedy an act of social harm?Discuss.

Question 2

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(1000 words) (25 marks) (LOs: 1-5)

Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate a sound understanding of research methodologies appropriate to interdisciplinary study.


What are the similarities and differences in the public’s sentiments towards the #MeToo related cases happened in America and China?

This essay relates to WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool.

What are the similarities and differences in the public’s sentiments towards the #MeToo related cases happened in America and China?

The allegations against Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment in October 2017

The allegations against Zhu Jun (a famous host in China)’s sexual harassment in July 2018

What are the similarities and differences in the leading topics emerging in these two cases?

Analyse the contribution of economic, political, cultural and issues to mental distress and the impact of stigma and discrimination.

Mental distress, recovery, resilience and wellbeing

01 – a) Demonstrate a critical understanding of key theoretical approaches, relevant legislation and policy that underpin effective work with those experiencing distress and their supporters; b) understand the contribution of personal recovery, resilience and wellbeing to mental distress; c) analyse the contribution of economic, political, cultural and issues to mental distress and the impact of stigma and discrimination.

02 – Assess social situations, taking into account a variety of factors (including the views of users, theoretical concepts, research evidence, legislation and organisational policies and procedures)

03 – Demonstrate an appreciation of the application of theory/research to practice in context of mental distress and the provision of services involving children, young people and families.

How does a short-term employment contract impact employee productivity?Discuss

The impact of length of contract on employee productivity
Research Question

How does a short-term employment contract impact employee productivity?Discuss

Examine ways the length of the contract influences employee commitment and performance.

Critically examine how the length of contracts impacts employees in organisations.


“How Many Hours Children Use Facebook:Discuss?(This research paper will just be describing facts. This is not a good topic.) b. “The Connection between Social Media and Depression” (This research paper will describe how social media use can contribute to depression. This is a good topic.)

“How Many Hours Children Use Facebook:Discuss?(This research paper will just be describing facts. This is not a good topic.) b. “The Connection between Social Media and Depression” (This research paper will describe how social media use can contribute to depression. This is a good topic.)

 Discuss the importance of equality in communication in the client/professional relationship

professional commutations

How is multi agency working  support the service user identified in the case study

Each member of the group will need to research the role of a social work professional and discuss how they could support the service user

Why is communication is vital when supporting service users:Discuss?

Discuss the importance of equality in communication in the client/professional relationship

What are the challenges faced by the social workers when working in schools for child protection?

Research Question

What are the challenges faced by the social workers when working in schools for child protection?

Identify the challenges faced by the social workers when working collaboratively with the teachers in protecting the child

Analyse the good practices by the social workers to protect the child from abuse and neglect

Critically explore how at least one theoretical perspective studied on this module can contribute to our understanding of a social problem, issue or debate taken from your own subject-specific programme of study.

Critically explore how at least one theoretical perspective studied on this module can contribute to our understanding of a social problem, issue or debate taken from your own subject-specific programme of study.