Identify the two highest priority problems for the patient and develop those problems into nursing diagnoses (Levett-Jones, T. 2018. Diagnosing. In A. Berman et al. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing.

Clinical Reasoning Cycle

Identify the two highest priority problems for the patient and develop those problems into nursing diagnoses (Levett-Jones, T. 2018. Diagnosing. In A. Berman et al. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing. 4th ed. Pearson: Melb. pp221 – 229. eBook in UTas Library).

“Develop, articulate and prioritise nursing diagnoses” has a suggested word count of 800. Most of this should be under “rationale” where you are expected to substantiate the rationale of the actions you’ve written with evidence-based research. The reflection is expected to be robust including writing against the relevant RN Standards for Practice (NMBA, 2016)

The Clinical Reasoning Cycle video on MyLO (Content > Assessment and resources > Assessment task 2), done by Michele Dowlman, will help you write this assessment.

Learning Outcome:

Criterion 1

Correctly interpret relevant pre-briefing diagnostic information

LO1 and LO2

Criterion 2

Use critical thinking to predict possible deterioration pathways

LO1 and LO2

Criterion 3

Analyse and rationalise priorities of care

LO1 and LO2

Criterion 4

Develop a management plan describing actions with rationales provided and goals.

LO1, LO2 and LO3

Criterion 5

Reflect on intraprofessional and interprofessional communication, critical thinking and clinical reasoning.

LO1 and LO5

Criterion 6

Adhere to presentation conventions: legibility, spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing.