Explain the roles and responsibilities of the lone worker in a home based setting in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.


Summarise current legislation and guidelines relating to:

The health and safety of children

The safeguarding, protection and welfare of children

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management

Explain the principles of safe supervision in the home based setting and off site

Describe procedures for:

Storage of medication

Administration of medication

Record keeping with regards to medication

Carry out a risk assessment of own home:


Summarise ways to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children in relation to:

Preparing formula feeds

Sterilization of feeding equipment

Preparation and storage of food

Safe disposal of waste

Care of pets

Explain procedures to follow in the event of:


Explain the terms:

Safeguarding and duty of care

Child protection

Summarise regulatory requirements for safeguarding children within a home based setting.

Explain the roles and responsibilities of the lone worker in a home based setting in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.

Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to:
Domestic abuse
Physical abuse

Emotional abuse

Sexual abuse

Describe actions to take if harm or abuse is suspected and/or disclosed

Explain the roles and responsibilities of the home based childcarer in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.

Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviours when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.

Discuss children’s well-being in relation to current frameworks

Plan to meet the needs of a child aged between 0 and 7 years in relation to:


Personal physical care needs

Rest and sleep provision

Personal hygiene routines

Plan to meet the needs of a child aged 7 years or older in relation to:


Personal physical care needs

Rest and sleep provision

Personal hygiene routines

Explain strategies to encourage healthy eating

Identify reasons for special dietary requirements

Identify typical partnerships established by a home based childcare.

Discuss benefits of working in partnership

Describe how partnerships with parents/carers are established and maintained.

Explain how working in partnership with parents/carers supports the home learning environment.

Explain the boundaries of confidentially.

Identify areas of learning and development in relation to current frameworks

Explain factors which influence children’s development

Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development

Describe key milestones in development for children from birth to 12 years in relation to:

Physical development

Social and emotional development

Cognitive development

Speech, language and communication development.

Explain how children’s learning is influenced by:

Positive relationships


Describe factors that influence children’s behaviour.

Outline strategies for managing children’s behaviour.

Identify the rights of children in relation to play as detailed in the “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Explain the innate drive for children to play

Discuss how play is necessary for the development of children.

Explain the benefits of balancing child-initiated and adult-led play activities

Identify how children’s play needs and preferences change in relation to their stage of development.

Discuss the need for an inclusive approach when planning play activities.

Explain what can be learned about children by observing them at play

Explain how observations are used:

To play for individual children’s needs

For early intervention

To review the environment

During transition

When working in partnership

Discuss how early intervention supports children’s development.

Explain how to work with others to plan next steps in relation to the needs and interests of children