How do the symbols you chose reflect your cultural and linguistic background? What other considerations did you make? Your response should be approx 1/2 a page (12 point font, double spaced).

Module 11 activity

Create a 3 X 4 communication board grid with symbols that represent the 12 words you have selected. Listed below are several options for creating a free communication board.

Visuals Engine (Links to an external site.) –

Visuals Engine

LessonPix (Links to an external site.)

Use the free version to create a customized board from LessonPix large symbol database (the free version has a watermark in the background – no worries). You can also sign up for a free trial.

Briefly describe and justify your selection of vocabulary words AND symbols. For example, did you pick core words, fringe vocabulary, or both, and why?

How do the symbols you chose reflect your cultural and linguistic background? What other considerations did you make? Your response should be approx 1/2 a page (12 point font, double spaced).