Behaviour Change to Prevent Ill Health
Describe the role of the nurse in relation to behaviour change drawing on the information from section one.
Describe and discusses behaviour change models . Include pros and cons of each.
Discuss why it is important for nurses to understand behaviour change. Include the potential consequences on the individual, community and society.
Discuss what facilitates or inhibits behaviour change? Considers social determinants of health , health literacy, cycle of change)
Includes some relevant data / statistics to your points.
Considers community initiatives that help individuals to help themselves. i.e. Dadz
Relates information to government / local policy .
Considers the role of the nurse in promoting behaviour change. Considers
What strategies can be used by the nurse to tackle the issue, what skills may the nurse need for example
Individual/population focus
Brief intervention, motivational interviewing,
Communication, empathy, empowering, local knowledge
Advocate for service redesign
Nurses role as an educator including pros and cons
Consider any ethical considerations that the nurse needs to be aware of, from an individual or a larger perspective i.e. NMC
Analyse the evidence and theory underpinning the issues being discussed.