Critically discuss the relationship between public attitudes to young people and the development of youth justice policy. Use recent examples from England and Wales to illustrate your argument.

Critically discuss the relationship between public attitudes to young people and the development of youth justice policy. Use recent examples from England and Wales to illustrate your argument.

Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote: “The current [prison] crisis has been relentlessly tied to the budget cuts. While the cuts have intensified the crisis, they are not its cause”.

Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote: “The current [prison] crisis has been relentlessly tied to the budget cuts. While the cuts have intensified the crisis, they are not its cause”.

Demonstrate an appreciation of the application of theory/research to practice in context of mental distress and the provision of services involving children, young people and families.

Mental distress, recovery, resilience and wellbeing

Demonstrate an appreciation of the application of theory/research to practice in context of mental distress and the provision of services involving children, young people and families.

What have you learned, e.g. about yourself, relationships with others, the social work task, organisational policies and procedures? Importance of building relationship with the family, access to services

Reflective writing

What was the context of this incident, e.g. previous involvement of yourself or other from this agency with this client/client group? Involvement of different services due to her complex needs.

What was the purpose and focus of your contact/intervention at this point? Support family with financial side, housing, respite break to give the family a break, get Emma to school, comply with medical advice.

What were your thoughts and feelings at the time of this incident? Emma may need support throughout her life. She is underdeveloped (may not grow, have kids on her own etc), parents mental health, the burden, the stress on family, care for the other children as well, financial impact.

What were the responses of other key individuals to this incident? If not known, what do you think these might have been? Speaking to consultants, she suffers from recurrent infections which means it will be difficult to do a transplant. Risk associated with having transplant etc.

What practice dilemmas were identified as a result of this incident? Parents non-compliance to send Emma to school as she is susceptible of contracting infection – she is on immunosuppressant. Housing issues

What are the values and ethical issues which are highlighted by this incident? my professional and personal values, recognising diversity, discrimination and oppression.

Are there implications for inter-disciplinary and/or inter-agency collaborations which you have identified as a result of this incident? Speaking with other professional such as school, consultants etc to incorporate the information the assessment.

What have you learned, e.g. about yourself, relationships with others, the social work task, organisational policies and procedures? Importance of building relationship with the family, access to services

What theory (or theories) has (or might have) helped develop your understanding about some aspect of this incident? Systems (how environmental factors influence on a person), attachment theory, impact on mental health, human development, emotional development.

What research has (or might have) helped develop your understanding about some aspect of this incident?

How might an understanding of the legislative, organisational and policy contexts explain some aspects associated with this incident?

What future learning needs have you identified as a result of this incident?

How might this be achieved? What were the outcomes of this incident for the various participants?

Are there ways in which this incident has led (or might lead to) changes in how you think, feel or act in particular situations?

What are your thoughts and feelings now about this incident?

 What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory?What are the policy implications of the theory and is this theory relevant in society currently.

Social Disorganization Theory and General Strain Theory

Who are the theorist(s) who founded the theory or research?

What are the primary tenants or elements of the theory?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory?

What are the policy implications of the theory and is this theory relevant in society currently.

What” about your paper topic. Why does it matter? Why is it significant? Why should anyone care about it? Write 3-5 sentences as a minimum defending your choice and then submit.

Defending my research paper topic

In this activity, imagine me standing over your shoulder and asking “So What” about your paper topic. Why does it matter? Why is it significant? Why should anyone care about it? Write 3-5 sentences as a minimum defending your choice and then submit.