Applying Epidemiological Methods to an Intervention Study
What is the intervention?
Why is this evidence translatable?
Who is the target population?
What is the rationale this intervention would be the solution to the problem?
Identify the study design.
Discuss the theoretical framework for the study.
Explain the implementation strategy.
Explain how collaboration will play a role in the implementation of this study.
Explain what data will be collected.
Explain how the data will be analyzed.
Discuss the potential ethical issues that may impact the intervention.
Discuss the IRB process for the study.
What are the expected outcomes and impact? Is the problem decreased or eliminated?
What are the conclusions of this study in addressing this problem?
What are the strengths and limitations of this study?
Who will you share the findings with?
How will these findings be disseminated?
Contingency steps should the proposed intervention method for the identified problem fail.
What would you change in your intervention strategy?
Would you conduct more research?
Would you try the intervention strategy again?
Would you choose another intervention? Why?