The history of the problem (in other words, how did this become a social problem),
scope of the problem (just how big is it? How many people does it effect? Are there financial problems as a result or deaths?
How do YOU define this issue and why do you define it that way?)
How did this get to be problem? Is it man-made? Is it a natural event? When did people begin to be concerned about this?) scope
How big is this issue? What is the financial/social impact? What will happen if we don’t do something to help?)
why it matters to you
(Of all the social issues, you chose this one. Why?)
All social issues have multiple existing solutions, so what is currently being done to “fix” this one? Some solutions may be aimed at the entire problem, but others may be just partial solutions.)
evaluation of solutions
What is working effectively? What is not working? WHY are they working or not working?)
Does the author to try to establish a Connection with reader? Is it effective?
has the audience put limitations on the author (biases)?
Does the authors background limit the argument?
Does the author have values that limit him or her from hearing the other side?
Does the reader have values that limit him or her from hearing the other side?
M is for motivation
What prompted the writer to write this (motivation)
Author’s experience with this topic?
does the author have an ulterior motive?