Personality Profile for a disabled person
Assess how the disability is located for the individual (in an individual’s body? In structural
barriers? In an individual’s mind, IQ or behaviour? In lack of services? Some combination
of these or some other location?).
Clarify the barriers they faced and how their political, social and economic context may
have exacerbated these barriers – these could include inter alia, attitudes, educational, pro-
fessional/workforce related, leadership at the community, national or international levels,
communication, physical environment or other accessibility matters,
Explain the creative advocacy solutions the person’s life gave rise to (individually or along
with others) to create more inclusive and socially just communities nationally and/or inter-
nationally. Explain the turning point(s) that lead to the press for change or activism.
Discuss how this person’s life contributed to your understanding of disability, that is, any
new insights gained or existing views solidified. Remember, this is not a piece about inspi-
ration. It requires that you skillfully acknowledge and assess the contribution this person’s
life has made to the field of disability studies