How can these serve, as Kenneth Burke put it, as “equipment for living” (304) when, on any kind of linguistic, literal, expositional, or ref-erential level, they are not about any-one’s life? How can such texts impart or invoke values through nonlinguistic means?


How do homologies work in film to teach audiences values with rhetorical
effect?How, then, do films engage values?

What is the use of such a claim? Doesn’t the appro-priation of the form of religious prepara-tion and entrance into a temple help to validate airport security measures and to reinforce values of authority and sub-mission?

How can these serve, as Kenneth Burke put it, as “equipment
for living” (304) when, on any kind of linguistic, literal, expositional, or ref-erential level, they are not about any-one’s life? How can such texts impart or invoke values through nonlinguistic means?