Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession

Critical Analysis Portfolio

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession

Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining how issues of diversity affect modern societies in both personal and professional contexts

Recommend strategies for overcoming obstacles in diversity to meet personal and professional goals

Assess the challenges of overcoming issues in diversity through the incorporation of diverse perspectives and viewpoints informed by relevant literature and peer experiences

Discuss how these factors, such as Confucian culture, a century of foreign invasions and historical trauma, influence of the Russian communist revolution, Marxist-Leninist ideological totalism, and the May 4th Movement, contribute to the rise of communism in modern China?

Chinese History

1. Discuss how these factors, such as Confucian culture, a century of foreign invasions and historical trauma, influence of the Russian communist revolution, Marxist-Leninist ideological totalism, and the May 4th Movement, contribute to the rise of communism in modern China?

2. Chinese political development has demonstrated a pattern dominated by power, ideology, and organization. What are the nature and characteristics of power, ideology, and organization in traditional China (under imperial rule) and contemporary China (under the CCP rule)?

3. Since the late 1970s, some considerable changes have taken place in post-Mao China. Has the post-Mao regime moved away from communist state or continued to retain the hard core of ideas and institutions of communist state. In other words, is it change of regime or change within the regime?

4. What’s the “rule of law” vis “rule by law”? What legal changes have taken place in post-Mao China? To what extent such changes have affected the nature of the legal system? Has post-Mao China established “rule of law”? Why?


Critically analyse” Socialization group” within the context of working with “at risk” populations or marginalised communities. Consider the strengths and limitations of this type of group work with reference to key theoretical constructs and readings in this unit.


Students will refer to Toseland and Rivas CHAPTER 1, ‘Introduction’ (attached book below).

Critically analyse” Socialization group” within the context of working with “at risk” populations or marginalised communities. Consider the strengths and limitations of this type of group work with reference to key theoretical constructs and readings in this unit.

There should be 8 references in this assessment (APA 7th referencing).

WORD LIMIT: write 1000 words (not including references).


If you have any question, let me know.

Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm created a theory of character orientation, which included what he referred to as a ‘marketing personality’. This is an example of self-objectification – regarding the human as an object and instrument. Do you think that increased technological complexity makes people more or less likely to self-objectify? Why?

Peer Response

Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm created a theory of character orientation, which included what he referred to as a ‘marketing personality’. This is an example of self-objectification – regarding the human as an object and instrument. Do you think that increased technological complexity makes people more or less likely to self-objectify? Why?

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a “social problem” as defined within sociology?

Social problems

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a “social problem” as defined within sociology?

You should discuss the following points:

What is the shared undesirable condition faced by people who have this problem? What must they face that other people don’t have to?

Who are the people (the social group) who have this problem?By whom is the problem recognized as a problem? Are there others who deny that it is a problem?

Your submission should be a minimum of 700 words in length and should reflect consideration of course materials and previous lessons.

Write a critical review of literature (10 – 12 articles) on a chosen theme related to social work (The question will be stated below) Research question which the paper needs to be based around is:What is the effects of BAME children with mental health in the youth justice system?

Social work research question – Literature Review

Write a critical review of literature (10 – 12 articles) on a chosen theme related to social work (The question will be stated below)

Research question which the paper needs to be based around is;

The effects of BAME children with mental health in the youth justice system?

Length: 8000 words (not including abstract, references or appendices)

The Critical Literature Review must contain ( follow this structure):

Abstract (not part of the word count) maximum 100 words

Introduction (here you are encouraged to support your rationale for your literature review topic with references from other literature/research/scholarship)


Findings: Outline and analysis of key themes

Implications for social work – provide consideration of the relevance/implications of the findings to social work practice, including recommendations (include other

literature, research, scholarship sources to support your points)


Appendices (can include search table, article summaries, synthesis table and theme index)

Overall Criteria:

Demonstrate research writing abilities, reporting on literature and findings to produce a coherent and structured piece of work.

Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of planning and managing a critical literature review

Demonstrate links between research design, implementation and outputs, and evidence based social work practice.

Relevant and correct use of references

Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development”

Human Growth and Development

How human beings grow and change over their lives – emotionally, psychologically and intellectually; and

How social behaviour and experience can be understood through psychological and psychosocial theories, to the benefit of the practice of social and community practitioners, relational practitioners, and youth workers.

2500 words with citiations with the references.

The title of the essay is:

“Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development”