Categorical Variables ET
To prepare:
Select two categorical variables from the data sets provided for the Scholar-Practitioner Project.
Consider why the researchers may have chosen to make them categorical variables and decide whether you would have made the same classification.
Write an evaluation of the two variables you selected. Include the following:
A brief description of the two categorical variables you selected from the database
An explanation of why you believe the variables were created as categorical variables instead of continuous variables
An explanation of whether you believe this is a correct classification for this study (provide a rationale)
Support your post with the Learning Resources and current literature. Use APA 7 formatting for your paper and to cite your resources.
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education. (n.d.). Opening, saving and merging data in SPSS.
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education. (2006). Teaching students quantitative methods using resources from the British Birth Cohorts.
UCLA. Learning SPSS.
See attached Hawaii dataset (Hawaii ss05HHI dataset) in zip folder [it includes the original excel file, spss file converted from excel, and the data dictionary]