Describe the religious and political movements that helped inspire this particular form of exceptionalism, and the particular eschatological beliefs that informed its political theology?

Support for a Jewish Presence

From the colonial period on, many American Christians believed in the Providential importance of the Middle East as a place where Jews would soon be restored to their ancestral homeland. Many of these beliefs emerged from American ideas about their own ‘exceptionalism’ as a democratic and Christian people building a new Zion in America, a people likewise destined to assist Providence in restoring the Jews to the Holy Land.

Describe the religious and political movements that helped inspire this particular form of exceptionalism, and the particular eschatological beliefs that informed its political theology?

Finally, in terms of US foreign policy, what positive consequences resulted from these movements? Were there any negative consequences for the future?

What were some of the longer-term consequences of his policy recommendations or actions for America or states of the region? Are his policy decisions still relevant to USFP today, and if so, explain?

Ronald Regan, George Bush, Barack Obama and the Middle East

Answer the following prompts below in a single document in any order you chose. (Do not spend time telling me which president this was (1st, 16th, 22nd, etc.)
What policies, presidential initiatives, or actions did your president create or support in the Middle East region? Why and how were these important to USFP and
Americans generally.

What were some of the longer-term consequences of his policy recommendations or actions for America or states of the region? Are his policy decisions still relevant to USFP today, and if so, explain?

What did the US government learn about Power at this time?Did Faith play any role in its lessons, either Christian faith or Muslim faith as learned from their meeting with leaders like Abd-a-Rahman? [How religious were Adams and Jefferson?]

Impact of Barbary Wars

Ambassador Michael Oren writes: “Few events in the post-independence period of American History had a more transformational impact on America than the Barbary Wars.”

Using Oren’s own title template of Power, Faith, and Fantasy, how would you use these terms to describe some aspect of what the US government learned from its Barbary experience?

What did the US government learn about Power at this time?

Did Faith play any role in its lessons, either Christian faith or Muslim faith as learned from their meeting with leaders like Abd-a-Rahman? [How religious were Adams and Jefferson?]

In terms of Fantasy broadly understood, did Americans come away with any wrong ideas about their experience?

Finally, students often conclude that after Barbary, Americans no longer compromised their core principles by paying tribute to foreign governments in the Middle East (if not to governments anywhere).

Are there other ways in the future that we would learn to compromise American principles or pay tribute to leaders in the Middle East? What might a contemporary version of US tribute look like today?

What agency will be in charge of the response? What agency will be in charge of the investigation? Consider something like this occurring in your town.

Discuss the implications for local emergency managers and response organizations from the jurisdictions that will be included in the response and investigation.

Where does the National Incident Management System, Incident Command System, unified command, and the National Response Framework come into play here?

What agency will be in charge of the response? What agency will be in charge of the investigation? Consider something like this occurring in your town.

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. Pick atleast two of the discussion points below in the same context and discuss as well.

Leadership and the self

Leadership and collaboration within socially innovative organisations

Leading and coordinating stakeholders across organisation

Critical approaches to leadership  use only peer reviewed sources.

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. Pick atleast two of the discussion points below in the same context and discuss as well.

Leadership and the self
Leadership and collaboration within socially innovative organisations
Leading and coordinating stakeholders across organisation
Critical approaches to leadership

Use only peer reviewed sources.

Were some international actors or people more culpable than others? Did the media play a role here as an early warning system, or worse, as an aid to the killing?

Ghosts of Rwanda

How and why did it happen?
With so much talk of “Never Again” as well as human rights law criminalizing genocide, how and why did so many good, responsible people, states, and institutions agree to do nothing in the face of mass murder? Does the criminalization of genocide actually matter, or does it create more complication than it resolves?

Were some international actors or people more culpable than others?

Did the media play a role here as an early warning system, or worse, as an aid to the killing?

Does the current international norm known as R2P (the Right to Protect) seem a robust deterrent likely to change the desirability of states for military-based humanitarian intervention?

More recently, Yale Holocaust historian Tim Snyder has attempted to explain how so many civilians became complicit in helping Nazis commit mass murder in Eastern Europe. Massive numbers of civilians have been killed in Darfur (beginning in 2003, also referred to as genocide) and the Syrian civil war, with little robust willingness on the part of developed nations to militarily intervene—is there a pattern of conditions or behaviors here that triggers a ‘bystander’ policy for states and international institutions?

Finally, why do you think Christian Churches, statesmen, and NGOs were not particularly different than others in their response to the Rawanda crisis? The Jewish and Christian faith traditions have traditionally asked, “Am my brother’s keeper?”, a rhetorical question signaling our moral responsibility to safeguard the lives of humans as humans. But in cases like these it needs to be asked—why has the organized Church been slow to mobilize? Apart from humanitarian aid assistance, did they mobilize for Darfur and Syria?

What must happen before the HazMat Battalion Chief assumes the Incident Commander role?To Maintain span of control as the incident expands, the Incident Commander establishes an Operations Section. What is the title of the person in charge of the Operations Section? What is the role of the Operations Section in this scenario?

Basic incident command center EOC . in short answers 3 to 5 sentences answer each scenario question?

1. A store employee at a small shopping mall discovers a package leaking a noxious smelling chemical in a storage room. No one is sure how long the box has been there, or how long it has been leaking. Employees and customers are beginning to complain about feeling lightheaded and nauseous.

The business owner calls 911. In the meantime, the mall security manager arrives to see why people are rushing out of the store. The security manager establishes the initial ICS organization.

In this ICS organization, the mall security manager has assumed which role? What actions would you take in that role? How would you secure the scene, manage illness, and control risks?

2. A Battalion Chief and hazmat team arrive at the scene. In addition, a law enforcement patrol car with one officer has arrived to help with perimeter control.
What must happen before the HazMat Battalion Chief assumes the Incident Commander role?

3. To Maintain span of control as the incident expands, the Incident Commander establishes an Operations Section.
What is the title of the person in charge of the Operations Section? What is the role of the Operations Section in this scenario?

4. After the first hour, the Incident Commander establishes a second Section that will develop the Incident Action Plan and track the status of resources on the scene.
What is the correct title of this section?

5. In an interview, the business owner mentions that she has received threats from a recently terminated employee. The substance has yet to be identified. Given these circumstances, there is a need to find witnesses and locate people who may have come in contact with the package.

Interview areas have been set up in the mall parking lot. There are an increasing number of response personnel at the scene, creating the need for communications support along with other supplies.
Which section is responsible for providing these support resources? Beyond communications support, what other items or services may need to be provided?

6. Cleanup is complete, and the few exposed customers and staff have been located and are undergoing treatment. The operation is now shifting to an ongoing investigation of the disgruntled former employee.
Which resources would you demobilize and why?

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?

Drawing upon resource material provided and that discovered while conducting your own research, answer the following:

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise? State the topic.

Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users (customers) from the Federal government down to state and local agencies (both now and into the future)? State the topic.


Discuss the role of Digital Technology on Social Innovation in your own words and opinions. Discuss its importance in developing countries like India. (1000 words)

Social Innovation In India

Discuss the role of Digital Technology on Social Innovation in your own words and opinions. Discuss its importance in developing countries like India. (1000 words)

2. There is no one perspective that will provide a complete answer to all the issues connected to the study of social change. However, each provides a useful lens for thinking about particular social issues. Thinking about the same social issue through multiple lenses can be a very useful way of analysing it, understanding why it has evolved in a particular way, and developing possible interventions.

So in this activity we ask you to look at a social problem through the lens of each of our three perspectives: Functionalist perspective, conflict theories, interactionist theories.

These social Problems are Racism, LGBTQI discrimination, Violence against women, Lack of women leaders in the work place. Look at these social problems theough the three perspectives with India as a context. (4000 words, 1000 words per social problem)