Critically evaluate the complex interactions within multi agency working, reflecting on practice, and identifying areas for potential development

Safeguarding Children

Critically evaluate the complex interactions within multi agency working, reflecting on practice, and identifying areas for potential development

Demonstrate a critical understanding of your own values and attitudes and the importance of anti-discriminatory practice when making judgements and decisions in safeguarding





Provide a brief summation of who they are and how they contribute to the community. Are they met with conflict and aggressive hostility? Have they had documented success? What challenges do they face?

Social justice

Research and locate a person who is making a change either on a micro( individual Ex: grassroots) or Macro (large scale, Ex: government policy) towards reducing racial oppression and elevating Civil Liberties for the communities that are oppressed. Provide a brief summation of who they are and how they contribute to the community. Are they met with conflict and aggressive hostility? Have they had documented success? What challenges do they face?

“Esmeralda Simmons ” is the person.

Describe each of these, then explain what his typology tells about why some people engage in deviance (such as crime). Conclude with your ideas on what might be done in terms of public policy to reduce crime in light of Merton’s explanation for crime.Fully describe Ritzer’s argument regarding the McDonaldization of society. Is he right? Explain.

Social Theory-Merton and Ritzer

1) Fully describe Ritzer’s argument regarding the McDonaldization of society. Is he right? Explain.

2) Merton argued that there are several modes of individual adaptation. Describe each of these, then explain what his typology tells about why some people engage in deviance (such as crime). Conclude with your ideas on what might be done in terms of public policy to reduce crime in light of Merton’s explanation for crime. The solutions(s) should reflect Merton’s theory.

What are some of the problems with giving foreign aid to other countries?When government leaders commit war crimes and other atrocities against their people, why are they often not brought to justice at an international court?

Gender, Education, & Career Choice: Exploration Report: Creation Stage

When government leaders commit war crimes and other atrocities against their people, why are they often not brought to justice at an international court?

What are some of the problems with giving foreign aid to other countries?

What was Apartheid in South Africa, and how did it last so long?

What are the legacies of colonial epistemologies within legislation, prosecution and/or legal activism today in Homosexuality in one or more former British colonies.

What are the legacies of colonial epistemologies within legislation, prosecution and/or legal activism today in Homosexuality in one or more former British colonies.

How many pieces did the team have that needed to be put back together? Why do you think it is so difficult for us to reconstruct the Parthenon? Why did the Athenians use optical illusions and what is this device known as (used with the columns)? How does this help/hinder the overall look of the temple?

Secret of the Parthenon video essay

Watch the video above on the Secrets of the Parthenon. After reading the text on the Parthenon, how do you feel about the building now?

How many pieces did the team have that needed to be put back together? Why do you think it is so difficult for us to reconstruct the Parthenon? Why did the Athenians use optical illusions and what is this device known as (used with the columns)? How does this help/hinder the overall look of the temple?

What else did you learn from the video that you found fascinating and why?

Word Count: 300 words minimum

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities effectively make interpretations about trends in global public health issues from reliable sources of health data.

Global Public Health

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities effectively make interpretations about trends in global public health issues from reliable sources of health data.

How are marginalized groups in Italy affected by the food industry? What are their roles in the food industry? How does the food industry reinforce or reject stereotypes about these groups?

How are marginalized groups in Italy affected by the food industry?

Option 2:

How are marginalized groups in Italy affected by the food industry? What are their roles in the food industry? How does the food industry reinforce or reject stereotypes about these groups?

Describe briefly your network. What/who are the nodes? What do the edges represent? What type of a network is it (i.e. directed, undirected, …)? How did you collect the network data (i.e. is it from memory, if it is based on secondary data how did you collect these data …).

present and study a network that you will create yourself.

The network should have at least 10 nodes. There is no upper limit on the number of nodes.

The network should not be fully connected (that is, not all nodes should have ties with all other nodes). Otherwise, it will be a rather trivial network to study.

You should not include any personal data in presenting and analysing the network (that is, use pseudonyms or anonymous IDs for the nodes in the network, we don’t want to violate GDPR). If the network you study is freely available in the public domain (celebrities, fictional characters, sportspeople, firms, fictional characters…) you may use real names.

Any type of network discussed in class is allowed (directed, undirected, weighted, unweighted, bipartite, one-mode, signed, unsigned …)

Nodes in the network could be of any type (people, organisations, companies, book characters, …)

The network should be original, that is, it should not be a network studied previously by other scholars, or a network data of which is readily available.

Based on your network write a short (1,500 words) report. Your report should discuss at a minimum the items given below. You may comment on additional properties of your network once you cover all items below. You may write a single report discussing all items. You may also structure your report in four parts corresponding to the four groups of items below. Note that the interpretation of a particular network measure is as important as correctly calculating and reporting the measure. So, make sure to include an interpretation of the network measures you report.

A: Description of your network:

Describe briefly your network. What/who are the nodes? What do the edges represent? What type of a network is it (i.e. directed, undirected, …)? How did you collect the network data (i.e. is it from memory, if it is based on secondary data how did you collect these data …).

B: Characteristics of the network and the nodes:

What is the density and diameter in your network? Apply at least three measures of centrality to study the importance of the nodes in your network. Report the values of these centrality scores for the most central four or five nodes. Interpret these centrality measures. Based on these centrality scores who are the most important two or three nodes in your network and why? Comment on how centralized your network is.

C: Characteristics of groups of nodes:

Does your network have any cliques? Describe the k-cores of your network. Are there any structurally equivalent nodes in your network? Run a formal blockmodeling, comment on any nodes that look structurally equivalent to you and interpret the results of your blockmodeling.

D: Characteristics of the edges:

Study the transitivity of the network by reporting and interpreting the global and local clustering coefficients. If it is a directed network, also calculate and interpret the reciprocity of the network. If it is a signed network, comment on whether your network is structurally balanced.