How do the potential economic opportunities compare to the potential economic risks?How do ethics and equality factor into your proposed solutions?

Developing a Business Case

Analyze the potential economic opportunities and risks associated with your proposed initiative.

How do the potential opportunities benefit your organization or care setting?

How could potential risks pose a threat to the financial security of your organization or care setting?

How do the potential economic opportunities compare to the potential economic risks?

Propose ethical and culturally sensitive solutions that address the risks associated with your initiative to the future economic security of your organization or care setting.

Which risks are potentially the most significant for your organization or care setting?

How could you modify your proposed initiative to mitigate those risks?

How have other organizations and experts in the field dealt with similar risks?

How do ethics and equality factor into your proposed solutions?

Are your solutions unfairly burdening or disadvantaging any specific groups?

How will this proposal affect community health care delivery outcomes?

What makes this a great opportunity for economic growth?

What potential issues should be considered?

Analyze the economic costs and benefits of your proposed initiative over a five-year period.