Describe the Peer Cluster Theory and explain how this theory is different from “peer pressure.” How does this theory inform effective interventions with adolescence?

Youth Issues in Addiction

Write an informal essay. Describe the Peer Cluster Theory and explain how this theory is different from “peer pressure.” How does this theory inform effective interventions with adolescence? Format your writing in essay style.

Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?What are some positive consequences to knowing that implicit biases exist? What are some negative consequences?

Implicit Bias

Your job is to listen to the program, taking notes as you listen, and then answer the following questions:

What is your first impression or feelings about any of the episode that you heard? What stood out to you as interesting or important?
Consider the agents of socialization: family, peers, sports, religion, school, toys/games, the media. Choose 2 of those to discuss how implicit biases become a part of each of us. Do you think that we can un-learn or re-learn the messages that have created implicit biases? How?
Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?
What are some positive consequences to knowing that implicit biases exist? What are some negative consequences?

Your finished paper does not have to be written in formal essay format, but should be at least 500 words.

Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis.

Qualitative and quantitative methods

Discuss if and how your findings from your study and the analysis of these can contribute to answer the  statement.

Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis.

How did Muhammad Ali contribute to the 2016 Presidential election controversy on Muslim immigration? How would you connect his stance in 2016 with his stance in 1967, specifically in connection to how he understood his moral responsibility as a Muslim?

Address the following in this essay:

How did Muhammad Ali take huge personal risks when he refused to be conscripted for the war in Vietnam?

What reason’s did he give for refusing to be conscripted?

Why did Jackie Robinson oppose Ali’s stance?

How did public opinion about the Vietnam War change over the years, according to the sources? Did this show that Ali’s position had moral weight?

How did Muhammad Ali contribute to the 2016 Presidential election controversy on Muslim immigration? How would you connect his stance in 2016 with his stance in 1967, specifically in connection to how he understood his moral responsibility as a Muslim?

Do you agree or disagree that Ali’s religious beliefs were sufficient justification for his refusing to fight in Vietnam? Were his actions selfish or unselfish? Do you agree or disagree with Jackie Robinson’s position? Give reasons for your response.
Your essay should be a minimum of 750 words. Use at least one quote from each source.

How is peer pressure different in college than high school?Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the forms of entertainment you enjoy-how many of these are the result of truly independent choices verses the influence, at least to some degree, of peer pressure?

Think of the power of peer pressure while addressing the following questions:

How is peer pressure different in college than high school?

Was there more peer pressure or less peer pressure in high school?

Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the forms of entertainment you enjoy-how many of these are the result of truly independent choices verses the influence, at least to some degree, of peer pressure?

Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists. For example, how is the sociological imagination used in sociological research? Provide at least one example.

The sociological imagination is a significant departure from so-called common sense understandings.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper (500 to 825 words) in APA format focused on how sociological research applies key theoretical paradigms in understanding at least one important social problem. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper.

Your paper must address the following:

Provide direct reference to our reading material and define the sociological imagination.

Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists. For example, how is the sociological imagination used in sociological research? Provide at least one example.

After doing your own independent research, analyze an important issue in society from the sociological imagination perspective and contrast this with a non-sociological analysis.

Reference reading

What have you learned by completing this course and how will you use what you have learned to work at dismantling racism?”

Dismantling Racism

This is for a 6 week class called Dismantling Racism. It focuses on learning our implicit bias, how race is a social construct, educating ourselves on being a better ally and changing work place environment.

Clearly answer the question, “What have you learned by completing this course and how will you use what you have learned to work at dismantling racism?”

Reference by author’s last name and article page numbers at least three required articles from the class (full citations or a bibliography are not required). Please choose 3 out of the 4 sources uploaded to reference