Critically evaluate the complex legal and statutory frameworks that guide and govern midwifery practice. Supports rationale for decisions and links to the role of the midwife, considers the (potential) impact of continuity of carer.

Managing a caseload

Critically evaluate the complex legal and statutory frameworks that guide and govern midwifery practice. Supports rationale for decisions and links to the role of the midwife, considers the (potential) impact of continuity of carer.

Critically review approaches to risk assessment for low risk women and able to identify when appropriate referral may be required Rationale for decisions and background information to add context and understanding of scope of practise.

Critically review and reflect on their own practice, in the light of the available evidence and the outcomes of their care and identify appropriate actions to develop their knowledge. Action plan for personal learning and development.

Demonstrate the ability to apply the role and responsibilities of the midwife when delivering care to women during the pregnancy continuum, and solve challenges as appropriate. Supports rational for choice and analysis Link to the role of the midwife

Operate in a collaborative way in multidisciplinary decision-making, planning and implementation of midwifery care. Link to the role of the midwife

Critically review and reflect on their own practice, in the light of the available evidence and the outcomes of their care and identify appropriate actions to develop their knowledge. Action plan for personal learning and development

Demonstrate the principles of professional accountability with respect to the delivery of midwifery care; promoting, consent, advocacy and confidentiality as and when appropriate. Link to the role of the midwife as well as the woman who is the focus of the reflection

Effectively utilise a range of learning resources including information technology