Based on your research, what are some insights that biblical criticism provides into the meaning or significance of this passage?

In this paper, you will further explore the discipline of biblical criticism introduced in our class. For this paper, you will write on a scripture passage chosen from a list provided by the instructor.

You will be assigned a passage through a sign up process (Links to an external site.) which will take into account student preferences.

The purpose of the paper is for you to research and then report on scholarly views on your scriptural passage.

Your paper should answer the following questions about your scriptural passage:

Origins: As far as we know, who was the author of this text?

When was it written? For what purpose was it written, and what do we know about the social situation the author was writing in?

Sources: As far as we know, did this passage originate from sources older than the present book in which it is found?

What do we know about the editing process that led this passage to be included in the book in which it is found, in the place where it is found?

Based on your research, what are some insights that biblical criticism provides into the meaning or significance of this passage?

These insights can be gained from the close study of the words of the passage, a study of its form or genre, research into the social and historical context of the passage, etc. (This section should take up the majority of the paper)
For your research, you should draw on some of the scholarly yet accessible resources available in our library.

You should draw on at least three Bible commentaries available as e-books in our library catalog. More information on these commentaries is provided in a separate file download.

As you use these resources, keep in mind that you will need to look for both general information on the book in which your passage is found (for example, Exodus or Luke) as well as for more specific information on your specific passage.

Most commentaries will include general information on a book at the beginning of the essay and then analyze the book chapter by chapter.

Also keep in mind that some of these resources might not cover your passage exactly, so you may have to look at multiple sections to find the information you need.

You can watch a tutorial video downloadon how to do the research for your paper.

Your paper should be between 3 and 5 pages in length, 12 points in a standard font, double-spaced.

Your paper should have an introduction describing the relevance of your topic and a thesis statement summarizing the whole of your argument.

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that summarizes what the paragraph is about, and the paragraph should center on that topic.

The paragraphs of your paper should follow a logical order. You will be graded on these elements, as well as on spelling and grammar.

You are also expected to use parenthetical notes for any quotations or other references that you use, and have a works cited page. You should follow the MLA style of citations. Examples for the parenthetical citations and works cited page are listed below.

This short paper, like all assignments in this class, is meant to evaluate your progress in achieving certain goals of the class.

The relevant goals are to recognize the major questions and methods of theology, to acquire the skills necessary to critically read and interpret the Christian scriptures, and to develop one’s own writing and critical reasoning skills.

Therefore these form the basis for how your paper will be evaluated, as described in the

Citation Examples

Parenthetical Note

(Dietrich, 254)

(Note that here the number is the page where you find a specific piece of information used in your paper.)

Works Cited

(Note that here the page numbers in the middle are the entire page range for this essay.)

Define how you are choosing to control or scope your research. mention the generalizability of the study findings. Note that qualitative studies are not generalizable to the population.

Summer 1 2021 – Full-term Courses Home Announcements Modules Assignments Discussions Grades People Library NetTutor Office 365 Assignment 6b: Delimitation, Definition of Terms, Assumptions Sections Submission

Summer 1 2021 – Full-term Courses
Office 365
Assignment 6b: Delimitation, Definition of Terms, Assumptions Sections Submission
The end product for this module will be the Delimitation, Definition of Terms, Assumptions Sections of your Chapter 2.

Below are the definitions of each section.

Delimitations: Delimitations define how you are choosing to control or scope your research. mention the generalizability of the study findings. Note that qualitative studies are not generalizable to the population.

Definition of Terms: This section is only required if any operational terms or words are used in a unique way in this study. Any definitions must be supported with citations.

Assumptions: State any assumptions that you will be using as a basis for your study.

Due Saturday, Week Twelve

Write a Case Statement for the organization you evaluated in Forum Project 1 (in Unit 1 (order #606082)). Target 2-4 pages in length. Be sure to draw from the readings, videos, and booklet.

Write a Case Statement for the organization you evaluated in Forum Project 1 (in Unit 1 (order #606082)). Target 2-4 pages in length. Be sure to draw from the readings, videos, and booklet.

Note : Also the videos can help too to write the case statement. Video Key Components of a Case Statement is helpful

The Forum Projects will be assessed on thoroughness, clarity of insight, and appropriateness to organizational context.

So read all the material and write the case statement see examples think in the chapter.

Identify a partner non-profit to support. Using the tools from the reading (particularly Weinstein), class presentations, and “Create an Effective Fundraising Plan” booklet

Forum-major project part 1

Read the material and major project orientation video. After that
The “Forum Project” assignments throughout this class will build upon each other toward the Major Project (as introduced in item 1.0.1).

Identify a partner non-profit to support. Using the tools from the reading (particularly Weinstein), class presentations, and “Create an Effective Fundraising Plan” booklet (available here: ):

1) Identify the development team

2) Evaluate current fundraising

3) Identify organizational fundraising assets


The Forum Projects will be assessed on thoroughness, clarity of insight, and appropriateness to organizational context.
Note this is an individual project.

In the future will use u for the whole semester to complete this project
Also choose a really small non profit organization.