What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

You are asked to write an essay about the case study below. In your writing you need to show your ideas about the following:

Reflection on your own experience and practice, and how this would inform your work with the family in the case study.

The integration of any knowledge or theory that was, or could have been, used to inform practice.

Your understanding of the skills that social workers need to develop and use to meet the needs of the family and work with them in an effective way.

Your understanding of the social worker’s role in relation to this family, applying what you have learned from the module in an analytical way.

What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

Include one screenshot showing something that you think has helped you consider the issues in the case study, for example, a website or web page.

Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience

E-portfolio and SWOT analysis

This Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Brief. To succeed, you must address each part of the Assignment Brief and satisfy all the learning outcomes.

General Notes:

• Word counts given below are a guide – ensure to stay within the maximum word count i.e. 1500.

• Direct citations of not more than 1 sentence are not included in your word count – use your research wisely.

• Information in blue ink is only a guide to demonstrate one way of meeting the criteria of the assignment and remaining within the wordcount.

Learning Outcomes:

LO 1 Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within Business and Management discipline.

LO 2 Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feedforward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work.

LO 3 Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

LO 4 Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience

How does Al-Qaida use the internet to further its cause or survive amidst robust counterterrorism strategies?

Central Question

How can we best tackle the phenomena of terrorism?
Sub Questions How would a realistic counterterrorism theory impact terrorist organizations like Al-Qaida? How does Al-Qaida use the internet to further its cause or survive amidst robust counterterrorism strategies? How effective have the current counterterrorism strategies been in curbing terrorism?

Write the needs of a pitch accent class.Include a description of the class.Imply the cost is reasonable just like what a normal social studies class would need.

Japanese pitch accent and phonetics Proposal

Plan on submitting a proposal of why my school, “Metropolitan Community College” in Omaha Nebraska, needs to insert Japanese pitch accent/phonetics in their “Liberal Arts/Academic Transfer – Language Studies” program/curriculum.

If you need sources to help you argue the point, here are some sources think could be really useful. Dogen: ” ” AND Shigeto Kawahara 11 The phonology of Japanese accent: ” ” . The second one is a really tough read, but it provides an academic perspective with citations to back.

The first link is playlist of videos that explain the “why” it’s important. Just in case you need help getting the writer juices flowing, here’s a breakdown.

1. Write the needs of a pitch accent class.

2. Include a description of the class.

3. Imply the cost is reasonable just like what a normal social studies class would need.

4. Suggest that measuring the success of the program is already possible with current available staff, such as Tokyo native Midori Maruoka (Japanese language professor).

5. Anything and everything else you think you should put in. If you need more pages, contact me and update my order so that you can write as much as you want.

Describe the pre-testing strategy and the fieldwork monitoring procedure that you propose to implement. You may want to use one of the pre-testing techniques discussed in class to pre-test your questionnaire on a small purposive sample of colleagues or friends.

Essay/report describing the key survey features


(Read Assignment Details document)

(Include all the sources that have attached to the order. But you can more).

The assessment for this module is a piece of coursework. For this assignment, you are asked to design a survey and write a 2,700-word essay/report describing the key survey features. In the essay you are asked to:

1. Choose a substantive research question and describe your target population. Note that you will not be evaluated on the quality of your research question, and thus, in this exercise, you are NOT expected to conduct a literature review to define an interesting and unaddressed question.

For this section of the essay use this research question: Did the pandemic have an impact on university students’ mental health?

2. Conduct a review of existing national and international surveys, to identify whether they are a useful data source to answer your research question – you will refer to the data archives and websites of European Social Survey, Understanding Society The UK Household Longitudinal Study, Office for National Statistics.

You will need to describe your database search and your findings in the essay. You may discover that you can answer your research question using data from an existing survey; if so,report this finding, but, for the sake of this exercise, proceed with designing your own survey.

3. Describe and justify your sampling design.

4. Identify the data collection mode and justify your choice.

5. Describe and justify your contact strategy.

6. Design the questionnaire for data collection and include it in an appendix to your essay. Note: the questionnaire will not count towards the word limit. In the main body of your assignment, talk about how you designed your items and questionnaire, to demonstrate your understanding of good question and questionnaire design (or, if you use items from an existing survey, identify the survey and demonstrate your understanding by talking about why you chose that survey and those specific items).

7. Describe the pre-testing strategy and the fieldwork monitoring procedure that you propose to implement. You may want to use one of the pre-testing techniques discussed in class to pre-test your questionnaire on a small purposive sample of colleagues or friends.

8. Finally, describe which sources of error may arise from your design, in light of the Total Survey Error framework; also, discuss briefly how survey weights may be used to minimise some sources of survey error.

Throughout the essay, you will need to justify your choices with reference to the relevant methodological literature.

What are the differences between conventions and the statute and common law authorities?What would be the advantages and disadvantages of replacing conventions with statutory provisions?

Law LLB- public law portfolio

Public Law Portfolio 20_21 resit

Portfolio task 1

On a single line in the heading section of word place you

onto of a word (doc.x) file. Take one screenshot of one of your PebblePad content types that you have filled in (as explained in Canvas).

You can use any template on Canvas e.g. Ability, Achievement, Activity, Meeting, Structured reflection to create content that relates to this module in some way.

1 page only. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing.
Portfolio task 2

Provide 10 instances of feedback on the following students work relating to Peter the Plagiarist. (Further information and guidance on Canvas)
Student A: Peter the plagiarist

As during a lecture Peter was told the work he submitted was fully plagiarized and he was asked to leave the room and to not return to university until he was contacted by the Dean and later through a meeting he was expelled and told that he should not return to the university.
The needs to follow some steps before they can come up with a conclusion for exclusion of a student.

An investigation needs to take place as to the consequences of the student’s actions which has over led for the decision of an exclusion to be considered.

As regards to the university setting out an exclusion process, the procedure has to be fair and dean of the student needs to make sure they use the correct steps adhering to the university rules and regulations.
At  there is one regulation which the dean needs to look at which is the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. In this act it shows who in charge for the conduct of the affairs at .

This means that the person has an authority over handling an affair because they are in charge of managing the matter and they have the powers of leading. This act shows that the dean is in charge of collecting

the information and evidence to conclude as to or not exclude Peter.
As well as this the dean needs to look at the exclusion checklist. Within this checklist it has rules and regulations which the dean needs to follow before concluding an exclusion.

The advantage to the university for having this checklist is that it is a fair procedure for a student. Also, so that no one has been misled to a false accusation so that step by step are taken carefully.

The dean needs to make sure that Peter’s parents or guardian are also aware that he has plagiarized a student work from the previous year. As well as informing them about his action which has caused them to this point, they should also let them know about the hearing. Moreover, the dean should also make sure that the main information at the hearing is recorded for evidence and future purposes.

The university needs to make sure that the investigation and the hearing process takes place and should not conclude against Peter without taking accurate steps and measure before conducting the hearing.

2 pages maximum length. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing

Portfolio task 3

What issues are addressed by the following statutes and what makes them ‘constitutional’?
Act of Union with Ireland 1800

The Parliament Act 1911

The Public Order Act 1986

The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

The Human Rights Act 1998

2 pages maximum length. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing
Portfolio task 4
The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 provides, in section 1, that the Act does not adversely affect “the existing constitutional principle of the rule of law” or “the Lord Chancellor’s existing constitutional role in relation to that principle”.

This provision, the Attorney-General has suggested, illustrates the importance attached to the rule of law in the modern age, which is further reflected in the oath to be taken by Lord Chancellors under section 17(1) of the Act, to respect the rule of law and defend the independence of the judiciary.

But the Act does not define the existing constitutional principle of the rule of law

How would you define the constitutional principle of the Rule of Law?

2 pages maximum length. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing
Portfolio submission 5

1. What is meant by the term ‘constitutional convention’?

2. What are the differences between conventions and the statute and common law authorities?

3. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of replacing conventions with statutory provisions?

2 pages maximum length. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing.
Portfolio submission 6
1. Describe the operation of Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs)?
2. How effective is this as a mechanism for scrutiny?

1 page only. Use Ariel 12 point font. Standard margins. 1.5 line spacing.