What initial assessment and investigations would be required?Discuss his immediate management required using timeframes and referral to a national policy where appropriate.

Nursing the person with deteriorating health
Question 1.

Discuss the assessment tools that can be used to support that diagnosis? (10 marks). You have used NEWS 2 to demonstrate identification there are a lot of words used here. You have indicated the use of qSOFA but why is this different? track and trigger systems for sepsis. qSOFA septic bundle?

Explain the pathophysiology involved with sepsis. (10 marks) – This is a reasonable section but could have been more in-depth and more varied references. – Marks awarded 6 out of 10.

Discuss his immediate management required using timeframes and referral to a national policy where appropriate. (30 marks)

What concerns might you have and what precautions would you take? (10 marks) Again think you have missed the key points of Ash’s presentation either COVID or community-acquired pneumonia. The focus should have been on this and PCR and PPE. – Mark awarded – 3 out of 10.

What initial assessment and investigations would be required? (10 marks) You have used ABCDE in this section but not in a logical or full approach again you miss key issues there other investigations that may be relevant here to help with diagnosis and indications for management – Mark awarded – 2 out of 10.

Drawing on your knowledge of pathophysiology, relevant policy, and guidelines, what care and management would Ash require in the next 24 hours? (30 marks)


Identify the pros and cons of the ethical incident– or what the opponents or proponents have to say about the incident and why.Discuss the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and how those provisions relate to this case.

1. Find an article that discusses an ethical incident involving a nurse. The article must be about an RN. http://www.nursinglaw.com/

2. Identify the pros and cons of the ethical incident– or what the opponents or proponents have to say about the incident and why.

3. Apply the ABCDE model of the decision making process to the ethical issue.

4. Analyze the ethical incident using the four principles of ethical decision making (beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and autonomy). Figure out which of the four principles comes to bear as primary of the situation. Rank the order of the remaining 3 principles and explain your reasoning for the order. Present the analysis, evaluation, and explanation of each the principles and how they relate to the case.

5. Discuss the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and how those provisions relate to this case.

6. Find 2 Evidenced-based Practice articles that are relevant to the article and incorporate these in your presentation and be sure to cite your references.

7. Conclusion- what happened to the nurse in this incident.