Do you think it is fair to say that virtue ethics, as Tamar Gendler explains this moral theory, is a type of human programming and, if so, does this view challenge or undercut the idea of good human behavior as a matter of choice rather than response without thought? Explain.

Virtue essay

According to Sommers, what is the main problem today and what is her basic answer both in terms of content and scope? And then, from the lecture by Dr.

Gendler, explain how we can turn normative commitments into descriptive laws and what does it mean to do that, according to her explanation of Aristotle’s virtue ethics (video link)?

Do you think it is fair to say that virtue ethics, as Tamar Gendler explains this moral theory, is a type of human programming and, if so, does this view challenge or undercut the idea of good human behavior as a matter of choice rather than response without thought? Explain.

Do you think this approach of Professor Gendler to how virtue ethics becomes part of us goes along with Professor Sommers’ on what is needed in schools today or not? Explain. Finally, what part of Christina Sommers’ analysis and proposal you find convincing, if any, and what part of it, if any, do you find questionable?